Jin's Birthday - 1

A Little Love Won't Hurt

Chapter 13: Jin's Birthday - 1




Sabrina closed her locker door.


"Are you guys ready?" she asked folding her arms. The two boys looked at her bewildered.


"Ready for what?" They asked in unison. Their faces were full of confusion.


"Shopping of course!" she exclaimed. "We just got invited to a party, and not just any party but one of BTS's parties." The two clueless teens looked at each other still confused. Sabrina sighed deeply while rubbing her right temple with her fingers.


"Okay, so BTS is the most popular group in school... right?? she explained slowly. They both nodded in agreement.


"And we can all agree that they're not the poorest people around...right?? she added. They both nodded in agreement.


"So, what kind of people do you think is going to be at their party? The higher ups and popular people... right???"


"Ohh....." they said in unison.


"Therefore, you two, need a fashion update for tonight. Especially you, Kookie." she explained pointing to him. The younger boy looked down and tugged on his shirt.


"What's wrong with the way I dress?" he asked a little offended.


"Nothing... nothing! You're just a little outdated." emphasizing on the little. "Come on, it'll be fun. Just a small makeover so you won't be so outcasted. She clasped both her hands together pouting her lip.


Jungkook took a moment to think about it and sighed. "I guess it won't hurt..." he gave in.


"Of course it won't hurt!" she smacked his arm playfully. "Maybe just your wallet." she smiled.



The three friends decided to go to the mall together to pick out an outfit for tomorrow night's party. They walked into Pac Sun and browsed through the clothes racks. Sabrina picked out shirt after shirt handing it over to Jungkook to try on. Jimin wandered off trying on his own clothes. Sabrina sat down on the bench in front of the changing room waiting for Jungkook to try on his outfits. He opened the door wearing a plain blue button up shirt with a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black snapback.


"Nah.. too skater boy." she nodded her head in disagreement.


He walked out again in wearing an oversized cardigan with a white t shirt underneath along with a pair of grey joggers.


"Errr.. Too bummy." she nodded her head in distaste.


He opened the door again wearing a fitted white graphic tee, a pair of khaki jeans with a red and black checkered shirt tied around his waist. Sabrina slowly nodded her head in satisfaction. She shot him a thumbs up and smiled. he sighed with relief.

She checked out his clothes at the register along with a white blouse she bought for herself.


"Jimin, we'll meet you at the food court later. I'm going to go bring him for a trim." Sabrina said. He nodded, still browsing through the racks for an outfit.  


"I can't believe I spent $80 on a new outfit." Jungkook said with disbelief.


"Hey, consider yourself lucky that there was a sale. It would usually cost you way more." His friend assured him. "And at least this way, no one will make fun of you at the party." she laughed. The two of them had  arrived at the salon. There was a woman sitting at the front desk. She looked like she was in her early 30's.


"Hello, welcome to Super Cuts! How may I assist you?" the woman at the front desk asked politely.


"Hi, my friend here needs to trim his hair a bit." Sabrina told her.


"Alright, just have a seat and someone will be with you soon."


"Thank you!"



About an hour passed. The three teens finally left the mall and headed home for the day.


Jungkook plopped onto his bed freely.


"Come here Chocolate!" he repeatedly tapped the area of the bed next to him. The small brown dog followed him into his room and jumped on his bed, curling up into a ball against his chest. Jungkook to his back facing the ceiling. He sighed deeply.


"I've never been to a party before." he said to himself. He flipped over onto his side. "What if the people there don't like me Chocolate?" he asked his dog. All he recieved back was silence.


"Gee thanks, that's very encouraging boy." he said sarcastically. Endless thoughts ran through the boy's mind.


Will the people like me?

What if I get made fun of?

Will I even fit in...

I don't even know people do at parties!



He pulled his pillow from beneath his head and shoved it into his face.


"AGHHHHHHHH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!" he yelled into his pillow. The rest of the night consisted of repeated thoughts along with tossing and turning.





7:42 PM


"Are you ready yet Kookie? I'll go pick you up." Sabrina said over the phone.


"Not yet!! In like 10 minutes!"


"Hurry your up, we're already late!! The party started an hour ago!!"


"Then go pick up Jimin first!"


"He's already in the car with me!"


"Then go drive around the block or something! I still need to do my hair!"


"Fine! HURRY!" she hung up irritated. Jungkook took a deep breath and looked back at the mirror. He took a scoopful of styling wax with two of his fingers and proceeded to tame his hair down. His stomach had butterflies. He was nervous to go to his first party. A party full of popular, stuck up s who he wants to impress or at least not be made fun of by. By the time he finished styling his hair, loud beeps were heard from outside.


"JUNGKOOK!!!! HURRY THE UP!!!!!" A voice screamed out in the distance.


"SHE IS SOOOO LUCKY MY PARENTS AREN'T HOME RIGHT NOW.." he grumbled through his teeth. He washed his hands, grabbed his belongings and headed out the door. He walked over to the car and opened the back door.




"Yah! Don't overreact!" he rolled his eyes putting on his seat belt.


"Did you ask Suga for the address?" Sabrina asked Jimin while adjusting the rear view mirror. "Damn, I look good today!" she complimented herself.


"It's at 73 Walker Street." he replied.


"Walker street?!" Sabrina sounded surprised. "Holy , that's the rich neighborhood."


"You know where it is?" Jimin asked.


"Yeah, don't worry. Off we gooo!" She the radio, playing f(x)'s Red Light. She bounced up and down on her seat and began to back out of the drive way.


"I don't know how to feel right now. I'm scared yet excited." Jungkook confessed.


"Same here." Jimin agreed. "It's our first party and it's with the most popular people in school."


"I don't know why it feels so weird. We all got along just fine at camp..." Jungkook said. "It feels so different ever since we came back to school."


"Because, at school they're the Kings and we're the peasants. Camping stripped everyone of their titles because 99% of the school didn't even go." Sabrina explained. "I'm scared too, but let's just get through this. Maybe we'll have a good time." She turned the corner arriving on Walker St.


"Holy crap, look at these houses. They look like mansions!" Jimin looked out the window in amazement.


There's already so many cars parked through out the street..." Jungkook stated.


"Yeah, they're taking up ALL THE ING PARKING!!" Sabrina shouted with rage. "You know what, screw it. I'm parking in front of this house. They don't have a restricted parking sign so them. She parked the car and they all stepped out.


"This house is 147 Walker St... We have to go down 70 more houses..." Jimin told them.

Sabrina sighed deeply. "I better not sweat." She was wearing the new white blouse she bought, among with a dark blue skirt. "I just straightened my hair, if it starts to frizz up I'm going home I don't care." she began to walk down the street. The two boys quickly followed after her.


"Doesn't Kookie look hot today?" Sabrina asked Jimin. He looked over at him and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled embarrassedly accepting the compliment. They continued to walk down the crowded road full of cars parked along the sidewalk. They were admiring all the nice houses in the neighborhood.


"75......74......7---" Sabrina said out loud. She looked up to see huge gates at the entrance.







the three of them said as they looked up at the ginormous metal gates in front of them. Behind the gates was a huge mansion like house. Their mouths dropped open wide.

Just then, a man showed up behind them.


"Are you guys here for Sir Jin's birthday?" he asked politely.


"Uhh yes." Sabrina replied.


"Come on in." he gestured them. He walked back inside as the three teens followed behind slowly.


"Sir Jin..?" Jungkook whispered with confusion.


"Is he a butler or something?" Jimin whispered.


Sabrina shrugged and continued to walk. They were looking around amazed at the scenery. They were walking on a path surrounded by freshly cut grass, beautiful pink and yellow flowers that glistened brightly even in the evening sky. Lawn ornaments. They headed towards the back of the house revealing where all the guests were. His backyard had a huge rectangle shaped pool with an enormous deck to sit and hang out. Near the pool was a small hawaiian themed bar giving out colorful mixed drinks. Tiki torches lit up the surrounding air in bright flames. The area was packed with girls in bathing suits, shirtless guys in swimming trunks, along with fancy clothed teens sitting around at tables and conversating with each other.

Jungkook froze in place. His expectations were exactly what he expected. He felt his stomach churning from being nervous. Suddenly, somebody appeared in front of them.


"Hey guys! You made it!" Suga said greeting them. He put his arms around Jimin and Jungkook's neck. "Waa, you guys look different. Looks good!" he complimented them smiling.  


Ahh.. his breath smells like alcohol.. Jungkook thought to himself. He smiled awkwardly.


"Yah!! Jin hyung! They came!!!" Suga yelled out. Jin came running up to them from a distance to greet them.


"Hey guys! Thanks for coming!" he hugged each of them individually. "I didn't think you guys would show up!" he smiled.


"Well, here we are!" Sabrina said sarcastically. She laughed slightly. "Of course we'd come. Happy birthday!"


"Thank you, thank you." he laughed unable to hide his smile. "Alright well, enjoy yourselves. Help yourself to whatever you want. The buffet and drinks are over there." He waved to them to go tend to his other guests. Suga guided them to their own table to sit at and went off to socialize.


As the three of them sat there awkwardly looking around still in amazement, J-Hope suddenly appeared greeting them.


"Hey hey hey party people!" he exclaimed taking a seat near Sabrina. "What's up?! We thought you guys wouldn't come!"


"Why did you all think that?" Sabrina asked irritatedly.


"I don't know, you don't really seem much like the party type, that's all." he shrugged.


"What is that supposed to mean? Are you calling me low class?" she asked sarcastically.


"What?! N-No! I didn't mean it like that!" he stuttered. "Sorry if it came across like that."


The three friends looked at each other and laughed. "I'm just kidding, gosh. Take a joke loser." she replied sassily slightly shoving his arm.


"Yah! That's not nice." he began to pout.


"Oh don't be such a baby!" she rolled her eyes. He laughed jokingly along with them.  He looked thoroughly at Sabrina.

“You look good today.” he complimented her. “Really good.” She was a little taken back at first. Trying to play it off, “What do you mean I look good today? I look good everyday.” she flipped her hair dramatically. They both laughed together as she leaned into him slightly.





"Who's that girl he's talking to...?"


"I don't know but…the is going to pay for talking to my man." the girl said while gently swirling her glass of champagne. She took a small sip and smirked. Suddenly the sound of a microphone screeching came into play.


"Hello, testing 1 2 3." a deep voice said talking through the mic. They cleared their throat. Suga and Jin appeared at the table and sat down along with them. Everybody shifted their attention towards the deck near the pool where there was a small stage. Standing on it holding a microphone was no other than Kim Taehyung.


"Hello, hello." he cleared his throat again. "Welcome everybody. Thank you all for coming to celebrate Jin hyung's 20th birthday!" The crowd of guests gave a round of applause.


"Tonight, I will be singing a song specially made just for him tonight." The crowd cheered again as the main vocalist of BTS was about to start. Jin who was sitting down at the table with his friends, began to grow flustered.  


"What the heck, did you guys plan this?" he asked unaware of the situation. The other members of BTS smiled brightly at him while gently tapping his shoulders.


"Happy birthday to you..."  Taehyung started singing. His deep smooth voice ran throughout the area. His soothing sounds entered the ears of the audience who quietly listened causing some of them to melt. As the vocalist was singing, Namjoon walked out of the house holding a huge lit birthday cake. He slowly walked towards Jin who was smiling happily trying to hide his face from embarrassment.


"Really you guys..." he uttered out still extremely flustered.


"Happy birthday dear Seokjin..." he continued slowly. The guests began to cheer and sing along as Namjoon approached Jin and the friends at the table.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!" Everybody cheered in unison. Jin closed his eyes briefly and inhaled. He blew out all the candles in one go as everybody clapped and cheered even louder. His eyes grew teary with happiness as he smiled and laughed with his friends who tightly hugged him. Taehyung who came down from the small stage walked down to join his friends. As he started to approach them, he noticed Jungkook sitting behind them smiling. He hadn't known that he showed up yet and he couldn't spot him from the view of the stage.


Whoa... he looks different.


He looks...good.


Taehyung thought to himself as he reached the table. He subconsciously grinned and took a seat.


"Good job hyung! You have a really nice voice!" Jungkook exclaimed giving him a thumbs up. Taehyung just smiled slightly and nodded his head. He felt his heartbeats become louder. The pounding began to ring in his ears.


"Yeah, good job Taehyung." Sabrina complimented him. Jin walked up to him and put him in a headlock.


"Y-yah! Hyung!!" the helpless boy yelled out. "Hyung stop!!"


"Thank you little punk!" he said while ruffling around with his hair.



About another hour had passed. The new group of friends were conversating at their table, bonding and growing closer. Sabrina got up to go to the bathroom. The path was too over crowded with people socializing so she decided to walk around along the edge of the pool. She grabbed a mixed drink from the bar to make herself look cooler in front of the other people. She continued walking until suddenly, a tall figure appeared in front of her and shoulder bumped her. Sabrina turned around to see a girl who was slightly taller than her. Her skin was fairly tanned. She was wearing a silky red dress, holding a glass of champagne in her hand. She had an attractive face and a killer body.


"Watch where you're going!" the girl yelled.


"Sorry." Sabrina apologized. The other stared deeply at her.


"Oh. It's you." she remarked rudely.


"Pardon?" Sabrina asked in confusion. "Do I know you?"


The girl scoffed loudly. "I know you've been trying to get at my man." Sabrina tilted her head in bewilder.


"Huh? What are you talking about?"


"Don't act stupid hun. J-Hope? I'm his girlfriend." she claimed. "I know you're trying to get at him. You pathetic fan girls think you actually have a chance with him." she chuckled to herself. "It's so cute yet so pitiful."


"Are you done talking?" Sabrina asked casually. "That's your own business, not mine." The girl rolled her eyes and chuckled again. "You think I'm joking don't you?" She slowly raised her glass of champagne above Sabrina's head. She tilted it, pouring the champagne all over her head. Sabrina closed her eyes as dropped open. The cold liquid quickly seeped down her head and into her clothes. The girl gasped slightly.


The crowd of people suddenly all gasped and turned their attention towards them. The “oh my gods” and loud gasps of surprise suddenly filled the air. The group of boys quickly turned their attention as well and witnessed what was going on. J-Hope looked closely at the two figures near the pool. His eyes widened and he bolted up from his chair.

“YAH!” he yelled out at the top of his lungs. All the boys suddenly scrambled from their chairs and quickly ran towards the scene.


"Oopsie... my hand slipped." She said. "Aww, and it got all over your brand new white shirt. What a shame." She slightly brushed her hand on the new stains of Sabrina's shirt. “I’m so sorry!” she said sarcastically.


Sabrina let out a deep breath through her nose. She slightly tilted her head and smiled.


“Don’t be sorry.” she said nicely. Without any hesitation, she swiftly raised her arm throwing the mixed drink she was holding in her hand that she received from the bar. The girl gasped loudly and screamed in despair.


“WHAT THE IS WRONG WITH YOU?! DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THIS DRESS IS?!” she snapped as the colorful liquids seeped into her red dress.


“Oops… sorry. My hand slipped..” Sabrina mocked her. “And I got it all over your expensive new dress… I’m so so sorry…” she apologized pouting her lip. “Here, I’ll wash it for you.” she insisted as she put her hand on the girl’s upper arm and forcefully shoved her to the side. A big, loud splash took place in the pool. Everybody gasped with extremely shocked expressions on their faces as all their mouths dropped wide open. The drenched female suddenly rose up to the surface catching her breath.


“YOU ING CRAZY , I’LL ING KILL YOU!!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. “DON’T YOU KNOW WHO THE I AM?!” Sabrina turned around with her back faced towards her. She began to walk away towards the house, holding up middle finger behind her.


“Sorry, I don’t really care.” she yelled out while walking away. Jungkook and Jimin quickly ran in after her as all the guests were still frozen in place.



“Sab!” Jimin called out.


“Sabrina?!” Jungkook yelled out while running through the house. They saw her in the distance down the hall walking into a room. Quickly running towards her, they both scrambled into the room she entered and closed the door behind them. She stood in front of the mirror of the bathroom and the faucet letting the water run with her head down.


“Sab, are you okay?” Jungkook asked worried. She stayed silent for a moment making them even more worried. A noise escaped as her shoulders began to slightly bounce up and down.


“Yah.. what’s wrong?” Jimin asked her. He put his hand on her shoulder. “Are you crying?”


A chuckle escaped . The chuckle gradually turned into a loud laugh.


“Oh my ing god guys. I can’t believe I just did that.” she said laughing in disbelief. “Did I really just throw a girl in the pool?!”


The two boys both looked at her in the face and then looked at each other. Smiles formed upon their faces as they suddenly started to burst out laughing along with her.


“You really are a crazy .” Jimin remarked while pointing at her, laughing. She started to laugh even harder holding onto her stomach with her arms. A loud knock was heard abruptly at the door.


“YAH, SABRINA ARE YOU OKAY?!” A voice yelled out from behind the door. The three teens suddenly calmed down and slowly opened the door. Namjoon, J-Hope, Jin, Taehyung & Suga were standing in front of them with worried looks on their faces.


“Why are you all in the bathroom together…?” Taehyung asked suspiciously.


They all remained quiet while exchanging glances at each other. After a few seconds passed, smiles began to grow onto their faces which soon turned into bursts of laughter. All eight teens were standing there in the hallway in front of the bathroom, laughing jokingly at the situation that had just occurred.



A/N: Thanks for reading chapter 13 of "A Little Love Won't Hurt!" This little arc will be split into 2 to 3 chapters. Sorry if it's bad lol, not much happened I guess. Who's that girl who claims to be J-Hope's girlfriend? I guess we'll find out next chapter. Leave a comment telling me what you think! Upvote, subscribe, and all that lovely stuff. Thanks for 2.3k views! Yaaay!


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Chapter 18 is updated! Wow, 2 updates in one weekend!


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Chapter 2: Yayyyy you're a yoonminnie ❤
ash2000xo #2
Chapter 18: Omg please update!!!! I need more it's so awesome!!!
p_sohyun #3
I miss reading this =(
Apple2406 #4
Chapter 18: Please UD soon
Please i like the story
Is it too late to say please update soon...
LifeDreamer #6
Chapter 18: Please update soon, like it's been over a YEAR now. I love this story so please update soon.
xXAlienTaehyungXx #7
Chapter 18: I just started reading and I love it I saw all the comments and noticed this was posted a long time ago and the new chapter isn't here yet. T-T I hope u update soon!
sdjfnajnjfnajnjsndj #8
Jeon Jungkook is the main vocalist in BTS :/
Chapter 18: I just remember this story omff
this fic is the cutest thing ever :3
i hope you can update soon ^-^
Fabficlover #10
Chapter 18: Loved chapter 18, Please can you make chapter 19 soon, BTW YOU'RE AWESOME!! <3