
Don't Anger The Dragon

"I can't believe you did the dragon impression Ken-hyung!" My blond dongsaeng yells, as we enter the van.
"I like dragons, Hyukkie," I comment, smiling widely.
"Can you not do it next time?" Our redheaded leader suggests, sitting in front of me.
"I can't guarantee that," I reply, as the doors shut. Our manager drives us to our dorm, and I slide up my hood. It's cold today.
"Ken-hyung," our rapper calls, and I turn to him.
"Yes, you kindergartner," I answer, raising my voice. The van releases a laugh, and his hat falls from his curly white hair. My head rest is beaten on rapidly, and I turn the the dark gold haired man.
"Ken-hyung," he laughs, and I roll my eyes.
"Stop it, Hongbin," our black haired vocalist demands.
"Relax Leo," our leader comments.
"N-hyung," Hyuk whines, frowning. I smile, and pull my legs up to my chest. I lean on the glass as the van quiets down. I roll my neck, and shiver. My eyes shoot wide open. I can't get cold, and I need to increase my flame.
"Manager Mickey, can you hurry? I need to pee," I whine. That should work.
"Really Ken?" Our manager complains. I nod, as he turns onto our street. I bounce slightly, as he parks. We walk in, and I shift in the elevator. I shiver, and pull my hoodie tighter around myself.
"Are you alright Ken?" Our rapper asks. I nod.
"I'll be fine, Ravi," I reply, as the elevator dings. We walk out, and N punches in the code.
I run to the bathroom, after kicking off my shoes, ignoring their laughs. I lock the door, and exhale with a shiver. I strip my hoodie off, and my shirt follows. I grip the counter, and force my other part out. I bite my lip out of pain, and squeeze my eyes shut.
The pain lessens, and I pant. I open my eyes, and lock with my reflection. My, now light green, slitted eyes stare back at me. I shake my head, and run my left hand across the scales scattered around my body. The scales outlining the right side of my face, down my neck, my right arm, my sides, over my heart. I sit on the counter, and allow my flame to warm me. My scaly wings sit folded behind my back, and I rest my head on the mirror. I exhale, and a small steam of fire escapes me.
I smile weakly, and run my sharp talons through my hair. I wish I didn't have to do this as frequently. The room heats, and I sigh, releasing another stream of fire.
"Ken-hyung, I need to pee," Hyuk yells banging on the door.
"Just a second," I yell, focusing on returning my skin. It hurts more, but I glance at the mirror to my smooth skin. I slip on my shirt again, and zip up my hoodie. I wash my hands, and flush the toilet before I leave the room.
"Ken-ah," N calls to me. I sigh, and walk to him.
"Yes, N-hyung?" I ask, sitting beside him on the couch.
"Ken, I think you should stop with your dragon impression," N suggests. My face falls.
"What?" I question, attempting not to sound hurt.
"It's kind of stupid, and doesn't make that much sense," N explains, frowning himself.
"Okay," I whisper, rising to my feet. I walk to my room, and fall on my bed. I release a tear, and pretend I don't hear it sizzle on my skin. I reach under my pillow, and grab the gold chain. I look at the clear stone. The light green, and dark blue scales reflect inside it. I smile weakly, and an another tear sizzles on my skin.
"I miss you mom and dad," I whisper, rubbing it gently. I lay on my bed, and allow the tears to fall and sizzle.
"Ken-hyung, dinner," Hongbin states knocking on the door. I nod, and slip the stone over my neck. I stand, and pull up my hood again. I hide the chain under my shirt, and it comforts me. I walk out, and see them together.
"No more dragon?" Leo asks, and N nods.
"No more dragon," N confirms. A choked sound escapes me. They glance back at me, and I run out of the dorm. I run up to the roof, and it starts raining. The drops evaporate on my skin.
I scream. My wings rip my shirts, and embrace me. My nails harden, and I feel the scales grow back. I roll my neck. I fall to the ground, and look up to the cloudy sky.
I roar. My fire illuminates the sky. I collapse on the ground. I've burned my flame. It's so cold. I flicker my eyes, and shiver. I see feet, and glance up to see his red hair.
"Ken?" N questions. He sounds scared; I don't blame him.
"Go away," I whisper, as the rain soaks my clothing. I don't evaporate it away.
"What are you?" He asks, as he walks slowly to me.
"Cold," I whisper, as my wings fold over my back. He kneels beside me, and pushes a golden hair back. I hiss, and he flinches back.
"Ken," N whispers, rubbing the scales on my face.
"Go back inside," I demand, and he shakes his head.
"No," he whispers. I roar at him again, and no flame comes out. He flinches, and I pass out on the roof.







A/N: So I figure this will be about four or five parts. And someone who could make a poster would be awesome. Comments are awesome too. (-<) <3 ^_^

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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 5: Woohoo! Who doesn't love dragons!?
Chapter 4: Ohhhh the tension sure is building up huh? That fight scene though like wow. It was so clear in my mind. Can't wait to read what happens to Ken^^ I hope he's okay...
Kpopfanfan_elf #3
Chapter 4: Uha so its a kenXn fanfic i was wondering when will i show up in this story
Chapter 3: Ouch!!! Poor N! But poor Ken too! I hope VIXX can forgive him T.T
KagayakuHoshi #5
Chapter 2: This is really good xD its so unique, I love it!!
Chapter 1: Wow!!!! This is so good!! Can't wait to read more!!^^
Ackkkkk!!!! So excited!!! I love concepts where the guy is some form of animal/beast^^ Now you have ME obsessed with Ken as a dragon!!!!! XD
looking forward on this :)