Truth vs. Lies

◊☆☾Heart Thief☽☆◊ -completed-
'AAAAHHH!!' Mrs. Kim yelled turning to look at her baby, Mrs. Park joined her soon enough

Junsu had just fallen at the floor unconscious on the floor, wide eyes Yoochun ran to him and held him in his arms shaking him worried dead, the doctor rushed to Junsu as well:' bring him inside!'

Rushing Junsu into the examining room Yoochun laid Junsu on the bed and waited:' what is wrong with him?' he pleaded to the doctor

'Is he sick or anything?' the doctor asked as he checked Junsu's pulse

'He is two weeks pregnant' announced Yoochun still holding on junsu's hand tightly prayed his lover will be alright

'I see, he must have overworked himself. He will be fine if he rests a little, nothing dangerous but I will do a normal blood test to make sure of everything'

'Thank you' sighed Yoochun in relief, he can relax a little now knowing his lover is fine and not hurt in any way and so is his baby, their baby

'Excuse me sir but we must go, Miss Uee wants to sue you for causing her a miscarriage' officer siwon entered the room with the rest

'What? This is insane!!' Mr. Park blew

'What?…excuse me officer but I think you got it the wrong way' the doctor bowed a little

'What do you mean doctor? You said yourself that she is no longer pregnant' siwon frowned

'Yes… but she was not pregnant to begin with, and so there was not a miscarriage what so ever'


'No ma'am, you can go to any doctor and they will all assure this, however I did found something in her blood, she was taking a vitamin to increase the chance of getting pregnant if having a ual activity but she was still not pregnant'

'So you were going to trick me into bed to get pregnant? Is that it you !!?' hissed an angry Yoochun and Uee smirked, it was her plan from the beginning to trick Yoochun into bed with her and get pregnant no matter what so she will have him hers forever!

'Officer, I want a restriction order against her, I want her away from me, my lover and our baby!' stated Yoochun still furious

'Of course I understand sir; I will need you to come with me to the station to finish the forms'

'We will go, Yoochun must stay with Junsu' Mr. Park spoke and Mr. Kim agreed

'Very well then let's go'

The officers, the fathers and the angry handcuffed Uee left the hospital, the doctor moved Junsu into a privet ward and told them he can leave in the evening, when his body had relaxed and rested enough and that for the upcoming few days he is to rest in bed and stay rested, no hard work what so ever so the baby will be alright and that when he wakes up they can have an ultrasound test to hear the baby's heart beats and take it's picture

Yoochun was sitting right beside junsu's bed holding his hand and waiting, he was worried, wanting his lover to wake up already so the second he saw Junsu blink a little his heart began to race up, he tightened his hold on Junsu's hand and heard him moan softly

'Ahhh' Junsu moaned feeling himself laying in a bed not so soft but warm and nice, opening his eyes Junsu frowned at once, it was all white around him, he was in a hospital for sure, this fact made him tense up at once, he felt weak again

'Su baby' a soft whisper relaxed Junsu, it made him turn his head to the side to see the worried Yoochun looking at him still holding tightly onto his palm

'Are you alright love?' whispered Yoochun, Junsu relaxed his head on the pillow eyes still glued at Yoochun and nodded his head softly

'What happened?' pouted Junsu not understanding how he got in the bed!

'You fainted baby…' began Yoochun and Junsu wide eyes went to cover his belly afraid his baby is hurt but Yoochun laid his palm on top of Junsu's and smiled softly

'It is fine love; the doctor said we can have an ultrasound test when you wake up to hear its heart beats' explained Yoochun and Junsu just nodded, knowing the fact that his baby is fine made him relax a little bit more now

'I…Uee… the police…' Junsu spoke fear taking over him again

'It was a lie love, she was not pregnant to begin with, the doctor proved it and our dads went to the police station to get a restriction order against her so she can’t get near us again baby'

'Lie?' asked Junsu weakly hope shivering in his tone'

'Yes baby a lie, this is the truth, us and our baby… the fact that I love you and you love me, the fact that both of you are the most important thing for me, this is all facts but she… she is a lie love, a lie that came to its end' assured Yoochun

Happy now Junsu smiled, he felt better now but looking around he tensed up:' I wanna go home… I hate hospitals…I…'

'You can leave in the evening love beside we must make sure our baby is fine right?' Yoochun knew this will make Junsu stay and it did, Junsu pouted but nodded his head

Just then the doctor walked in again:' oh Mr. Kim you're up. Ready for the ultrasound test yet?'

Junsu just nodded his head, he wanted to hear his baby's heart beats, to make sure it's there and it's real again, you see ever since Junsu found out he can get pregnant he hated this fact, he always felt the need to be a playboy, a nerd or whatever you want to call it but he did it all to make sure that no one will look down on him or think of him as a sissy, he did it to make sure that everyone will know that he is no less manly than they are, no he was manlier than them!

But now… now that he is pregnant this whole idea changed, the situation changed too and he knowing there is a life growing inside of him he did not hate the idea anymore, he stared to think about it in his mind and every time he did he felt this unknown unconditioned love and need to protect his baby, to assure it will have only the best in life and by the look in Yoochun's eyes he knew the man was feeling just the same as him.

'Ok, I will bring the machine and we will start in a minute' smiled the doctor and walked out to come back a minute later with a machine that both Yoochun and Junsu knew for what

'Pull your shirt up please…' smiled the doctor and Junsu obeyed, he was a little bit worried now but that was natural right?

'This will be a little bit cold' smiled the doctor again and squeezed some gel out of a tube onto Junsu's belly

Junsu gasped a little, the gel was so cold on his warm belly so without noticing he did so he reached and held onto Yoochun's hand making him grin and hold his hand back kissing it softly

'Here we go' smiled the doctor and both went quiet waiting, Junsu and Yoochun held back their breath waiting to hear their baby's heart beat but they heard nothing

'Ohh' grinned the doctor, Junsu got worried at once

'What? What is it?' Junsu was so worried now

'It seems you are pregnant with a twins sir' smiled the doctor

Junsu blinked blankly at first… he needed a few seconds to register what the doctor had just said… he is pregnant with a twins? Two lives growing inside of him… how? What? How he knew for sure how it happened but what? What to do now?

Yoochun too blinked, he was so happy to know about know about one baby but now there are two, he grinned so happily, actually he was thrilled at the news as he kissed Junsu's palm again

'I…' Junsu did not know what to say, he just blinked again but smiled none less

'Want to hear the heart beats? You won't hear them clearly because there will be two of them but still…' smiled the doctor

'Yes of course' grinned Yoochun at once, Junsu nodded two and the doctor switched one button on and smiled, everyone went quiet hearing the noise of the tiny two hearts beating inside of Junsu, Junsu got tears in his eyes… happy tears as his eyes were glued to the small monitor watching the womb wanting to see his babies

'There they are' smiled the doctor pointing at thing that looked like a small bean

'This is them both?' blinked Yoochun, Junsu blinked too, they were so tiny

'Well yes of course, Mr. Kim is only two weeks pregnant so you are lucky you could see anything, from the heartbeats and the blood test we had done earlier everything is perfectly fine; you got your vitamins too right?'

Junsu nodded

'Then everything is perfect, want me to print a picture for you two?' smiled the doctor and Yoochun grinned, both him and Junsu nodded their heads the doctor pressed another button and a small paper went out of the other side of the machine, the doctor got his pen and made a circle around the twins to make them clearer to see and handed it to Junsu who looked at it and smiled happily, those were his babies, his and Yoochun's babies

'Rest now love' smiled Yoochun, Junsu just nodded, not knowing why he was tired after he just woke up Junsu did not think about it, he just closed his eyes and soon he was snoring softly making Yoochun smile, he felt so blessed right now to have this family, his family

'Yoochun! did not he wake up yet?' their parents entered the ward now

'He did, we got the ultrasound done too but he went back to sleep' smiled Yoochun showing the picture


'They are twins, healthy twins' grinned Yoochun and everyone blinked, they took about three seconds to take what he just said before they all grinned and rushed to congratulate him ordering him to take good care of Junsu

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 30: I have to say that this is the most entertaining fanfic I have ever read.
Its aaaamaaaaziiiing!!!!!!
And Junsu is somehow still annoying. Yunho ... So cheesy -_-
Uee how DARE you??!!! Lemme get my hands on you *grrrr*
Kimin (or should I say, Minbum? Keke) is cute, Minnie's personality doing a total 180` turn. No more DEchangminVIL, yay.
Happily ever after!! Yayyyyy
also this might sound a bit too much to ask but is there any chance of a sequel? Like, the life of YooSu couple and children, and the YunJae and KiMin couple with their *adopted?* kids too? Coz that would be sooooooo sweet. *blushes*
Chapter 11: Not finished but all I have to say is -
Junsu: Annoying, overreacting drama queen. (JUST GET OVER IT KIM JUNSU YOU ARE ANNOYING THE SH*T OUT OF ME)
Yoochun: So mean, Yoochunnie ... *pouts* poor Junsu. Can't you give it back? *sigh*
Changmin: The true devil. *smirks* lol so cute when he's jealoooooous
Kibum: Poor Kibummie, how did he ever get to (if even) love the DEchangminVIL? (I'M prefer changDEVILmin tho)
Chapter 30: Oh my my..this was indeed a great story... Yoochun suffered alot but got what he deserved.. His junsu... Love it :-)
Junsu really is a brat but he's also adorable at the same time so I can't hate him. Also really hate uee
moonjoy #8
Chapter 30: i laugh so hard for junsu... his the best in making yoochun life misery , but yoochun is much better in making junsu fall in everything :)
Chapter 30: Its so fun~~
Omg all your stories are amazing~
Can wait to see what else you'll do ;D