Fateful Encounters

Wishful Thinking

Kyung POV

Taeil seemed to actually have feelings for Ahmi.  I'm certain most guys woudn't willingly pick up a person over a cockroach scare.  We did live in a major city.  There were bound to be bugs.  You just moved on with your life.  Yet, he had done it carefully and calmly even while she was frightened out of her gourd.  

Whatever the reason, I knew enough to keep us moving.  Taeil had set Ahmi down on a bench, but we were going to attract attention soon.  

"Come on, we need new clothes for where we're going," I informed them.  I knew exactly where we should go.  

Taeil POV

Kyung had taken control and I was too tired to argue.  I assumed where he was taking us was off the beaten path. Knowing Kyung, this night would have a secret code.  

Ahmi seemed shaken. I wanted to comfort her, but she was falling back into quiet mode.  I didn't want to set off her bug phobia.  This was one of the worse cases I'd witnessed.  When we were younger, she'd been touched by an ant and climbed a tree to get away from it only to realize that the trunk was also moving.  The ants were in the tree for the sap.  She'd screamed and noona had needed to coax her not to jump down or just let go.  She was too far up to land safely.  At that point I'd wanted to be able to catch her.  She was so scared and the tears had started and finally she reached the ground and we were all relieved.  

This time I had been able to rescue her.  My pride was swelling and I hoped no one else noticed it.  Kyung would ruin this for me if he knew how satisfying it was to carry her away from danger.  Even if it was only a bug, Ahmi certainly thought it was worth a scream and I was more than willing to protect her.  

Sumi POV

Kyung had led us a few blocks.  I was a little confused as to where we were but he seemed to know the way.  We'd all tried to ask him where he was taking us.  Ahmi was the closest to getting an answer after she grabbed my shoulders and them backwards.   Kyung had a full view of my chest this way, but Taeil had knocked him aside.   After that it was a little awkward.  Taeil and Ahmi had been getting along finally talking, and now we were separated.  Taeil had his arm around my shoulders keeping me away from Kyung. Kyung kept looking over his shoulder at us hoping that Taeil would change his mind. Ahmi walked awkwardly next to Kyung darting to and fro because Kyung seemed to be going every which way.  He wasn't walking in a straight line.  

Kyung finally opened a door forcing us to go in a clothing store.  It was not exactly my style. Edgy and heavily patterned.  I took a quick glance and concluded that this was hip hop style.  I didn't know why he wanted us to dress like this. 

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I asked him.  He sighed giving me a once over.  I rolled my eyes.  As if he didn't already know what I had on.  He just wanted an extra reason to stare at all of my parts.

"You'll never pass in that outfit.  You're too nice," he stated.  I felt like pouting but I doubted it'd do any good.  Besides Taeil and Ahmi were already perusing the racks.  Surprisingly everything looked to be fairly comfortable.  I was fairly certain those pants were all made of cotton. 

Ignoring the suggestion of tight leather shorts from Kyung, I stood next to Ahmi picking through the pants.  She found a pair of black pants dotted with white stars and I chose a black pair with a rainbow of paint splatters.  Taeil had found a basic red and black plaid in the men's section.  Kyung opted for bright yellow with no patterns at all.  

After that we went in circles trying to find tops to match.  The guys had it easy picking a heavily patterned shirt with a roaring lion outline on a yellow T-shirt for Taeil and a long black tee with bright red sleeves and a red band spanning the lower quarter of Kyung's  torso.  They definitely didn't look bad, but I was wondering why our choices were not so simple.  Either everything was covered heavily in patterns that were a bit paisley or flowery or it was a complete mish mash of words in many languages.  I convinced Ahmi to match with me as I picked out a simple bright blue crop top.  She chose purple and we had hoodies to cover our midriffs until we got to our final destination.  Kyung had insisted I switch out my shoes for neon green sneakers.  Ahmi's passed muster and then as I was ready to leave he insisted on changing our hair styles.  

Taeil let Ahmi get away with a snapback with 'good girl' scrawled in bubble letters across the front.  Sitting comfortably atop her head, her hair hung normally straight underneath.  Kyung made me produce elastics from my purse.  We had to go into a drug store to get what he said was absolutely necessary.  I refused to let him dye my hair, but he found these fake neon color hair strips. They were basically cheap hair exentsions in a rainbow of colors. He was fiddling with my hair putting in orange, blue and pink before he gathered it all up into a ponytail high on my head.  My brain was in shock wondering where the heck he'd needed colorful hair extensions before.  Had he done some other woman's hair?  I found myself wondering just how many women he'd dated before me.  I had never asked him that question because it hadn't mattered to me, but with the way he expertly styled my hair I was curious.  Who did he know well enough to style their hair before me?  

Ahmi POV

Taeil had dragged me to the cosmetic aisle.  He was joking around pointing to all the outrageous shades. He was peering at the black lipstick and I wondered if he wanted to wear it. He would look hot as a goth.  My mind whirled with the idea of him all in black and white powder.  His black lips the charming feature of his face.  His glasses would be drawing attention to his brown eyes.  His limp hand would extend towards me causing me to walk quickly in the opposite direction.  No this was not working for me.  Why brain? Why?  Limp hands made me want to shudder. They were too creepy.  

"I don't think that's your color," I told Taeil. He nodded lightly as he continued to look over the offerings.  He seemed to like the bronzers but he explained it was only because they shimmered.  

Sumi appeared and she looked stunning.  The bright colors she was sporting were highlighting her alert eyes.  Her smirk blending her outfit into part of her hiphop image.  People might think she was a dancer in these low hanging pants.  The legs joined together shortly after the knees.  They were a lot more comfortable than my jeans.  I felt no shame in wearing them. They were a step up from pajama pants and I knew the waistband wouldn't slide down to reveal my underwear.  

Kyung towed us out of the store becuase Sumi and Taeil had started a debate over eyeliner and he'd already paid.  He'd led us into a taxi hauling the backpack with him.  Sumi had not wanted to throw away her clothes, so he'd compromised getting a backpack to carry them in which apparently did not ruin our covert disguise.  Although honestly Kyung and Taeil had all the necessary accessories to begin with they just changed their clothes for fun.  

Taeil POV

Noona had cornered me.  She'd feigned interest in my question about liquid eyeliner.  Then, she'd pulled her usual bait and switch.

"Did Kyung date anyone that wore this kind of eyeliner before?" She wanted to know.  I didn't know what to tell her.  She would probably not appreciate the truth.  Kyung probably never felt a need to tell her that before she said yes to him he was a player.  Although not in a good way, he was the same greasy guy, only he didn't mind having hookups or get upset when girls threw their beverages onto him for never calling.  His constant flirting had caused us many encounters with jealous 'girlfriends' who had stuck around past the first night only to get annoyed with his grease and demand he respect them.  Only it ended in a mad fit of loud noises unfortunately there was violence and sometimes they took it out on more than just Kyung.  Jihoon was always too nice and tried to intervene.  He only ever got hit for his troubles.  

 I didn't say anything.  The truth would hurt her and there were many other truths out there that might not.  If I gave her a different truth, then she might be able to let this go, but the one I wanted to tell her was not mine to divulge.  She probably knew already but hadn't quite put it into words yet.  If I had my way, then she would find out sooner rather than later.  Kyung certainly didn't seem worth keeping around when he only ever served as a distraction.  

Ahmi POV

Kyung was leading the way again.  Sumi practically attached to him as if she hadn't just been ignoring him just minutes ago.  I didn't quite understand what she liked about him.  Sure he was nice to her, but all I saw was him wanting a physical relationship.  Sumi was far too naive when it came to Kyung.  She thought it was cute and anyone watching knew otherwise.  They both brushed off any issues and ignored their disagreements.  Any concerns I had voiced were shot down.  I just 'didn't understand Kyung and that was why I had issues with him' she would say.  I'd given up saying anything.  I loved her but sometimes I wondered why my best friend was so stupidly stubborn.  

"Are we close?" My question bringing them out of whatever world they were inhabiting.  Taeil smiled thinking the same thing as me.  He was of sound mind and had all the same concerns as I did regarding Sumi's choices.  She had a point before, if anything Taeil and I were both invested in her well-being.   It didn't seem like a great reason to date each other though.  Taeil and I were getting along but honestly we didn't talk much.  We were having more fun gesturing at the two dorks ahead of us.  Taeil was miming hitting Kyung with a number of objects including what I can only describe as a lackadaisical alligator.  I was acting out how Sumi would react while still holding tight to Kyung's arm.  Shaking with laughter, I nearly toppled over the line of people we had seamlessly joined.  

"The lines too long, follow me," Kyung said and so we did.  People sneered as we passed them in line.  Clearly they were part of the crowd we were trying to blend into and judging from the feeling that I was getting a physical from ten different people at once, I was hoping we passed.  Otherwise this feeling in my gut was all from trusting in Kyung's judgment.  Taeil didn't seem to mind the crowd of people, but when some guy called out to us, he stopped in his tracks.  He stepped closer to the guy and leaned in close to him whispering something into his ear. The guy paled seeming to shrink back against the wall. 

Taeil POV

I heard the comment that Kyung was hot.  It was a tad surprising but to each their own.  No one else seemed to really notice the way he was eyeing Kyung like he was a slab of meat.  This could end badly in any number of ways so I decided to intervene.

He smirked a bit when I stepped closer to him.  I didn't let his confidence stop me from nearly pressing my mouth to his earlobe.  I didn't touch him though that would have been over the top. 

"That's my sister's boyfriend.  He's not interested in you.  Next time respect yourself first," I said softly knowing no one else would hear me.  Resisting the urge to pat him on the shoulder, he seemed quite distressed by my words.  I felt bad for him, but if one reality check was enough to unsettle him then maybe he needed counseling.  Either way it worked in both our favors, no one realized this guy was hitting on Kyung and everyone thought I was suddenly tough.  Ahmi seemed nervous when I gently rested my hand on her back.  She had watched the exchange and probably thought I had said something horrifying.  

"Don't worry about him.  Let's go inside," my words sparked her into moving forwards.  Kyung had already gotten the bouncer to lift the ropes for him and Sumi and we didn't want to be left behind.  Although, I recognized the place but I wasn't sure they'd remember me necessarily.  I didn't exactly go around flaunting who I was.  

Sumi POV

Kyung was guiding us through a sea of colorfully dressed people.  The neons on black were striking and my eyes didn't know where to settle.  There were people in motion.  I wasn't exactly sure I'd call it dancing as there was a large crowd gathered around a stage.  They were moving to a low bass beat.  Everyone was dressed in a similar style to ours.  Baggy comfortable loud clothes were all over these people in layers.  I was beginning to feel thankful for my crop top.  They all looked hot but all those layers had to be heavy, right?  Especially with all the bling flashing around necks and earlobes.  There was a large amount of what appeared to be gold but who knew really.  

He headed towards the bar.  The sleek marble seemed out of place with lively atmosphere.   He was handing the bag across to one of the bartenders.  I couldn't quite hear what they were saying as Kyung talked into his ear.  Before long they were patting each other on the backs as they separated.  I had no idea where we were or why Kyung seemed to know everyone.  People were looking at him and as we'd passed through the crowd he had been touched by lots of people.  Hand shakes and raised nods in greeting.  

"Where are we?" I asked not understanding exactly.  This was a club but without the dancing.  I had assumed that we were dressed to impress but the lights were down low so you couldn't see across the room.  

"I know.  Why is it so dark?" Ahmi asked by my side. I turned around.  Where did Kyung disappear to?

"He left?! That's perfect," I scowled.  Feeling uncomfortable as I'd ped my hoodie, but I didn't want to seem like I couldn't handle the leering.  Ahmi shared my fate as we stood in full view near the bar as a light flicked on above us.  I glanced upwards wanting to know why we were in the spotlight.  It had to be an accident, but then I recognized a voice.  

"Just a warning to you all, don't mess with my friends," Zico said.  Ahmi and I were exchanging confused looks.  Neither of us understood why Zico was in control of the speaker system and lights.  There was whistling now and Taeil scooted into the orb of light in front of us. 

"Don't touch my noonas!" Taeil was shouting.  Flabbergasted, my mouth hung open and Ahmi flushed deep read.  It could have just been the bright lights making us sweat.  

"YAH! Turn the light off!" I heard Kyung saying.  A bark of laughter which sounded familiar even as it cut off, but I had no idea who owned the club.  I half expected a slew of idols to come pouring out of the crowd decked in bright colors and showing angry faces.  He did turn the light off, but the buzz didn't die away immediately. 

"Look up there!" Ahmi was pointing.  To the left of the main floor, I could make out a DJ table on a raised platform.  There were people up there and I saw Kyung's blonde hair, but I wasn't sure who was with him and Zico.  

"Let's go," I grinned.  Ahmi laughed as Taeil sighed.  He knew he didn't want to miss whatever trouble I started.  Ahmi had her hands on my shoulders and I assumed no one would bother us.  Navigating through the crowd, I ignored any physical contact with my person.  As we got closer I could make out a ramp that was partly clear.  There were people at the top and with everyone wearing the same style of clothing it was hard to tell if anyone wearing a hat was male or female.  It didn't matter as Kyung stood out in his yellow pants.  Pushing past the few people, I went to wrap my arms around him from the side as one of the hats leaned up close to him kissing him.  I froze staring as he kissed her back?  

"DUDE! What are you doing?" Zico had the decency to object.  I wanted to laugh.  This was exactly what Tiny had tried to warn me about.  I hadn't thought he was right about Kyung being a bad guy, but this had me wanting to just walk out.  

"What's your problem?" Kyung yelled looking at Zico.  I stared at him not able to look away.  Ahmi hugged me from behind effectively pinning my arms down.  The hat turned to reveal a woman with a flawless face that screamed plastic surgery because if it wasn't then I had no chance against her.  Otherwise I couldn't find any flaw besides that she was too perfect even without makeup.  

"I missed you," her hat was bobbing back and forth trying to understand why Zico was freaking out.  Kyung was staring at me in horror.  I didn't even know what kind of expression I had on my face.  This must be shock.   My stomach felt the cold air as hat woman twisted about in front of me wanting Kyung's attention again.  

"Kyung!" she whined piteously.  He was swallowing nervously and I didn't know what to say to him.  

"Sumi, it's not like that.  I swear.  This girl, I haven't seen in her in months!" Kyung tried to explain.  The woman in question removed her hat running her fingers through her long silky hair.  It was flawless too.  What conditioner was she using?  I needed to try some of it.  My eyes lingered on her fingers slightly hidden amongst the strands of her hair.  I wanted to touch it but I knew that I wouldn't be able to control myself.  Gratitude flowed through me as I felt Ahmi holding me back even as I had only just turned towards the woman.  

Letting my eyes close, I wanted to find myself.  My body felt distant as I had to concentrate to move my feet.  The difficulty disappeared as I was pushed aside.  I opened my eyes wanting the view to help me stay upright.  Another woman fixing her hat after she had slapped Kyung across the face.

"Who is she? I saw you kissing her!" the woman was yelling.  My eyes blinked knowing that Kyung was being accused of cheating on women he was cheating on me with fueling my urge to laugh.  How could he possibly have the time to cheat on me when he barely had the time to date me?  My mind was reeling going back through the past few months.  No conclusions were drawn as I evaluated our relationship.  

"What the hell KYUNG!" Ahmi was yelling at him. He flinched daring to glance at me.  His face seemed smaller.  His infamous smile seemed to be a relic long discarded and corroded.  

"You have to believe me. I only talked to them!  I didn't date them!" Kyung was defending himself.  I felt my lips curving upwards.  

Zico POV

Kyung had shown up.  I hadn't expected him to come but he said he wanted to show off during his date night.  He had challenged for a rap battle.  Nothing too intense but enough to let Sumi see his charms.  I had to say yes because he was a crowd pleaser.  He had even beaten me a few times, but that was probably because he knew my material so well.  

I was teasing him about wanting to look good for Sumi.  He said he'd left them at the bar and I decided to make an announcement.  Telling one of the staff to turn the spotlight on her, not knowing she wasn't alone.

He'd failed to mention that Ahmi and Taeil were here as well.  SO I informed the crowd to leave my friends alone before he cut me off.  Jihoon was causing a small riot with his booming laughter.  There was no music playing because everyone was waiting for the battles to start.  Since Kyung was a last minute addition he got Jihoon to agree to face off with him. 

The two of them made a great pairing.  They both had trouble being completely serious.  I was arranging to start playing a few tracks to set the mood.  I wanted a chance to talk over the set up with everyone.  I couldn't let my friends go first, but after the first match; they might act as comic relief and reduce some of the tension.  

The rappers were still hanging around on the ramp.  I didn't notice the familiar faces until it was too late.  Honestly, my best friend never made keeping track of his contacts easy.  Most of them I wouldn't consider his friends.  Half of them he just flirted with once and ended up with their phone number but never used it.  Kyung was in full lip lock with one of his exes.  I was ready to roll my eyes when I spotted Sumi standing there.  Kyung didn't stop until after my outburst.  I was beginning to doubt him.  Hadn't he just told me he wanted to impress his girlfriend?  Sometimes I wondered if he was too carefree.  Didn't he realize there were consequences to saying yes to everything?

To my surprise Sumi didn't run away crying, but stood there staring at Mijin, who wasn't the worst to hang around us.  She came from a wealthy family and liked to spread her money around without being completely crude about it.  Honestly, Kyung was my best friend and even I wondered what she liked about him.  He certainly didn't seem her type, and yet he hadn't seemed Sumi's type either.  I'd completely expected her to say no when he asked her to be his girlfriend.  Yet, here they were four months later and Kyung was kissing some one he'd slept with before.  Whereas he had yet to sleep with his actual girlfriend.  

Not entirely surprising a drunken Hanae appeared and slapped him.  As far as I know he hadn't slept with her, but from the way he reacted I guess I could be wrong; he didn't feel guilt unless he thought what he did was serious.  Sumi was like a statue frozen in place.  Ahmi spoke for her being angry with Kyung.  I decided to pull him backwards.  Taeil had the look of wanting to punch him until he saw blood.  

"Let go of me!" Kyung was struggling. 

"No.  Taeil hyung looks ready to break your face and your girlfriend doesn't want to see you kissing anyone else," I warned him.  He was biting his lip wanting to defend himself, but I heard a deep voice steal his chance.

"Noona. Forget this.  Let's go dance!" Jihoon demanded.  I saw him shifting Sumi and practically carrying her down the ramp away from us.  

"I'm taking Sumi home," Ahmi was saying.  Shaking my head, I knew she wouldn't like the reality.  

"Good luck finding her in the crowd!" I said loud enough to be heard over the screams as my track changed.  

"Great.  It's like a mosh pit down there!" she was leaning against the edge of the box wanting to spot the pair.  The sea of color drowned out your sense to spot details.  The dancing bodies acted as a multi-colored strobe light.  Bouncing and shifting enough to catch the light as they grooved.  

"You won't be able to find them until Jihoon has his battle with Kyung," I told her.  She glared at Kyung.

"What do you mean? You're performing even after what just happened?!" her outrage was clear.  

"Of course he is.  Their match is bound to be a sensation as everyone hears about what just went down.  Besides then Sumi will hear what he has to say," I explained.

"You're sick.  I thought you were better than this," she shot me a disgusted look before she left.  Taeil went with her knowing that I wouldn't let him beat up my best friend, even if he was an idiot. 

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I'm hoping to edit the first chapter and post it later.


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Chapter 2: Ahaha, so awesome....but you knew my opinion anyway ^^
It's much better when it is all together like this LOL
Chapter 2: I love it!! :)
Chapter 1: Aww *squeals* so good. But i knew it anyway. I'm glad you put prologue up and sorted out weird couch thing lol.
One idea. It may be beneficial to sepetatet the present and past moments with something like dashes etc.
Otherwise it could look confusing.
But I looove it ♥♥
ahhhh so cannot wait for this.
Specially because we had so many discussions about it...hehe
It's going to be fun <3