Chapter 1

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It all began twenty years ago when a couple gave gifts as a form of showing their affection to each other on the same day every year. Now it had become a tradition in just their high school. On every 22nd of August, the students would present gifts to their friends, their teachers and their loved ones. In fact, those with a higher social status in the high school would often find quite inappropriate gifts from their nearly psychopathic 'fans'. Even teachers gave gifts to their students. This day was known as 'Jangmi Day', named after the girl from the couple twenty years ago, which also meant 'Rose Day'.

Hani frowned at the mini chocolate nougat tied to a rose on her desk. A note that was written with red ink was attached to it. It read:

Study hard, Park Hani!

-Mr. Lee

Hani let out a dissatisfied sigh. Year after year, she would receive a maximum of two gifts on Jangmi Day. One from her teacher, and one from Jungkook, whom she liked to refer to as her 'brother'. But she wasn't one to complain. It wasn't her fault that she didn't prefer the life of a social butterfly. Most people in the world might have a flattering personality on the outside, but they always had something that they wouldn't reveal. Hani had learned this well, thanks to her past. The only reason why she had always looked forward to this day is because it's the same day as her birthday.

She scrunched up her face when she had to fight with the tough wrapper to obtain the chocolate nougat inside it, but in the end she gave up and used her scissors. What kind of teacher with a reasonable salary would buy his students these sort of bad quality chocolates that can't even be opened?! she ranted in her head while trying to murder the chocolate wrapper with her scissors. Eventually, she succeeded in taking out the chocolate from the wrapper and popped it into . She mentally cursed when she tasted the sweet flavour of caramel. She liked caramel, to be honest with herself, but eating it would require extra chewing work. She had an annoyed look on her face as she chewed.

And chewed.

And chewed.


Well, my life, she thought, clearly in a bad mood.


Hani immediately swallowed the whole thing when a hand placed a rose stalk on her desk.

"I heard that it's Jangmi Day," the owner of the hand said.

Hani looked up to see Daehyun standing in front of her with a smile on his face. She looked away at once when they made eye contact.

Daehyun and Hani used to be very close back in the day. There was once a time when he saved her by convincing her not to jump from a five storey building when she thought that her parents didn't love her. But there was also a time when he turned his back when she needed him most. He had disappeared from her life and had turned up again a week ago. He pretended not to know her initially, which broke Hani's heart, but then he managed to save her again when she tried to jump a second time. And on that same night, he took the chance to apologize to her for what he did ten years ago. However, it wasn't easy for Hani to forgive him because what he did had made an impact on how she viewed everything in her life.

"You're supposed to have a gift to go with the rose," Hani said in a quiet tone. She felt awkward talking to him, but that wasn't an excuse to act impolite.

"Yeah, I kinda figured that out today," Daehyun said, "I thought that giving you a rose would be a special move, but I guess it's not really that special since everyone's doing it. I mean, it is called Jangmi Day..."

Hani was still avoiding eye contact. Daehyun cleared his throat in attempt to lessen the awkward atmosphere between them.

"I'm sorry..." he then said, "...for everything I did."

"Daehyun, you know that I can't-"

"I know," he interrupted, "but I won't stop trying until you forgive me."

Hani acknowledged his persistence. He had been bothering her for the whole week, apologizing countless of times every single day. But he failed to get Hani's heart to open up to him.

"I just wish that you would think more about others' feelings than your own," he said.


After her classes ended, she walked towards the school gate, spotting a familiar figure waiting for her there. He waved at her while holding several gift bags with roses sticking out of them in his other hand.

"Someone's famous," Hani said in a teasing tone when she reached him. The boy hissed in pain when Hani playfully elbowed him in the ribs.

"Aish, Noona! Are you secretly Choo Sunghoon disguised as a high school girl or something?" he complained, "That hurts!"

"I'm sorry, Jungkook," Hani said, "It's not really my fault that you're weak."

"Excuse me?!" Jungkook said while sticking out his chest and flaring his nostrils in attempt to defend his non-existent manly pride. While Hani was heartily laughing at his angered expression, their bus had arrived.

It was the peak hours of the day so the two didn't manage to get any seats in the bus. And it didn't help at all when the bus was packed with passengers. Hani snickered at Jungkook who was squeezed in between a creepy-looking man and an old granny that kept asking him if he wanted to meet her unmarried forty year old daughter.

"Are you sure?" she asked, "You're gonna miss out! She's really nice despite having that huge hairy mole on her face."

The granny burst out in laughter.

"Ahaha... No, thank you," Jungkook said, slightly leaning away from the elderly woman. He could only laugh uncomfortably at her continuous coaxes. Fortunately for him, the granny stepped off the bus at the following stop.

"That's so mean of you to reject an offer from an old lady!" Hani accused jokingly.

"Oh, please. Older girls with huge hairy moles on their faces are so not my type," Jungkook said, "Plus, I got my eye on someone else, remember?"

"Pfft!" Hani responded.


"Aren't those heavy?" Hani asked, gesturing at the gift bags that Jungkook was holding.

"I'm not that weak, you know?" Jungkook scoffed, feeling offended.

"I'm trying to be nice here!"

"I don't need your niceness."

"Just let me hold a few of those," Hani said, "You're making me feel guilty."

"Fine," Jungkook said. He untangled the strings in his hand and let Hani hold the smallest gift bag.

"That's for you, by the way," he added.

"Really? Thanks."

Hani peeked into the bag she received and saw all the contents; a rose, a small box of sweets and a coupon for a special lunch date at a famous restaurant. She looked back up and smirked at the boy who was purposely looking somewhere else.

"Really?" Hani asked with a flattened voice.

"W-What?" Jungkook stuttered, "Nothing can stop me from having my ways!"

"You're so weird."

"Yeah, but love can make you do super weird things."

Hani inwardly cringed at that.

"How does after school on Friday sound to you?" Jungkook asked. Hani mentally applauded him for his determination.

"We'll see," Hani said while shrugging her shoulders. Ever since his confession to her that occurred a week ago, she had to play along with his antics.


It was a typical morning and Hani was sluggishly preparing breakfast for herself. She felt exhausted after the scene that happened the previous night and decided to just forget about it.

Then her housemate entered the kitchen. The world around her started to fast forward itself and she just couldn't catch up.

"I love you."

Her mind turned blank when he spoke those three words.

"What?" she asked, still unable to comprehend the situation. The boy's smile faltered, seeming to regret his words.

"I just embarrassed myself, didn't I?" he said, smiling sheepishly afterwards. But even if he was smiling, Hani knew that he was upset.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, but the feeling's not mutual," Hani carefully said, "But I still love you... as my brother."

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exoticyati #1
Chapter 5: Woah her mom's scary...that I could poop in my pants! Lol
SMentFan99 #2
Chapter 6: I didn't really get the "you can meet her now" and "hi, mom" part. So can anyone explain me? Thank you ^_^
Chapter 3: haha i wonder what crazines will happen now ha :P
oohlina #4
Chapter 6: soo cutee ahhh <3
jungkoook & hani omg ;3
chimgotjams #5
Chapter 5: lol that last scene is hilarious! I hope Hani can find her happiness again. Keep it up!
PakouYang536100 #6
Chapter 4: Subscribe Soon Plz :)
Chapter 4: OLOLO Sorry I haven't been commenting :))))) EXAMS EXAMS haha
I lurve it I lurve it
oohlina #8
Chapter 3: omg this is so cute ahh ♥ jungkoook is adoraaable ... so is daehyunn ^~^