
Project Partners

"Hey Soojung-ah, are we going to your house, or my house this weekend for the Chemistry project?" Chanyeol asked Krystal. "It doesn't matter, oppa. But my house has more computers and books, so can you come over instead?" She replied. "Sure, your house it is. Is your mom making those lovely cookies of hers?" He battered his eyelashes, pleading. "Ew, Chanyeol. Keep that up and you'll be getting no cookies." Scrunching up her face, she walked away.

"I still want my cookies!"

"Your house still looks good. Is your brother home?" Chanyeol grinned, looking around. "No, he's off at dance practise as usual. He finished his home classes early today." Krystal grinned. "I have the cookies though."

Chanyeol launched himself at the plate on the table and stuffed his face with cookies. At this point, Krystal's younger brother, Jae came home. "What's hyung doing this time..?" "You don't wanna know, bro. Go up to your room, okay?" Krystal laughed. "Oh, Hoya hyung's coming over later. So make sure to leave him some cookies, okay?" Krystal nodded and Jae ran upstairs.

"CHANYEOL! Not the whole plate!"

After Chanyeol had one too many cookies, the two sat down and began their project. Handing him a laptop, Krystal took her own out and began researching. It was silent, until Chanyeol began playing 2NE1 songs.

"CHANYEOL! Not again!"

"We're finally done! I'm so exhausted." Krystal yawned, having compiled most of the work. Chanyeol was sleeping on a couch, completely knocked out. As usual. Krystal scoffed and sent the file to their teacher.

"Hey Chanyeol, wake up. We're done." Chanyeol opened his eyes and sat up slowly after Krystal shook him up. "I'm up, I'm up. We're done, so I'll just get going. See you tomorrow, Soojung-ah!"

"CHANYEOL! You forgot your bag again!"

The next day, a Friday, while sitting at her desk in her usual nerd getup. Krystal frowned. Chanyeol clearly thought of her as nothing but a friend. Maybe it was the way she dressed? She decided to ask Chanyeol, who sat behind her.

"Hey oppa, I really like this guy. What should I do to make him like me, should I change my style?" Chanyeol thought about it for a while and decided. "Soojung-ah, most boys only go for looks. You need to be your real self, even if you want to change your style. For me, I like pretty girls who are hardworking and sincere." Krystal rolled her eyes, seeing how his new target was the school's .

"Thanks for the help, I think I'll manage." Krystal chuckled.

Over the weekend, Krystal asked her brother for help. "C'mon Jae, I know you hate shopping, but for me, just this once. Please?" Jae sulked, but agreed. "I'll ask Hoya hyung, he ogles girls better anyway."

And with that, the three travelled to the mall together.

Krystal dragged Jae and Hoya into a shop called 'Girl's Paradise'. Krystal and Hoya started looking for clothes, while Jae sat on a chair and began playing Pokémon.

After some time, Krystal and Hoya both found a few good sets of clothes, and Krystal went into the dressing room to change. Jae scooted over to make room for Hoya, who sat next to him. "You didn't pick anything revealing, did you?" "Uh.. I can't promise that."

"Hyung! No!"

After many times of changing clothes, and receiving so-so responses from Jae and Hoya, Krystal sighed and changed into her last outfit. When she stepped out, she said, "So, how do I look, guys?"

Jae and Hoya's jaws dropped, and Hoya said, "You look hot, Krystal. I mean, really. That outfit's gorgeous on you."

Jae slapped Hoya's shoulder. "Hey, who's boyfriend are you supposed to be anyway!" "But Jaaaae." "No!"

Krystal laughed and changed out, and back into her original clothes. After they paid for the clothes, Jae dragged Krystal to a salon.

"Make her look like a K-pop star. The hottest hairstyle that suits her face." The hairstylist nodded as Krystal sat down. "Don't worry noona, this stylist does my hair. And my hair is great."

Once her hair was done, Krystal walked in front of Jae and Hoya who was resting his head on Jae's shoulder, sleeping. Jae was still focused on his Pokémon game, but put it down when he saw Krystal. "Whoa, noona. That's amazing. So now you're ready for Monday?" Jae grinned, shaking Hoya lightly. "Wake up, hyung~ Let's go!" Rubbing his eyes, Hoya woke up and nodded.

"I might just go for your noona at this rate. She's really cute."

"Shut up, hyung! I'm leaving!"

On Monday, Krystal stepped out of her father's car. "Thanks dad!" She was dressed in her typical school uniform, but in black biker boots and hair done up nicely. She walked down the hallway and to her locker, causing the students to ask, "Did she replace that boring Soojung Chanyeol-oppa does projects with? She's so pretty!" Rolling her eyes, she opened her locker and took out her books, heading to class.

Dropping her books on the desk in front of Chanyeol's, she sat down, crossing her legs and staring at her nails. Chanyeol's jaw dropped, along with his best friend who sat next to him, Baekhyun. They couldn't even say anything, and they were just awestruck.

"Sorry, but I think Soojung sits here, are you new?" Chanyeol poked her shoulder, and said. "I'm Soojung, oppa. You can't recognize me already?" She smiled, turning back to the front. Baekhyun's eyes widened before pulling Chanyeol close to him and whispering, "Bro, you didn't tell me Soojung could be this cute! I mean, she's a boy magnet!" Chanyeol's wide eyes stared at Baekhyun.

"I had no idea either."

Krystal sat down at her usual lunch table by herself, and one of the school's kingkas approached her. "Hey Krystal, can I sit with you?" It was Baekhyun. She shrugged. "It's a free world." Chanyeol, who was sitting at the kingkas' usual table, huffed in disapproval as he heard Krystal laugh at a lame joke Baekhyun made. Could Soojung like Baekhyun?

"Krystal and Chanyeol, partners for the Biology project." Chanyeol grinned. Krystal leaned back to ask him about the project, and he said he wanted some cookies. It was the perfect opportunity to ask Krystal about Baekhyun. Somehow though, he wasn't looking forward to her answer..?

Why did he feel so disappointed?

When they arrived at Krystal's house, Jae wasn't around again, and Chanyeol smiled in his mind. Perfect.

They sat down at the table in the living room, and Krystal handed him a laptop.

"Soojung-ah?" Chanyeol asked, hesitantly. "Yes, Chanyeol oppa?" Krystal blinked, looking at him. "Do you like Baekhyun hyung?" Krystal crunched up her face. "No offense, oppa, but no, ew. He's not my type at all." "Then who's the guy you like?"

"Sorry oppa, but I don't want to tell you. Not yet, at least."

She didn't want to be rejected. Not yet.

As the days went by, Chanyeol tried to spend more time with Krystal. She allowed him to do so, glad that her new look made him notice her more. She secretly couldn't help but wish this relationship wasn't built on a superficial perspective.

She sat down under a tree, sighing. Maybe she should just give up?

But how could she give up so easily? She stepped out of her nerd get-up just for him. And it was working.

At this time, Chanyeol sat under another tree, far away from her tree. He thought to himself, Soojung is pretty, and she's my ideal type. She always makes time for me whenever I ask her. Maybe I should ask her out? Why didn't I consider this before? Aish, I'm a pabo. He sat there, thinking about all the times she looked focused on her work, and smiled at him. While she was still in her nerdy getup.

And he decided to ask her out.

"Soojung-ah, can we meet at the park today? I feel like going there." Chanyeol grinned sheepishly. "Sure oppa, I'd love to. See you after school then!" She ran off to her next class, which Chanyeol wasn't in.

He smiled, before double checking the contents of his bag. Pink box, check.

Heart? Check.

Chanyeol and Krystal sat down on a park bench, and Krystal asked. "So oppa, what are we doing today?"

He scratched his nape sheepishly. "I thought that, well. Soojung-ah, I'm a bit nervous when asking this but, ah.."

"I know I haven't treated you properly, and I've been a bad person to you. But I noticed your qualities lately, and I'm going to reassure you. It's not just because of your beauty. Not that you're not pretty! I mean, I just- Urgh. I really like you. I'm sorry it took so long for me to realise my feelings."

"Jung Soojung, Krystal. I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He handed her a pink box tied with white frilly ribbons from his bag.

She threw her arms around him, and kissed his cheek. "Of course, Chanyeol! I've loved you since forever. You're the one I've been in love with the whole time."

"And now you're mine. All mine." He grinned, and kissed her cheek back.

A few years later, Krystal was sitting on a picnic mat with Chanyeol. "Do you remember when we first met?" Krystal grinned. Chanyeol smiled, his head on Krystal's lap. "I do, Soojung-ah. I haven't forgotten at all."

"You were the most amazing project partner I could have asked for."

[A/N: This is the longest one shot I've probably written up until now. ;; One of my good friends requested for this ship. I ship Chanstal, but I might write one for Minhyuk and Krystal too. I ship them too. Did you get the reference from my chaptered story. Pffft. Anyway, thanks for reading, guys! Love you all. <3]

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Chapter 1: It's the first time I read Chanstal story :)
nice story