After Rap

Wishful Thinking

Jihoon POV

That wasn't satisfying at all.  Afterwards, Kyung had been led off by a gruff Jaehyo.  The hyung that I never thought would be sweet was there helping him through the crowd as if he was five years old and lost.  There were cheers and taunts being thrown about but I didn't want to say anything else. I realized that it didn't matter what I said.  Beats and words wouldn't achiever anything.  All that mattered was what Sumi wanted; I was stupid to think I was challenging anyone. 

She was there looking a bit awkward.  Her eyes roving about not knowing where to look.  She probably had seen him turn his back on her, but she was in a throng of people women going up to pat her on the back and give her warnings and random advice about men.  

That wasn't the most surprising though as suddenly a ripple spread through the crowd.  Punches were flying and soon there was a massive brawl.  Not trusting the bumbling Zico to shut it down, I stumbled towards Sumi.  She hadn't caught onto the tidal wave of violence headed our way.  The arms jostling neighbors and punches landing awry from their targets.  

"Come on, we have to go.  NOW!" her eyes matched mine.  Wide with the intent of escape, but as we begin to push away from the fight we ended up against the back wall.  Cursing, I wondered where Taeil was.  As the brother, he was usually over protective and alert.  Yet, here we were inching our way along the wall wanting to find an exit.  

Taeil POV

Ahmi had warmed up to me.  I no longer hid my grin.  She and I could be together. I never expected my noona to set us up.  I hadn't let myself go there before tonight. I knew it was fruitless to chase after her, but now she had let me wrap my arms around her.  Her head rested in the crook of my neck with her hands resting lightly on my chest.  I held back the urge to kiss her.  This was enough for now.  

My pocket vibrated.  I pulled my phone out to check who was calling.  

"Just a minute," I told Ahmi.  When the manager called, I had to answer or risk being tailed endlessly.  

She nodded and flushed as I reluctantly let go of her waist.  My fingers had brushed against her bare skin and I promised I would only take thirty seconds to make up excuses.

"Hello, yes. I promised to be back by midnight," I was repeating.  As if the manager would let me forget my self-imposed curfew.  We had work to do tomorrow.  He knew I was more responsible than Kyung.  

"Of course we will be on time," I told him.  He was asking me where I was and I told him we were at a market.  Maybe the noise level would be enough that he couldn't detect the difference.  He seemed to accept this and I hung up before he could ask more questions.  Turning back, I saw that the small gap I'd created was already filled.  Ahmi was standing as the music had ended.  I hadn't realized it.  The sound of Kyung's voice buzzed through my ears.  I had forgotten that he and Sumi were in the middle of something.  Shaking my head, I knew I needed to find her, but as the phone rang she didn't answer.  

"No," Ahmi was saying as I pushed my way back to her side.  A guy much older than me had his hands on her.  One on her shoulder the other reaching for her waist.  He was trying to pull her against his chest.

"C'mon let's dance.  I saw you were dancing with that guy earlier.  He left. So, why not have fun with me? I know you're up for it," he was insane.  

"Stop it.  Let g---" but I didn't hear her finish.  My fist was connecting with his face.  The force jerking his head back from where he'd been leaning to eye her body.  

"You little--," but I didn't want to hear his words.  I punched him with my other hand in the gut, feeling him bending to my will.  He was stumbling back as I placed myself between him and Ahmi.  I hoped he hadn't touched her.  I didn't expect he would give in so easily, but when he was upright again he whipped his leg out trying to kick me. I stepped back and he was unsteady as he gathered himself to charge towards me.  I moved us out of his path not able to warn anyone else.  He rammed into some guy's back.  The group of friends turning to see who dared to disrupt their night.  

"Sorry.  This was trying to feel up my girlfriend," I said letting my hand reach back to rest on Ahmi's side.  I could feel her hand grabbing my arm lightly.  

"Again huh?  Didn't we warn you not to touch young women last week, old man?" the guy was shouting.  His eyes were fueled with disgust.  His scowl changing as he reached to hit the man himself.  The man staggered back causing another person to catch the hit. This one a bit drunk and he turned to fight back.  The man trying to get away as the group of friends rounded on him.  Hits were flying as the drunken man managed to hit one of them before stumbling and knocking into someone else.  

"Taeil, we should apologize," Ahmi was saying.  She moved to bow in apology of our involvement, but I dragged her back in time to avoid getting a knuckle sandwich of her own.   I crossed my arms over her torso managing to drag her back with me as I headed towards the door.  There was no way we could stop this.  These people wanted to fight.  Throwing punches first and not bothering to even hit their intended victims.  We couldn't win against a small drunken army.

Zico POV

I was directing commands through my mic.  The crowd had erupted in a fight.  Not uncommon here, but it usually took a few minutes to die down.  Seeing even the women going at it, I knew we would probably have to call the cops this time.  I made my way towards the DJ platform grabbing hold of the railing and vaulting over it.  I needed to be above to see if I could spot my friends.  

Jaehyo had already begun to push Kyung towards the exit until the latter moved towards the bar.  I knew Jaehyo might actually give in and allow him to drink rather than leave and nearly went to stop them before I saw Kyung grabbing a bag and slinging it over one shoulder.  They made it towards the door and I spotted Ahmi and Taeil making their way to the same door.  Their hands were clasped tightly together and he kept stealing glances of her over his shoulder.  I knew that they were a good match, but I didn't like seeing everyone abandoning me.  

Rubbing my fingers through my hair, I knew I had to locate Jihoon as well.  He was bound to cause the most chaos if he was arrested or detained by the cops.  I was scanning the mob for his signature smirk.  I doubted he'd have missed out throwing a few punches.  He always loved to cause anyone to fall on their .  

"ZICO!!" the shout came from nearby.  I turned matching the deep tone with his face at the far edge of my platform.  His head almost reaching level with it.  His neck leaned back slightly and I saw his familiar smirk. 

"Come on hyung!  I'll catch you," he crowed.  I saw Sumi looking between the two of us in confusion.  He guided her back a few steps towards the wall.  Extending his arms upwards, I knew he was right.  I couldn't fight my way out.  Grimacing, I gripped the railing before pivoting to swing myself over to the other side.  My arms bending at a weird angle for a brief moment before I let go.  Falling into his arms, the impact had us both falling to the ground but it was softer than it would have been.

"What were you thinking?" Sumi was yelling.  She pushed my away, I rolled off of Jihoon.  His eyes closed.

"I didn't think he was going to step on my FACE!" Jihoon blustered.  I burst into laughter.  I hadn't intended to do that but his expression was priceless.  If we weren't in danger of being in a scandal, then I'd have taken the time to snap a picture.

I scrambled to my feet, leaning down to drag him upwards with me.  I didn't wait to see his pouts and began shoving him towards the nearest exit.  There was a hallway next to the platform leading towards the office.  There wasn't a door but a window large enough that we could get out.  

Ahmi POV

"Sumi isn't answering her phone.  Do you think she's alright?" I asked Taeil.  He looked worried but he nodded regardless.

"She has Jihoon with her.  You know he loves her, right?" he was saying.  I stared at him not knowing how he knew that.  Did Jihoon actually love my best friend?  Kyung was looking gloomier as we'd spotted him and Jaehyo outside the door.

"Hurry up; we don't have a lot of time.  The cops will be here soon," Jaehyo was saying.  He motioned for us to follow him.  Rounding a corner and I hoped taking us to his car.  He was darting across the street.  Kyung followed suit and that left Taeil dragging me along with him by hand.  I was searching for a familiar looking car but I didn't see any.  It was at the point that Jaehyo went into the small bus shelter plopping down a bench.  Kyung did the same and I was nearly hit by a car in shock.  I had partly stopped; lucky for me Taeil hadn't wanted me to be smooshed.  

"Are you ok?  What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" he was asking me.  His brown eyes slowly travelling across my face and then going downwards to inspect me for damage.

"I'm fine.  Really, you're the one who started the fight!" I glared at him.  He rolled his eyes.

"What was I supposed to do? Let that guy touch my girlfriend," he said.  Eyebrows raised I stared at him in surprise.  His eyes met mine as he flushed.

"Well, that is if you want to be my girlfriend..." he said looking deflated.  I nodded smiling at him.  He caught me as I hugged him, keeping us both from going back into the street.

"Hyung, you didn't drive!  Why do you always take the bus?" Kyung could be heard whining as sirens blared.  The cops were indeed coming our way but they passed us by in our tiny bus shelter.  Jaehyo smirking.

"See, I knew they wouldn't notice us," he seemed smug.  Kyung was trying to push him off the bench and when that didn't work he began trying to sit on Jaehyo's lap.  

"Just ignore them," Taeil was whispering into my ear.  I nodded feeling him press a kiss to my forehead.  Maybe this double date wasn't so bad after all.  I owed Sumi some credit.  I hadn't expected it to turn out like this.  

Sumi POV

Zico was leading us down the hallway.  There were only two doors.  He skipped the first one and wrenched open the one at the end of the hall.  Inside was dark until he turned the light on.  A large black desk resided in the middle of the space with bookshelves lined with folders around the walls.  There some chairs, but I didn't notice much else as Zico made his way around the desk to the window.  He drew up the blinds securing them in place before popping open the window.

"This way," he was saying as he began to push himself up to get his legs out the window.  He failed miserably to reach.  His feet scrabbling against the wall.

"Stupid, use the chair," Jihoon was rolling it closer.  Zico shot him a dirty look but didn't hesitate to step on it maneuvering his head out the window followed by the rest of him.

Jihoon was following after him but instead of sliding out and abandoning me he sat down.  

"Sumi!" he called me by my name.  He hadn't done that before.  I stared blankly at his slightly sweaty face.  His eyes were warm but nervous as we heard noise outside the door.

"Come on, quickly," he said to me.  I sighed moving to stand on the chair.  He tried to help me up but there wasn't enough room for both of us in the window at the same time and I ended up pushing him out.  He landed awkwardly and I was leaning head first out the window.  My brain in over drive trying to calculate if I could survive falling on my face.

"HELP!" I squealed.  Zico appeared, but he was clutching his side in pain.  

"Don't panic, just don't fall!" Jihoon shouted at me.  Zico nodded leant over his hands grasping his knees.  The voices were closer and I didn't know who it was but right now my rear was on full display. My stomach pressed against the windowsill and my hands had a death grip on the tiny ledge.  The chair began to roll away from beneath me and I was careening forward ready to drop.  Until a hand rested on my and I screamed as someone tugged on my legs as well.

Jihoon may have cursed as he darted over to grab my face awkwardly.  He realized that he couldn't help me that way and leaned upwards to be closer to my face.

"Just trust me," he said.  His eyes staring back at mine.  I swallowed nervously feeling the hands on my lower half wanting me to come back in the window.  

"Ok," I said.  He grabbed my arms just below my elbows and tugged me out the window.  For a few seconds, I only felt the strain being pulled between the two forces until I realized that I could kick my attackers. My legs wriggling about in full force as the extra hands released me.  I heard curses and then Jihoon was pulling me down to him.  He half caught me pressing us towards the wall to keep us from moving backwards and down.  

"Thank you," I breathed feeling light headed as if the soft fluttering in my body were about to carry me away.

"Always," he said before patting my head gently.  

"Let's go," he said as Zico began to walk away.  We followed him around the side of the building and down the sidewalk.  He was turning the corner and then we came to a stop.  In the bus shelter stood Taeil and Ahmi, Jaehyo and Kyung fighting for the bench.  

"Hurry up or you'll miss the bus," Zico yelled.  Seeing it drawing near, Jihoon and I hurried to get on.  Luckily, the five other people took enough time so we made it.  Taeil had apparently realized we were not expecting to ride the bus and paid for all of us.  He was arguing with Jaehyo about it, but Jaehyo was saying he didn't feel like pulling out his wallet, even though he'd taken the bus to get here in the first place.

Then there was Kyung.  He looked disappointed and I realized that Jihoon and I were still holding hands.  I tried to drop Jihoon's but he frowned. 

"No.  Sumi, you have to give me a chance. I love you," he stated clearly.  There were a few whistles from the other passengers but Kyung swerved around and punched Jihoon in the face.  Our hands still connected and we went down together.  Jihoon and I didn't have the time to react and he fell slightly on top of me.  Tears pricked my eyes as a shoe dug into my side.  

"Are you crazy?" The yelling commenced.  It was all a blur as the voices rose together.  Passengers staring at us as they tried to pull Kyung away from Jihoon.  From the movements I could feel that Kyung was still trying to inflict as much damage as possible.  

"Sumi, are you hurt?" Jihoon stumbled resting his weight on his open palms.  He was leaning towards me a trickle of blood running out of his mouth. My eyes went wide.  The extra air burning them to form tears.  I blinked feeling the hot liquid coat my cold cheeks.  The sensation brought me some comfort as I felt some of my own tension released.  

"You're bleeding," I said reaching my fingers out towards his face but hesitating.  I didn't want to touch his face.  It was probably already starting to swell. 

"Noona, did he hurt you?" Taeil was standing in front of us.  He was shaking his hands back and forth letting his fingers bounce.  The habit a sign of his distress.  I didn't know if he wanted to help me or punch Kyung back.  One of the two would stop his need to bounce his fingers like small weights, I didn't want to ask.  

"I think so," I answered both of them.  Ahmi was standing as well smartly holding onto a metal pole for support.  She grabbed onto Taeil's shirt which I only knew as Jihoon and I both slid forward as the bus began to break.   

"Ahh," I groaned as my back thudded against the back of a divider separating us from the driver.  

"Sumi," Jihoon had been more in control grabbing onto the leg of a seat to stop from smooshing me.  He shuffled towards me on bent legs.  I laughed thinking it was because of his long legs. It would take more effort for him to bend back down again.  As the bus was still, I began cackling in laughter.  The tears flowing freely as I let out everything in a rush.  

Ahmi POV

Kyung went crazy.  He heard Jihoon say he loved Sumi.   I didn't realize he would be so bold about it.  He could have picked a different venue.  Taeil and I were frowning at each other.  His thumb continuing to trace circles on the back of my hand.  

Then, we heard it.  The dull connection of fist and jaw.  Kyung was hitting Jihoon. No one was close enough to stop him in time as he continued to hit him.  Sumi and Jihoon were both on the floor and even though we all jumped up immediately we weren't fast enough. Jihoon was now bleeding and Sumi seemed to be in pain.  

Taeil helped pull Kyung off of them.  Zico and Jaehyo were holding him back.  They forced him into a seat and I turned my attention to the couple on the floor. I supposed that maybe they were a real couple.  I'd have to ask Sumi but she didn't seem to be doing so great at the moment.  The bus driver had heard and probably seen some of the fight which was more of a one-way beating in his mirrors.  The bus came to a sudden stop and Sumi seemingly out of it slid down the floor towards the front.  She was making another noise.  I didn't see any blood though so I hoped that as a good sign.  Jihoon was lucid enough to stop himself in time.  

Before he could get to her, she began to laugh.  It was as if her entire being was laughter as she vibrated with it.  The bus driver had turned around in his seat but seemed taken aback by her reaction.  

"I'm sorry.  I think my friend is in shock.  You don't have to worry.  We won't be pressing charges on our other friend. We'll just get off here," I quickly said.  Taeil seemed to want to argue with me but I strode towards my best friend and helped Jihoon drag her to her feet.  We guided her out the now open door and I hoped that this wouldn't end up on the internet.  That would be another load of trouble we didn't need right now.  

"Sumi, are you ok?"  I asked her.  She was nearly hunched over laughing.  I had noticed that Kyung, Zico and Jaehyo had used the back door to get off. The doors slid closed and the bus rumbled away.  I almost wished it were dark outside to hide the spectacle we were creating.  

"We're going to the hospital," Taeil said. I wanted to suggest otherwise but he was already flagging down a taxi.  Opening the back door, he and Jihoon helped her into the back seat, quieter now as she had to think about where she was walking.  I knew she'd bumped her head getting into a cab on more than one occasion.  Those moments stuck with you and even her break from reality wasn't enough for her to forget that unique pain.

"I'll be right back," Taeil said gently positioning me in the doorway.  I nodded sliding into the seat and closing the door.

"We're waiting for him to tell our friends where we're going," I told the driver. He nodded flicking on the meter already.  I couldn't blame him.  A bunch of crazies got into my car, I'd want to charge them too.

Taeil POV

Ahmi at least was accepting us.  It seemed that I should properly ask her to be my girlfriend, but then Kyung had to go and mess it up.  

After we'd gotten off the bus, and hopefully out of the public eye, I hailed a cab.  No way was I letting my sister or our maknae have scars from this incident.  Jihoon's face was definitely going to swell.  I didn't know if my sister was seriously hurt, but I didn't want to take any chances.

They all waited for me in the cab as I went to tell the dunderheaded trio where we were going without them.   That was key.  Kyung needed to stay away from us.  I should probably suggest that we stay with my sister for a short while.  

"I'm taking them to the hospital.  I don't care what you do with him, but you better not end up in the news.  You're the leader, you handle the damage control," I said.

"Are they ok?" Zico had the nerve to ask.  I felt like shaking him harshly. 

"I DON'T KNOW!" I shouted at him.  I paused to take a breath trying to force my anger back down, "That's why we're going to the hospital.  I can't deal with you three right now.  Just don't do anything else stupid tonight.  We won't be coming home.  Jihoon and I will stay with my noona," I told him.  

"What are you thinking?  You can't stay at her place!" Zico was protesting but I had already turned my back to him heading towards the cab.  The door shutting seamlessly satisfied me as we headed towards the nearest hospital.  

 Kyung POV

I couldn't help it.  He'd openly exposed his love for my girlfriend.  Seeing them holding hands, I lost it.  My rage earlier wasn't enough for me to fight him, but now he was sincerely declaring his love for her.  My fists were jabbing into his soft tissue.  I didn't feel anything but happy as I began to wipe the smile off his face.  He had loved her for a long time and I had hated it.  He'd spend time with my girlfriend.  She would gush over him.  Saying how cute and wonderful he was and that they had a great time together, but I didn't need to worry because they were just friends.  Yet, here they were holding hands in public.  In front of me.  She hadn’t said anything back to him.  I didn't want to believe it was true, but a part of me knew that with this final act that it was over.  Our relationship couldn't handle a serious fight.  She would never forgive me for hitting him.  Maybe I did it on purpose to end it.  I didn't know my own mind as I saw the blood appear on his lips.  He even smirked at me.  I couldn't believe how cocky he was as I nearly leapt onto his torso wanting to pound his face into the floor.  

Arms were around me pulling me away.  I wanted to scream out but I was panting from the exertion of hitting him.   I wanted to leave a mark on him.  I wanted him to remember this moment when he had broken our friendship.  I wanted him to hurt.  

"Kyung, what are you thinking?" Zico was trying to reason with me.  I rolled my eyes spitting onto the floor.  The saliva in my mouth had churned beyond comfort.  I had trouble breathing as they held me pushing me down.  I wanted to keep hitting him, but with their insistence my neck caught the full scene.  I could see Sumi on the floor. She had been pinned down underneath the two of us.  In that instant, I hated myself.  Pulling out my phone, I began to text her. 

"I'm sorry.  It's my fault.  Let's break up."  I hit send before I could delete my words.  I knew I didn't deserve her.  Even if he had purposely baited me, which I would never be able to prove, I had still lost my control.  I could have really hurt her by being stupid.  I knew that she deserved better than whatever I was right now.  As they led me out of the bus, I felt calmer in the fresh air. The warmth of the exhaust fumes brushing against my left side didn't ruin the light breeze on my face.

When I heard that they would stay with her, I knew it was for the best. She could make her own choices and I wouldn't want her to date me after that.  It was true we'd had our issues before this night.  I knew that she spent almost the same amount of time with Jihoon as she did me.  I think we both knew why we'd never slept together.  Deep down on some level, we both knew that we weren't really right together.  It was wishful thinking on my part to think that we would last this long.  Now, I could only hope that I hadn't screwed up the entire band because I'd hit the maknae.  The managers would be pissed when they found out.  Taeil was definitely going to work me like his slave for at least a month.  I didn't want to think about anything between me and Sumi or Jihoon for a long time.  I was better off not knowing what they decided to do.  

Zico POV

Left with two irresponsible players, I barely managed to keep them from chasing after some women walking down the sidewalk.  Even Kyung was daring to call out to them; I knew what I had to do.  I smirked and remarked on their long legs so the two idiots could hear me.  Then I stuck two fingers into my mouth, pulling them out quickly, they went directly into their ears.  Wiggling them around with satisfaction, my eyes closed basking in the squeals and general displeasure.  Being leader had its perks, as they turned and thought about hitting me and settled for shoving me around a bit.  

"Come on, let's go home," I told them.  Reluctantly they let me shove them into a cab, Kyung seemingly defeated but I knew he had already bounced back.  Anyone getting to punch out their anger would feel better, but Jaehyo was still smug.  He was out for a good time and he seemed angry that he'd come out for Kyung's sake.  He may have gotten sat on slightly as I forced my way into the cab.  Wrapping my arms around his neck, he definitely sobered up.  

"Hyung, you don't want another scandal you?" I asked my phone already pointed at me leaning in close to his face.  His eyes went wide as I threatened to kiss him to get him to stop trying to have a one night stand.  He was incorrigible.  Only a threat could set him straight long enough to get him home.  

"Whatever," he was trying to play it cool.  I let out a laugh, sliding off of his lap and leaning to look at Kyung.  He was smiling to himself.

"What?" I asked bluntly.  Kyung looked over at me.

"It's raining," he said a grin on his face.  I shot him a sharp look, but he only began to laugh.  Sometimes I wondered why we were best friends, but as long as he wasn't going to cry then I was ok with it.  

"And...I have a date tomorrow," he added.  Jaehyo smacked the back of his head as Kyung produced a picture on his phone of some beauty.  

"Unbelievable.  You pretend to be all distraught and then don't even get your hyung a date!" Jaehyo was muttering angrily.  The two of them starting a petty fight over his phone as Jaehyo tried to snatch it away.  I rolled my eyes.  Everything was normal and I'd been worried about them for nothing.

Sumi POV

I sighed as the doctor shone the light in my eyes.  Checking my pupils for something, he had asked me if it hurt.  Slowly tilting my head around and checking for bumps on my head, as the three of them watched.  Jihoon had been first, but he hadn't even needed stitches.  They gave him an ice pack and told him to come back if the swelling didn't go down.  So, they were all hovering around waiting to see if I was concussed.  

"Well, since you said there was pain, I am going to give you a mild pain killer.  You have bruising on your right side, but nothing is broken.  If you have any other symptoms you should come back.  It's possible you have a concussion so you shouldn't stay alone," the doctor explained.  I nodded waiting for him to write the prescription.  

"We'll stay with her.  She'll just have to cancel her trip to Thailand," Taeil claimed.  I wrinkled my nose at him. 

"But, the models are booked!  The location is rented! And what about the elephants? They don't just hang around!" I glared at him.

"Are you sure she's fine? Listen to her she thinks she has hanging elephants!" Jihoon gestured towards my head.  I glared at him.  The doctor was laughing.

"She is fine.  As long as you don't have any memory loss or confusion, then you're probably normal," he stated before leaving the room.

"Yah! Stop trying to turn me into a patient!" I reached out to Jihoon but he backed up.  Sighing, I hopped off the exam table.

"I'm tired.  Who is getting dinner?" I asked.  They all pointed at me.  I hissed at them in annoyance.  

"You're wrong.  I have to go to the pharmacy. Tiny you go bring back food," I pointed to him asserting my older sister privileges.  He had to agree and he owed me for setting him up with Ahmi. 

Jihoon POV

Luck was on my side.  She hadn't rejected me or acted weirdly.  Besides the misplaced laughter, I had decided to overlook it.  At least she was noticing how tall I was and not showing any concern about Kyung.  This might be the first time in a while that I felt calm.  She wasn't with another guy.  She was with me and even as she whined about having to walk the next three blocks back to her apartment I didn't mind.  

Taeil and Ahmi had gone to go find dinner.  Which I had to admit left me happy, walking Sumi home alone.  Just the two of us, no awkwardness or interruptions from our friends.  No one to crack dirty jokes.  The urge to talk disappeared even as we rounded four flights of stairs.  She keyed in the code and I watched as she slipped through the door.  Her shoes flying off in a matter of seconds as she stumbled into a pair of slippers.  

"You can wear whatever you want," she directed not bothering to look behind her at the pile of footwear.  

"I'll get you a glass of water," I said carrying the bag of pills.  I had to take mine without her finding out about it.  

Getting a glass, I filled it with water trying to be silent.  I took my own pills first sliding the bottle into my back pocket.  With a new glass of water I handed over her pain killers.  I couldn't help but smile as she grumbled about being hungry.  She set the empty water glass back down tossing the pill bottle onto the coffee table.  Of course, it rolled right off again.  Leaning over, I placed it gently back on the table with only a faint rattle.  

"Oh, right.  Let's find you some clean clothes," she jumped up from the couch.  Clearly I was supposed to follow after her, as she stomped back into the room and dragged me by the hand.  

"I think this should fit you," she said handing over a white button up shirt.

"I was going to give it to Tiny, but you can have it instead," she nodded holding it up towards my chest.  She seemed satisfied with the size.

"Well, aren't you going to try it on?" she asked me.  I froze.   What she wanted me to undress in front of her?  My heart beat picked up and not just because she wasn't hesitant to watch me take off my shirt.  

"Are you afraid I'll see your fat?" her eyes gleamed.  

"No, that's not it," I wanted to defend myself.  

"It's fine.  I'm changing anyways," she said pushing me out of her large closet and closing the door.  

Wincing, I peeled off my shirt for the second time tonight.  The wrap snug around my chest. Apparently, I had two broken ribs and this wrap was meant to keep them in place to heal properly.  As I was buttoning up the shirt, I heard her coming out of the closet.  I fumbled with the last few buttons before my wrap was hidden.  

She didn't notice and we went back to sit on the couch waiting for food to arrive.  When they did return, Sumi nearly inhaled her dinner.  I guess she was hungry.  That left little in the way of conversation as she slurped her soup loudly.  Taeil and Ahmi kept exchanging cute looks.  I wished they would just leave and go to her place.  Not because I wanted to start anything with Sumi, but they were reminding me that we weren't in relationship like they were.  

Ahmi POV

Taeil walked me to the door.  I told him it was silly to walk me home because I lived in the same building.  As the elevator doors slid closed, I couldn't help jumping up and down.  The energy I had from my racing heart fueling my happy dance.  I kept the cheering to a minimum in case Taeil could hear me.  I didn't think the elevator was sound proof.  

I couldn't believe it.  I had a boyfriend and not just some blind date, but Taeil had asked me out properly.  He said he hadn't wanted to wait in case his sister had tried to do it for him.  We both knew she was impatient and would have just told us we were dating.  I decided to get her a present because it was thanks to her that I no longer had to pine over Taeil.  He'd blushed when I told him how much I loved his new song.  

There wasn't any hurry between us.  I half expected Sumi to tell us to get married already, so I really didn't have to worry about the usual issues.  We were dating and the rest would happen naturally.  Even the little gestures from my best friend made me feel warm inside.  She'd winked at me as she'd nudged Taeil towards the front door.  I'd kissed his cheek before saying good night.  Truly, it was an excellent one but this time I couldn't wait until morning to see him again. 

Sumi POV

"Fine, you can decide who sleeps in the spare room and who sleeps on the couch," I huffed.  They were childishly trying to settle the problem by making me decide.  I wasn't going to do it.  Either way I was the loser.  I knew they were hiding the truth from me.  I wasn't blind.  My eye was trained to notice a person's figure and I knew that Jihoon had something on underneath the shirt I gave him.  Taeil had seen the doctor with him so I knew they thought it was bad enough to avoid telling me.  

I went to get some spare blankets and a pillow for the couch.  Taeil would be sleeping there.  Only when I walked back it was Jihoon stretched out there.  I frowned. My anger flared up.  Taeil wanted Jihoon to suffer?  It wasn't making sense.   Jihoon was being stubborn, so I whacked him on the head with the pillow. 

"What was that for?" he whined.  I rolled my eyes.  

"Stupid," I sighed.  He held the pillow and I pulled him up off of the couch.  Moving behind him, I pushed him into my room.  

"Why would you sleep on the couch when you're injured?" I glared at him.  He froze.

"What are you saying?" he asked me.  I shook my head.  My fingers just began to undo the buttons on his shirt.  He pulled away, but I had undeniable proof as I say the strip of white on his skin.  Heading into my closet, I got him a regular shirt.  

"Wear this.  You don't want those buttons to press into your chest," I told him.  He finally set the pillow down slowly undoing all the buttons.  He tried to shrug out of his shirt, but I noticed his expression tense.  Clearly it was painful when he moved.  I helped him slide his arms out of the sleeves.  Tossing the shirt onto the floor, his chest a swathe of white.  I didn't hesitate slipping the shirt over his head.  I let him do the rest.  

"Let's go to sleep," I declared.  He nearly tumbled off the bed as I lifted up the sheets and climbed beneath them.  Patting the spot next to me, he avoided my gaze as he sat next to me.  The sheets pulled up over both of us.  

"Aren't you mad?" he asked.  I laughed.

"Mad? I'm not the one who's hurt," I pointed out.  

"No, I mean that I didn't tell you," he said.  I looked him in the eye. The warm feelings returning as he stared back at me.

"No, because you did it for me.  Because you love me," I said.  He flushed slightly before turning away.  He nodded softly.

"I didn't know if you heard me earlier," he said.  I grinned.

"Of course I did.  I just didn't have the chance to tell you how I feel about you," I began to say when his lips cut me off.  My eyes fluttered closed and I felt his fingers pulling my face closer to him.  I was leaning into him before I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling myself up against him.  Everything else drifted away until he moaned slightly.  I broke off the kiss seeing that I had my hand on his chest.  

"I'm ok," he blurted out.  I bit back a laugh.

"So you already knew--" I said before he pulled me back into another kiss.  This one didn't last long as I was laughing at how eager he was.  He was grinning at me though even as I pushed his face away.  

"Stop.  I'm hurting you," I stated.  Grabbing his hand, I laced our fingers together.  

"Just hold hands so we can sleep," I told him.  He managed to kiss me again even as I was trying to block him with my free hand.  

"Good night," he whispered.

"Good night," I said squeezing his hand.  I tried to roll over to turn off the light.  Only I couldn't because he was holding onto my hand.

"Yah, I have to turn the light off!" I protested.  He was pretending to be asleep even though he was using both hands to keep me from freeing my hand with his.  

"I need to turn off the light!" I huffed at him.  Not saying anything, he used his free hand to pull me down so I was lying on his chest.  His arm around me as he lifted the sheets over my head so it was dark.  

"Go to sleep," he said and I let out a large breath.  I didn't mind as I started to hear his heartbeats. Soon they matched mine, and I knew that love wasn't something I could fake.  There was no half way in love and there was no wishful thinking.  There was only reality and this time it was better than my dreams.

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I'm hoping to edit the first chapter and post it later.


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Chapter 2: Ahaha, so awesome....but you knew my opinion anyway ^^
It's much better when it is all together like this LOL
Chapter 2: I love it!! :)
Chapter 1: Aww *squeals* so good. But i knew it anyway. I'm glad you put prologue up and sorted out weird couch thing lol.
One idea. It may be beneficial to sepetatet the present and past moments with something like dashes etc.
Otherwise it could look confusing.
But I looove it ♥♥
ahhhh so cannot wait for this.
Specially because we had so many discussions about it...hehe
It's going to be fun <3