Autumn: School

4 Seasons

"Bow to me peasants" I snickered walking into the school. Of course, no one listened but it was a fun attempt.


To be honest though...I'm nervous. Terrified even. What if I make no friends here at all? Will people reject me? I pushed those thoughts out of my head. It was no use cluttering my brain with useless what ifs. I'll be fine I reassured myself.


Blue mantaled lockers lined the hallways where students shuffled back and forth to their various classes with their friends. And me? Well...I was alone, lost, and . -_- I can't wait to start actual work!!!! *insert sarcasm here*


I took out the schedule the guidance counciler had given me. "Let's see..." the first class I had was "math." Great. I. Hate. Math. No matter how hard I try I can't seem to grasp the concept. I wish I was good at math....I really do. But no matter how hard I seem to try I always end up back at the same place.


Scanning the rows of desks, I frowned. Now...where should I sit? I'm not genius so I won't go by the front.... but I'm not dumb by any means either and want to learn so not the, I'll sit in the middle row on the seat closest to the exit. That ought to be a good spot. Or at least I hoped. The rest of the students quickly filed in afterwards.


"Now students, I'm Ms. Bradshaw. I'll be your pre calculus teacher for the year. If you have any complaints throughout the year, please feel free to leave my classroom and sit your in the office." My eyebrows danced in amusment. Let's see how many troublemakers will be sent away here....


"He. I seem to be missing a student. Seokjin Kim?" No one made a noise. I guess this kid isn't here. Hehe. His first name is my last name. This is actually quite amusing. I wonder what he looks like? Maybe tall, or-


"Sorry I'm late!!!" A boy ran into the classroom panting. Jaw dropping I almost pointed. That kid! He's the one from yesterday!!! Jim, Lin, jin?? I don't know but he's the one who saved me!!


"Well. I don't have all day you know. Hurry up and sit down before I give you a detention." Ms. Bradshaw looked at the Seokjin kid with utter contempt. I swear, I've known her for maybe five minutes and I can already tell she hates her job. Seokjin uttered a "yes ma'am" before settling into the seat behined me. I gulped. He's waaay hot. I. Must. Resist. Temptation!!! Taking out my notebook I swore not to look back at him.


Needless to say, I didn't and stole plenty of glances throughout the lesson. Actually, I honestly can't remember a single thing Ms. Bradshaw taught...all because of that Jin kid. He overwhelmed my senses. He's so...just so....


"KIM!!!" Perhaps you'd like to do the problem on the board?!!!"


Uh...oh....I'm screwed.

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IUlee-jieunIU #1
Chapter 2: Omo:3 Sean it's cute~ you made me feel better
ichihimeloveskpop #2
Lololololol awww sean that was sooo cute >< happy birthday kimkim!! <333
looking forward on this :)