
Don't Anger The Dragon

I land on my old roof. I miss this place. I drop to the door, and slowly knock.
"Just a moment," a soft voice calls. The door opens, and my mother stands before me.
"Jaehwan?" She asks, reaching out.
"Hey mom," I mutter.
"Where is the rest of your group?" She asks, as I walk into. I sniffle, and she frowns.
"They. They found out. I needed space," I confess, and she nods.
"Alright," she says, taking me in her arms. I inhale her salty sea scent, and smile. "You're freezing."
"I've been flying all night," I confess, and she nods.
"You know better," she coos, and I nod. "Come on, lets get you to the den. Your father just made a fire."
I follow her, and shiver slightly. Warmth reaches me as I enter our den.
"Jaehwan," a rougher voice greets.
"Dad," I mutter, as he grabs my shoulders.
"Why are you here?" He questions, and I shake my head.
"My-My bandmates found out. Dad, I'm cold," I whisper. He shakes his head, and gestures to the fire. I kneel beside it, almost inside the flame. I smile, it's nice to go back to my roots.
"How?" My father demands, and I sigh. A small flame follows the air.
"I was building my flame back up, before my friend called me out. He told me to stop with my dragon impression. It hurt me, but I agreed. I laid on my bed for awhile, and when I came out the other vocal was confirming that I was done with the dragon. I ran to the roof, and used most of my stored flame in rage. N found me. He demanded answers. I scratched him. The rest saw me when I chased him out. I'm stupid," I explain, before a tear sizzles on my skin.
"Why would you do that?" My father asks, and I shake my head.
"They were insulting dragons. Our history; our culture. I needed to defend it," I explain, rising to my feet.
"It was still reckless of you," he states.
"I know. I'll take any punishment you deem fit," I submit, lowering my head.
"Can you both talk about this in the morning? Jaehwan, you need rest," my mother asks, and my father nods.
"I'll need time to think. Good night," my father says. I nod, and walk to my old room. I enter, and laugh. Nothing has changed. My One Piece posters are on the wall, with my framed Jellyfish acceptance letter in the mix of it. My plushies sit scattered around. I smile weakly, and sit on my bed. I return my skin back as my mother knocks on the door.
"I have some clothes that you forgot last time you were here," my mother offers, entering my room.
"Thanks," I thank, taking the clothing.
"Are you going to sleep?" She asks, pushing back my hair.
"Yeah. I'll talk to you in the morning," I smile. She warmly kisses my forehead, and smiles back.
"I love you, Jaehwan."
"I love you too, mom."
She leaves me. I peal off my rain soaked shirt, and change into the old clothing. I sink into the covers, and grab the nearest Chopper plush. I smile weakly before sleep overtakes my drained body.

I don't remember where I am, as I open my eyes. Wooden smells, and soft fabric comfort me. Memories hit me, and I sigh. I stand, and stretch. I walk out, and run my fingers over the wooden walls.
"Jaehwan," my mother greets, flipping pancakes on the stove.
"Hey, what time is it?" I question, as she sets an empty plate in front of me.
"About nine," she states, as my father comes down.
"Sweetie," he coos, kissing my mothers cheek. She giggles. I miss this when I'm away. She flips a few pancakes onto my plate. Chocolate-chip strawberry. My favorite. I smile, and start cutting them with my fork.
I look up to my father, and he glares down at me.
"Yes?" I question.
"I have decided on your punishment," he states.
"What is it?" I ask, stabbing the pancakes.
"You won't be going back to your group," my father states. I drop my fork.
"You heard me," he states, grabbing a cup of coffee. His golden, alphadrake ring clinks on the ceramic.
"You can't," I gasp.
"You did something reckless. You need something equal to punish that," my father tells. I push my plate away. I've lost my appetite
"I'll be in my room," I whisper, walking away from them.












A/N: six parts, but it is written out and done! So expect it soon! (-<) <3 ^_^

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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 5: Woohoo! Who doesn't love dragons!?
Chapter 4: Ohhhh the tension sure is building up huh? That fight scene though like wow. It was so clear in my mind. Can't wait to read what happens to Ken^^ I hope he's okay...
Kpopfanfan_elf #3
Chapter 4: Uha so its a kenXn fanfic i was wondering when will i show up in this story
Chapter 3: Ouch!!! Poor N! But poor Ken too! I hope VIXX can forgive him T.T
KagayakuHoshi #5
Chapter 2: This is really good xD its so unique, I love it!!
Chapter 1: Wow!!!! This is so good!! Can't wait to read more!!^^
Ackkkkk!!!! So excited!!! I love concepts where the guy is some form of animal/beast^^ Now you have ME obsessed with Ken as a dragon!!!!! XD
looking forward on this :)