It's too early for storytime

A Little Love Won't Hurt

Chapter 8: It's too early for storytime


"I can't get her out of my head man. I don't know what's wrong with me," J-Hope said staring at the top of the tent.


"There's a girl on your mind? Who?" Jin turned around on his side facing J-Hope.


"Sabrina Pan..." J-Hope said a little embarrassed.

No way, I didn't know you liked her!" Jin laughed, "Since when? Didn't you just meet her this semester?"


"I don't know may sound strange, but I think I fell for her the day she beat my outside the infirmary." J-Hope was smiling and giggled to himself. "I've never met a girl like her. She's tough yet gentle, you know what I mean?


"Yeah, she's tough alright." Jin said jokingly. "Haha, yeah I know exactly what you mean. It's hard to find a girl like that."


"Exactly, all the girls we ever see are the prissy ones that always act overly innocent and cute. It's so overused that I can't be bothered. But her.. she's the type that doesn't let anyone step all over her. She's feisty but she's cute." J-Hope couldn't stop complimenting her. Jin just continued to listen to his dongsaeng spill out his feelings. J-Hope rarely talks about his life among his friends, so Jin was happy that he was being more open with himself.


"I don't think she's that interested in you though. Doesn't she hate BTS?" Jin asked.


"I know, she probably doesn't see me in that way. But I'm happy enough to like her from afar. I won't be greedy and try to take more than I get."

J-Hope let out a chuckle and closed his eyes.


" really are growing up." Jin smiled. He turned around facing the top of the tent and slowly closed his eyes. "I'm really glad we were able to have fun like the old times together today." Jin said to himself softly. Shortly after, he drifted into a deep sleep with a smile on his face.


The night sky began to glow from the bright light of the moon. The distant snores filled the air as all of the friends spent their first night together.



The sun began to creep up behind the trees. The bright light of a new day greeted the sleeping campers. The sounds of the streaming water was peaceful, along with soft songs of birds chirping. Suga was the first one to wake up. He quickly got up and went outside the tent to greet the fresh air of a brand new day. He stretched his arms and breathed in the sweet smells of nature. Just then, the sound of another tent ping was heard. Jimin slowly got out his tent, letting out a soft yawn and stretching his arms. He scratched the back of his neck and looked over.


"Good morning Jimin-ssi." Suga called out to him. He waved and smiled to the young boy. His soft morning voice gently flowed through Jimin's ears.


"ah.. m-morning Suga hyung!" Jimin greeted back. His voice sounds so hot when he first wakes up... he thought to himself. His face slowly changed to a bright red.


"Did you have a good sleep last night hyung? Why are you up so early?" Jimin asked him.


"I could ask you the same thing." he laughed. "I always wake up this early in the morning. I like to exercise a bit to loosen up my body for the day."


Jimin looked surprised. "Really hyung?! I do the exact same thing! he said excitedly. "Should we exercise together?!" he asked eagerly. Ah wait.. was that too forward of me? I SOUND SO DESPERATE!!!  Stupid Jimin! Stupid! "I mean, unless you'd prefer to do it alone, I totally understand." Jimin added.


Suga laughed at him and put his arm around his neck. "Of course I'd love to you little punk!" he said playfully putting Jimin in a headlock.


"Hyunggg!!!" Jimin whined. "Alright, alright sorry. I can't help it, you're just too cute." His elder apologized while ruffling with Jimin's hair.


Jimin's face turned into a tomato. Did he just call me cute?  He asked himself. Fireworks were exploding in his mind.


"Alright, after we wash up, we'll get started." Suga said. He smiled at him and went to get his tooth brush and towel. Jimin nodded and happily went to grab his stuff.



As the two boys began to do some exercises and stretches together, the others soon began to wake up one by one. By 8 o' clock, everybody was awake besides Jungkook and Taehyung.


"Should we go to that market nearby and buy some breakfast stuff to cook?" Jin suggested to the members.


"What do you mean? With what car?" Namjoon asked.


"It's only a 10 minute walk Namjoon. They have a small market near the beach area of the campsite." Jin replied. "I looked it up before we came here."


"Sounds good then. Who wants to go buy it?" J-Hope asked.


"I'll go, don't worry." Jin told them. "I'll go with him," Sabrina said. "Can't trust all boys going to the market together. It ends up a disaster." She said jokingly. "I-I'll go too." J-Hope volunteered. Jin looked at him and laughed. "Alright, alright. The three of us will go, the rest of you watch the campsite. Make sure to help Taehyung keep an eye on Jungkook-ssi." Jin told them. "Okay, okay don't worry. Go go go." Suga assured him.


The three of them went to grab a few things and headed to buy some food for everyone. Namjoon took the time of peace and quiet to continue writing a song he's been working on, while Suga and Jimin continued with their workout exercises together.


About 40 minutes passed. The sun was glaring brightly through the tent. As it shined on Jungkook's face, the young boy's eyes slowly started to open. At first, his vision was still a bit blurry. As he slowly began to get into focus, he saw the face of Kim Taehyung, sleeping in front of him. He was confused as he couldn't remember what happened last night. He continued to stare at his elder's sleeping face. His face looked soft and smooth like a baby. His defined lips naturally glossed, glistened in the sunlight. His soft and gentle breathing made Jungkook's heart start to race. He looks so angelic when he's sleeping... He thought to himself. He shook his head to rid himself of these thoughts and decided to get up. As he raised his body up, he felt a slight sharp pain in his abdomen.


"Ahh!" he let out a small yelp of pain. He the air through his teeth. Suddenly, Taehyung woke up and saw Jungkook struggling to get up.

"Yah." He quickly got up and put his hands on Jungkook's upper arms. "Take it easy." he said gently. His raspy morning voice caught Jungkook by surprise. Taehyung slowly helped him to sit up straight. He looked him in the eyes. "Are you okay now?" he asked sincerely.


"Thanks hyung... I'm fine. Just a little sore, that's all." Jungkook laughed slightly and smiled at his elder. "Sorry for being such a burden on you last night." he apologized.


Taehyung didn't know what to say. His face began to grow a slight pink and he turned his head away. "You weren't being a burden... don't worry about it." he said. "I'm just glad you're okay..." he said quietly under his breath."


"What?" Jungkook asked curiously.  


"Huh?" Taehyung looked at his face. "Nothing." he smiled slightly in embarrassment.


"WE'RE BACK!!!" They heard Sabrina's voice from outside the tent.


"Come on hyung, let's go outside." Jungkook suggested. Taehyung nodded. He ped the tent door and helped Jungkook to stand up.


"Kookie!!!!!" Sabrina yelled out. She ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Are you okay now?!" She asked while still hugging him.


"I'm going to die if you don't let go." he said slightly tapping on her arm. She laughed.


"How are ya feeling man? You alright?" J-Hope asked him putting his hands on his shoulder.


"Just a little sore, that's all." Jungkook replied smiling.


"Yah, don't ever scare me like that again you little !"Jimin said putting his friend in headlock. "Do you know how worried we all were?!" They laughed amongst each other.


"I'm sorry for making you all worried." Jungkook apologized.


"Don't worry about it." Namjoon and Jin told him. "As long as you're okay now, that's all that matters." Suga added. Jungkook smiled happily.

Jin and Sabrina began to cook breakfast for everybody. The rest of the them sat around the campfire talking amongst each other. After Sabrina and Jin had finished cooking, everybody grabbed a plate and sat back down around the campfire.


"Thank you guys for making us breakfast." Jungkook thanked them. The rest of the members thanked them in unison.


"I just want to say, I'm glad that we had the chance to become friends with you three." Jin said smiling. "To be honest, we haven't had fun like this in a while. We haven't been as close as we used to be too."


"Awwww," Sabrina said. "That's so sweet."

"As much as it pains me to say this too... You guys aren't as bad as I thought you were." she added. They all exchanged smiles of embarrassment at each other.


"Anyways... Can you guys tell me what happened last night. I honestly don't remember anything after going to find firewood." Jungkook asked them.


"Well..." J-Hope started. "You see that camp site over there?" He pointed over at the girls.


"They ambushed you last night." Jimin added.


"Taehyung went to go look for you and found you out cold in the middle of the woods." Jin added on.


"So he carried you back over here where Sabrina began to patch you up." Namjoon said.


"Then Taehyung went up to the girls and almost killed them for almost killing you." Sabrina said. Taehyung put his head down in embarrassment. "But I stopped him from doing anything serious."


"Really?! Wahh, thank god you stopped him." he said to Sabrina.


"And then Sabrina ended up beating the girl up herself since she said guys can't hit girls, girls can hit girls." Suga added suddenly. Jungkook looked over at Sabrina trying to be innocent. He slapped her slightly on the arm. "Sab!!!" he complained.


"What?? I wasn't going to let her slide. Especially since she had the nerve to call us trash." She dramatically flipped her hair. Everybody laughed.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile brightly. "Thank you; all of you for looking out for me."


"By the way, when we were at the supermarket, something weird happened to us." Jin said.


"What happened at the market?" Namjoon asked.


"Okay so, when we were at the checkout, there was an old man who was the cashier. He asked where we were camping at and we told him here. Then he started to become creepy and told us to be careful. Apparently, these woods are haunted by a family who died. They had a house in the middle of the woods. The husband of the family went crazy and killed his wife and children. Then he killed himself. So their angry spirits still haunt these woods." Sabrina explained the story.


Jimin dropped his fork on his plate. “Really? You HAD to tell us this?” he said giving her a dirty look. Everybody remained silent for a moment. “Oh come on guys, that guy was probably just making up some story to try to scare us. Nothing happened to us last night.” J-Hope said reasonably.


“You’re right. He’s probably just trying to scare us.” Jin replied. They all agreed and nodded to each other.


“So, what’s the plan for today Namjoon?” Sabrina asked. “Planning to do anything special today? It’s our last night here.”


“I was thinking we could just explore and hike a little around the area. Maybe go to the beach area later together.” he replied. “Sound good?”


Everyone nodded and agreed. “Maybe we shouldn’t explore around here though…especially after hearing that story..” Jimin said.


“Don’t be such a little .” Sabrina punched him in the arm. J-Hope laughed as he watched Sabrina, mesmerized by her.


After everybody finished eating and cleaned up a little bit, they all sat around the fire again. “Since we’re all done eating, we can go exploring now.” Namjoon said to all of them. “You guys ready?”


“I guess…” Jimin replied. I don’t have a good feeling about this. He thought to himself.




A/N: Thanks for reading Chapter 8 of "A little love won't hurt." Lately i've been making my chapters too short lol sorry. But anyways, there's a lot of friendship building going on lately! I've been trying my best to include some Yoonmin and JhopexOC moments along with Taekook of course. The last line foreshadows the next chapter if you know what I mean. It'll be a fun one! Stay tuned, I'll try to update soon! :)

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Chapter 18 is updated! Wow, 2 updates in one weekend!


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Chapter 2: Yayyyy you're a yoonminnie ❤
ash2000xo #2
Chapter 18: Omg please update!!!! I need more it's so awesome!!!
p_sohyun #3
I miss reading this =(
Apple2406 #4
Chapter 18: Please UD soon
Please i like the story
Is it too late to say please update soon...
LifeDreamer #6
Chapter 18: Please update soon, like it's been over a YEAR now. I love this story so please update soon.
xXAlienTaehyungXx #7
Chapter 18: I just started reading and I love it I saw all the comments and noticed this was posted a long time ago and the new chapter isn't here yet. T-T I hope u update soon!
sdjfnajnjfnajnjsndj #8
Jeon Jungkook is the main vocalist in BTS :/
Chapter 18: I just remember this story omff
this fic is the cutest thing ever :3
i hope you can update soon ^-^
Fabficlover #10
Chapter 18: Loved chapter 18, Please can you make chapter 19 soon, BTW YOU'RE AWESOME!! <3