True meaning of friendship

My Naughty Ghost -completed-
Kangin kept on driving for a few hours, it was dark already when they finally reached the big city and drove to kang in's house

Parking the car in front of a small house both yunho and kang in stepped out of the car and looked at the house, yunho smiled a little as he looked around, it had been long since he came here but still the place, the feeling… it was like if he just left to come back

Walking in after kang in yunho totally forgot about the super angry ghost in the car and that he must deal with him, he just entered the house and walked straight upstairs to the bedrooms, opening one door he entered and jumped onto the big bed and smiled, it was nice to be back here

'Glad to see you did not forget' smiled kang in as he walked in and sat next to yunho

'How could I?' smiled yunho softly as he closed his eyes and relaxed his body, the far drive had made him so tired but still there was lot to do and no time so he did not have time to rest

'Tell me what happened' yunho opened his eyes and looked at kang in

'We were at the mall, Boa and I, we were on a date and everything was going perfectly fine… we had watched a romantic movie about something and had a nice cozy diner and we were going to have a ride on my motorcycle when suddenly I felt a sharp pain on the back on my head and when I turned around I saw them smirking at me… I tried to fight them but failed and then they got her… DAMN IT… I tried to stop them but failed… I let her down… I… you are the best fighter in town'

'We will get her back' yunho patted his friend softly to calm him down as he swore to teach that bastered a lesson, going after him because of a stupid title is something but hurting his friends and kidnapping an innocent woman that had nothing to do with it was something else, something that he would never allow!

'Call the guys' yunho stood up

'And you?'

'Call the guys and follow me, I'm going first' smirked yunho as he stretched his arms above his head and his lips, he looked a little bit scary by now as he walked out of the room and out of the house, going outside he saw the silver motorcycle parked in front of the house and smirked, it had been long since he drove it and now since he is here why not?

Shrugging yunho walked to the motorcycle and slipped his hand under the black leather seat and searched for a second before he retorted it with a little silver key shining in his palm, kang in never changed his hiding place, so sitting on the motorcycle and starting it yunho realized for the first time since a few hours that there was a very angry and scary looking jaejoong standing right in front of him in the middle of the road with some strange aura around him and the same dreadful look in his eyes

'Jaejoong' yunho gulped

'Going somewhere?' jaejoong hissed in the most dangerous tone yunho ever heard

'Y…Yes' yunho swallowed hard afraid of what's coming next

'You ignored me, you left me and you…' he approached yunho

'It's not like that… I need to go meet someone and then I was going to come back to the village, to you as soon as possible' yunho tried to hide the guilty look in his eyes, he was trying to sound innocent as if he was telling the truth and well he was or at least a part of it… he did wanted to finish this mission as soon as possible but that because he did not want kang in or the guys to get hurt and not because of jaejoong and sure he was going back to the village but not because of jaejoong so he told part the truth part a lie

Jaejoong looked at yunho in the eyes and did not say anything

Yunho still felt scared, he had to do something to make jaejoong calm down but at that second a car drove by them and looking at it yunho saw a little puppy in the back seat and at once it popped in his head

'I wanted to finish this quickly and go back home to you and bring back the little puppy to live with us too' smiled yunho

Jaejoong widened his eyes at once when he heard the word puppy, all the dangerous aura around him vanished at once to be replaced with a white pure childish one and even the dreadful look in his eyes changed at once into a happy pleading one as he started to jump up and down and nod his head

'Really? the puppy too? Can I take care of him? I want to feed him? to play with him? please~~?'

Yunho could not help but chuckle at the cute sight in front of him as he nodded his head

'Sure you can but now let me go to finish this mission' yunho smiled at jaejoong, it felt like talking to a little stubborn boy but a very cute and innocent one that with calm down at once when he hears about the simplest things like a small puppy

'Ok I will come too' jaejoong smiled

'Sure why not' yunho shrugged drove off with jaejoong flied along his side

The road was almost empty at this time of a night so yunho stepped on it and drove faster until he reached it, it was a big empty building with the sign ( Seoul's Public High School' on its door

Parking the motorcycle infront of the main door yunho got off it and looked around, it had been a while since he last was here but still he memorized everywhere and every spot in this building so pushing the front Iron Gate open and looked around, no one in the front yard? That is strange

'What no welcoming community?' yunho mucked

Suddenly there were two men standing in front of them and smirking, their faces were filled with scares, they were wearing leather and chains around their necks like some weird mafia guys, they walked to yunho and laughed evilly

Smiling back at them yunho raised an eyebrow:' what not going to attack me already?' yunho mucked

At once the two men lunched toward yunho with an evil smirk on their faces ready to punch and kick the man in front of them but yunho parting his legs a little to steady himself on the ground smiled and waited for the two men until they arrived to him, with one jump of the ground yunho spun around and punched the first guys in his ribs hardly that the man backed away holding his ribs and widening his eyes before he fell on the ground crying in pain

The second man tried to kick yunho but yunho caught his foot and spun it around making a cracking noise, it had broke for sure and the man yelled in pain as he fell on the ground not moving

Yunho smiled and walked forward, he entered the school and walked straight to the gym, he knew he will be there waiting for him like always but this time he won't be alone, he will be with his men and Boa, the innocent girl who had nothing to do with all this

Pushing the door open with his leg yunho entered the gym with a smirk on his face, just as he predicted he was there standing near the opposite wall with another ten men or so standing around him and one of them holding on a young crying girl whose body was shaking unstoppably as she begged them to let her go but they were just looking at her and laughing

'Hello~' yunho smiled happily as he stood in the middle of the gym

'YOU!' the leader stood straight looking at yunho angrily

'I loved your welcoming community, too shame they will spent a lot of time in the hospital now' yunho shrugged

'How dare you attack my men?' the leader walked forward

'What I should let them attack me like this?' yunho asked sarcastically

'You Son of a b*tch you will die tonight!' the leader walked forward

'And who will kill me? You old man?' yunho mucked again

'Get him!' the leader screamed and the ten men ran at once toward yunho some with chains in their hands while the others with knifes but still yunho did not look scared

'Omo run!' jaejoong screamed as he saw all the men running to yunho

'Oh don't worry about me' smiled yunho as the first man approached him, with some awesome Kong fu moves yunho ducked the attack and with a high kick he sent the man flying across the room and then he jumped and punished another man with a chain before he ducked down to avoid a flying knife that was meant to hit his face before he stood up again and saw another man holding a knife trying to stab him so grabbing the man's wrist he spun it around making the man yell in pain and drop the knife before he kicked him in the ribs to fall on the wooden floor while yunho kept fighting the men and sending them flying one after the other while he had no scratch on

Jaejoong amazed by yunho's power and material arts abilities stood at the side trying to copy yunho's moves so he punched and kicked the thin air trying to do as yunho did while smiling and cheering for him

The leader could not believe that his best men were defeated this easily; they were dropping down like flies so he decided to take the matter to his own hands


Turning around yunho froze when he saw the damn man holding a knife and pointing it to Boa's throat

Yunho froze in his place:' Don't do it G dragon, it's between you and me she has nothing to do with it' yunho tried too reason

'It's you or her' smirked G dragon

Closing his eyes yunho knew what was going to happen but did not protest, he stood still as the remaining men started to hit him, kicking and punching every part of his body that they could reach while yunho did not say a word, he just closed his eyes and bared with the pain:' Let her go now'

Smirking G dragon pushed Boa backward toward the wall and joined the men kicking yunho with his feets

Not believing what is going on jaejoong watched as yunho collapsed on the floor barely hanging up as his face was filled with blood

As the time passed jaejoong felt that he must do something to help yunho, he started to tear up as he felt so angry at yunho, why did not yunho stop them? Why is he so obedient? Why is not he fighting back? WHY?

Feeling his anger raise jaejoong started to wave his hands and the men were flying backward across the room and hitting the other wall harshly not knowing what just happened to them or what attacked them

Suddenly the door bursted open and kangin along with another ten men that ran right in the room and surrounded yunho, looking around they saw all the other gang members passed out on the floor so they just took yunho and Boa and drove to kang in's house


Yunho opened his eyes, he was laying in his bed in kang in's house he knew that when he looked around, sitting in bed he saw jaejoong standing next to him

'WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?' jaejoong yelled

'WHAT?' asked yunho innocently

'WHY DID NOT YOU FIGHT BACK?' yelled jaejoong again

'I wanted to protect Boa, she is my friend and that what friends do to each other' yunho explained

Jaejoong widened his eyes and stood there not moving or saying anything, friends? Yunho endangered his life to save his friend? No one had ever did this with him, Heechul always lied to him and stole his boyfriends, his fan club would never do such a thing to him, no one would, he never had such a great friends like yunho beside him… he never knew what friendship is…


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
awsm story its so cute and fluffy with little bit sad. Bt it worth its writing.. Awsm author sii n thank u for writing such a nice story..
if you ever want to have your story be proofread for errors, you can message me ^^
HI!!! Just want to let you know that I really love this story and decided to include it in the must read YUNJAE stories. So uhm... here's the link if you wanna know more ~^.^~

nlienhua #5
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
nlienhua #6
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
nlienhua #7
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
nlienhua #8
this is very very good fanfic . i like it so much . jae so cute and yunho so gentle with jae .
Chapter 53: I don't know but when I read this, I keep thinking of Jae in Heaven Postman. It's a nice story I could say.
first_rose #10
Chapter 53: happy new year 2015 author-shi.....