My Unexpected Twist Part2

My Naughty Ghost -completed-
I waited and waited for the pain, to feel the car crushing my bones and hitting me but it never came so I opened my eyes and looked around, I was sitting in a comfortable chair with the little puppy in my arms while on the other side of the desk sat down three old men with long silver hair and beard and wearing all white looking at me with a sharp look

Sitting in the chair I looked at the three men and felt scared, I felt like if I'm being judged on something and I could not find the courage to say anything for a long time until the puppy jumped out of my arms and into the arms of the man sitting in the middle

'What…?' I began

'Haha calm down you little one, you are safe at home now'

'Excuse me…am I dead?'

'Oh you are quite a special case young man' the elder sitting at the right said

'You should not have died today' the one at the left said

'You had a rough life young man and you took a lot of bad decisions, enough to prevent you from going to heaven' the elder in the middle said

'But still you choose to sacrifice your life for the sake of a poor creature that you did not know which allows you into heaven cause it shows you got a noble loving heart' the elder at the right said again

'And by doing that you became a unique case… he have no place for you neither in heaven nor hell so we can't let you into any place but…we came up with a conclusion' the elder at the left said

'So am I dead or not?' I asked a little bit rudely but hey how can blame me? I wanted to know if I'm dead or not!

'It is up to you, you could go on with the afterlife and you will be judged according to your actions and behaviors or you can ask for a second chance' the elder at the middle said

'What do you mean?'

'You can go back to earth but without a physical body…' the elder at the right said but I could not concentrate, I mean come on the afterlife? So I am dead but I should not have died today? What the hell are they talking about? I felt a huge headache and did not hear a word of what they were saying

'So do you like another chance on earth?' the elder in the middle asked

'Huh?' I looked at him blankly for a while

'Err sure I will take it' I shrugged; it must mean that I will go back and be alive right? That all what matters now

Standing up the elders clapped their hands once and everything changed, I was back at the village again but it was not raining anymore I was not stormy night but bright morning and I for a few seconds thought that it had all been a dream but right then I saw both Yoochun and Junsu walking aside me, they both were wearing black and from their look they seems to have cried a lot so wondering what happened I approached them

'Yoochun what happened?'

No one answered me as they walked right beside me making me feel worried so I ran after them

'Junsu? What happened?'

Still the same they walked past me with no answer

Feeling more angry than worried now I ran after them and tried to grab Junsu's shoulder but my hand went through it!!

I froze at the spot and started to shake, what the hell happened just now? Why did my hand go right through his shoulder? Why could not I touch him?

Wanting to make sure and unable to believe I ran to my house and tried to open the door, I could not touch the door and my hand kept going right through it making me feel scarier than ever

Starting to feel helpless and crazy I stood outside my house crying when suddenly I saw them, it was my loving father, mother and their heir walking right to the house

'You take our baby into the house and rest a little dear' my father smiled

'And you my love?'

'I will go check on the garden and see its shape before following you'

'Ok honey don't be late'

My mother pecked my father's lips softly

'Come quickly daddy' the little brat smiled

My father smiled and hugged him tightly

'Oh I won't take long I promise… so will you be a good boy and wait for me?'

The brat nodded his head and smiled

'Very good' my father patted his head a few times before he parted from them and turned around the house to check on his dear plants

Not believing the scene or not wanting to I don't know but I followed my father to the garden where he started to check on his flowers and trees and smile happily about them being in a good shape

Suddenly the old chef walked to him, she was about fifty years old and she bowed to him

'Won't sir go look for young master?' she hesitated

Young master? Me? She always called me young master so she must be talking about me

'Young master is just inside with his mother' he smiled at her softly but his voice held a dangerous tone

'I meant the other young master' she added trying to ignore his tone

'I don't quite understand?' my father played innocent

So he was not going to look for me? He was not planning to help me? To search for me and try to bring me back home? He did not care for me anymore?

'I meant young master JAEJOONG!' she emphasized on my name

I jumped up a little feeling a little bit hope; he can't run away from answering now he must answer her

'He can run away if he wants' my father did not seem bothered bit on the contrary he seemed happy!!

'He felt so depressed! You and his mother disowned him!' she was about to start yelling now

'No we did not' he smiled innocently

'Oh hell you did and you went to adopt a new boy and name him your heir why?' she added ignoring my father's stares

'WE DON'T HAVE ANOTHER SON EXCEPT LI!' my father yelled this time

'Yes you do! You have jaejoong! Remember him? the son you two never cared about, the son you choose to leave behind to be raised by maids instead of his parents, the son who cried himself to sleep every night when he read the articles about you two having fun in the park with your new son' she stood facing him now

'He is no son of ours! He is a ! He did not leave a boy without sleeping in his bed and you know that!'

That was like a slap on the face for me! My own father thought that I am a ? My own father hated me so much?

'He turned out like that because he had no parents to guide him so don’t you dare blame him' she said in a voice that held more dangerous tone than my father's

'You are crossing the limit here!' my father tried to calm down

'You know very well that I have all of your secrets and I had you father's before you! If by morning no clue about the boy was found I will spread your dirty laundry everywhere and I mean it!' she looked at my father with a threatening look that had no fear

'You wouldn't dare!' my father said

'Oh wouldn't I? you don't think I know why are you happy that your son is gone? Don't you think I know everything? Don't you think your father already told me?'

Ok what is she talking about now?

'He is too girly looking! He have no courage and he would have never succeeded and you know it, he would have only destroyed everything… I had to protect the whole thing, I had to…' my father began

'Disown your son and act like he does not exist hoping that people will soon forget about him and your father's will?' she said in a disgusted tone

What? What about my grandpa's will?

'He left everything for jaejoong, not you or your wife but for jaejoong… when the boy turns eighteen he will have all his money back and the companies you and your wife built it was from his money, they belong to him so afraid to lose your money you tried to ignore his existence and hope that what? He will disappear?'

WHAT? Grandpa left everything to me? MONEY? For the ing money they treated me like this?

'That is a reason to kill but we gave him a house, money and everything he needed'

'Then what about love? What about family? And what about his parents?'

My father did not say anything

'I tell you if no clue about the boy was found in twenty-four hours I will start talking and destroy you!'

As she walked away now I saw the determined look on her face and the angry one on my father's as he raised his hand and grabbed his mobile, dialing a number he waited a second and then started talking, he asked for the best rescuing team there is in the area and asked them to search the woods and the surrounding area for clues about me

I started to cry, never I cried before the day I died bit now I cried, my father hates me so much because of money, I would have gave it all to them if they asked, I did not want it, I do not want it but they never knew, they never bothered to know because they only cared about their selves and what they wanted so from now on I will be the same, I will have an ice cold heart with no feelings!

End of flashback

'Jaejoong… JAEJOONG!'

I jumped as I heard my name and looking around I saw yunho looking at me with a worried look

'Are you alright?'

He was deferent, yunho cared about me, yunho wanted to be my friend, he wanted to be my lover and my family, he loved me and made me smile happily, although he is a little dorky and childish but he is good hearted and cared so I can care back about him right? I can allow myself to care right?


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
awsm story its so cute and fluffy with little bit sad. Bt it worth its writing.. Awsm author sii n thank u for writing such a nice story..
if you ever want to have your story be proofread for errors, you can message me ^^
HI!!! Just want to let you know that I really love this story and decided to include it in the must read YUNJAE stories. So uhm... here's the link if you wanna know more ~^.^~

nlienhua #5
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
nlienhua #6
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
nlienhua #7
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
nlienhua #8
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
Chapter 53: I don't know but when I read this, I keep thinking of Jae in Heaven Postman. It's a nice story I could say.
first_rose #10
Chapter 53: happy new year 2015 author-shi.....