The beginning



A lone figure in a dark alleyway...That was all she was right now. The tears streamed uncontrallably down Lindsay's cheeks, dripping drop by drop onto the cold, hard floor. She wanted all the memories fresh in her mind to disappear forever. She felt like a ; probably the only negative thing she hadn't thought herself to be before. A filthy, disgusting . He had seemed nice before, like a kind and caring person. But seeing him now made her shudder with disgust as she replayed the scene in her mind. He ripped off her clothing with animalistic instinct. All she could remember was pain, no pleasure whatsoever. He stripped her of her pride. Her only pride being a was now cut off.Her clothes were now barely covering anything since they were just previously ripped off. She wallowed in her tars as she continued travelling through the alleys, not wanting to see anybody in her miserable state. Her tears were a never-ending waterfall. Usually, she could console herself through singing. But today, it wasn't working. Thus, she took drastic measures. As the blood oozed out, she felt all her pain go away. The deep red cuts on her wrists made her feel human again, but she was sure nobody would understand. So, she wore long cardigans to cover them up.


On the other hand...


"I tol-told you peeeple to ssut ubbb!" He was staggering from side to side, his head in a dizzy mess from what had just happened. 

"Shut up you drunk! And stay out!"The man with a double chin was fuming mad, his face as red as a tomato. Samuel couldn't stand it any longer. He had all this pent up anger inside of him. His life was perfect. He had the perfect girlfriend, the perfect career, the perfect family.... Why did it all have to crumble down on him. Why did his life fall apart piece by piece. His girlfriend dumped him for a guy with higher status, his band mates dumped him for a better lead singer and his dad his mom. 

"Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!" His fist was bleeding, with blood splattered across his fist. Stupid life, stupid father, stupid love. He could not believe in anything for much longer.  He was mad enough to do anything, and I mean anything. But his body was just so exhausted. His knees gave in as he involuntarily knelt on the ground. Tears dripping one by one, now streaming down his face. Why was it that nobody ever understood him. It was all so stupid. So so so so so so so so STUPID! All of them! They were all bastards and es.


Next day of school...


It's the first day of school. It was time for me to click my mask back into place. As I saw the people passing by wave to me, I wacved back, putting on the brightest smile I had, feeling as though it helped to hide my tears more easily. The cheerleaders, the nerds, the glee club, all of them waved to her. She was going to go through all of this until recess, where she would enjoy her silence in the music room. 

It was time for Cheerios practice. The team was warming up as she greeted them with warm smiles, which weren't true. Well, to most of them at least. When she spotted her best friend, Marissa, who she also called Mars,she managed a true smile.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Mars always seems to know what's wrong with me. I managed another smile and shaked my head to show that nothing was wrong. I could tell that Mars knew I was lying, but tried not to press it.  It was time for cheerleading practice and even as my best friend, Mars didn't know about my cutting problem.  It was time for our pyramid formation. Once we got it perfect, Coach Sylvester would let us go. I was, as usual, at the top, and had the most difficult move. I sommersaulted off of the entire squad and landed on the ground. Today, it seemed as though everyone was amazing and we did it right in one take and for once, Coach Sylvester seemed happy with us. I smiled. Today was looking good.



However, she called me to her office. The tension in the air was as thick as sheep's wool. It was still. Coach's eyes were piercing through mine as I took a gulp of my own saliva. She suddenly broke into a smile.

"Congratulations Lindsay, you got a cheerleading scholarship at Yale University!" my jaw literally dropped. This was the best day ever! Yle University, one of the top in the world, wanted me to study with them! I was ecstatic!


On Samuel's side...

I trudged my way into school, not caring if anyone saw my disshelved state. I just wanted te relieve some of my stress. Just then, I passed a sign:

Glee club members wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

______Damian_______________           ________Marissa_____________

______Hannah_______________           ________Mattheus____________

______Alex__________________           ________Lindsay_____________

______Emily_________________           ________Ellis________________

______Bryce_________________           ___________________________


The glee club huh? My eyebrows were raised. Music... I could try out.... Huh.... My mind and heart were in a dilemma. I loved making music but this was the glee club. Was I supposed to join? Ah... what the heck. My life couldn't get any worse

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Ehhhhh y never update? As busy me meh?
dearjennz #2
Love It!! Update Soon
Jiayou!! Update!!
Dsinger_1998 #4
@xxSHINeexxB2ST Thank you!! :)
Hehe me likey
Nice story!!! Jiayou jiayou update!!
Dsinger_1998 #7
@Dinobunny Thanks :D
:D awesome<br />
never thought i'd be interested in glee but Hehe, this update is good!~~Hahas:)<br />
Jiayou!!! Hahahaha update~
HOHOHO :D <br />
updateeeee~~ hahas^^