
Unrequited love

Luhan sighed. Still unable to sleep, he took a glimpse of the clock. 4:32am, great. It was the start of a new school term, where he would be entering high school after graduating from middle school. Looking at his timetable a few days beforehand, he couldn't imagine how busy life would be in high school. In middle school he would be home around noon but now that he's in high school, it is almost impossible to get home before 5pm. He tossed and turned around his bed, nervous over the fact that he have to socialize with people, not only will he feel awkward, but he would naturally feel uneasy too. 

4:50am, he finally managed to sleep. 

"Luhan! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" "Mum, what time is it?" "6:30am, now hurry up before you get lectured on your first day!" 

Luhan reluctantly dragged himself into the bathroom and have a quick wash-up. He changed into his uniform and wore his blazer, looking good, he smiled at himself. He had a quick breakfast and left house, "Have fun in high school!" His mum shouted at the front door. He dashed past the street, and made it to his school on time, phew. The huge building in front of him towered over his small body, students could be seen walking in with their group of friends, while of course juniors like him would be alone. He walked past corridors trying to find his class but to no avail, he was still busy looking around till he bumped into someone and fell. 

"Ouch, oh god, are you alright? Sorry i didn't notice you in front of me." He quickly stood up and apologized, in fear of getting scolded by the tall person in front. Luhan's faced immediately filled with fear when he saw the other person's face, eyes piercing through Luhan, cold and distant. "Pfft" was all that he said as he walked away, not bothering about Luhan. "Is the school really filled with people as cold as him...." he started worrying. It's only the first day of school but the journey to the class is already extremely torturing. Luhan filled his mind with thoughts until the moment he reached class ..

"Welcome!" a male of about the same height as him squealed. 

"My name's baekhyun, I heard that a new student is here, so I decided to surprise you!" 

"Oh .. uhm .. thank you!" 

Luckily baekhyun is more a friendly type of person, the awkwardness between baekhyun and him began to clear. The teacher came in shortly after. 

"Alright Luhan, you may sit at the empty seat beside Sehun, Sehun, please take care of him well as he is a new student here." 

Luhan turned towards where the teacher was pointing and he froze on the spot, legs deep rooted into the ground. Seeing the pair of piercing eyes, fear began to take over his mind. 

How am I going to survive for the rest of the year..

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