Six - Final

Don't Anger The Dragon

He walks in first, and I follow after him. Hyuk sits on the couch. He looks up, and stills.
"Hi," I whisper. He jumps up, and runs to me. He wraps his arms around me.
"Ken-hyung," he whispers, starting to cry into my shoulder.
"Hey Hyukkie," I mutter, playing with his blond hair. He pulls back, and we walk farther in. I scratch my neck, as Hongbin walks out.
"Is N home?" He questions.
"Not just N," Hyuk comments. He glances at me.
"Ken," he mutters, flashing his dimples.
"Hongbin," I mutter, as he sighs.
"I'll get Leo and Ravi," N whispers, moving away. I glance between the two maknaes, and smile. Hyuk still cries, as the two remaining members walk out. I glance at them, and then at the ground. Hands take me, and pull me to the ground.
"Don't leave again. But you ever  hurt N-hyung again. I will end you," Ravi threatens, tears pouring from his eyes. I nod, and he stands. He helps me up, and cries harder.
"Sorry," Leo whispers.
"What?" I question.
"I'm sorry," he repeats.
"I can't hear you," I taunt.
"I AM SORRY!" He screams, before his face flushes red.
"I heard you the second time," I confess. Leo glares, and curls his fingers.
"Today. Just for today."
He uncurls his fingers, and smiles lightly. I smile back.
"Are you staying?" Hyuk asks, wiping his eyes.
"Yeah, I am," I state, as they all take me into a hug. My smile widens.
I think I'll be just fine.








A/N: Wow short ending. But this story is done now! Yay! Please comment. (-<) <3 ^_^

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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 5: Woohoo! Who doesn't love dragons!?
Chapter 4: Ohhhh the tension sure is building up huh? That fight scene though like wow. It was so clear in my mind. Can't wait to read what happens to Ken^^ I hope he's okay...
Kpopfanfan_elf #3
Chapter 4: Uha so its a kenXn fanfic i was wondering when will i show up in this story
Chapter 3: Ouch!!! Poor N! But poor Ken too! I hope VIXX can forgive him T.T
KagayakuHoshi #5
Chapter 2: This is really good xD its so unique, I love it!!
Chapter 1: Wow!!!! This is so good!! Can't wait to read more!!^^
Ackkkkk!!!! So excited!!! I love concepts where the guy is some form of animal/beast^^ Now you have ME obsessed with Ken as a dragon!!!!! XD
looking forward on this :)