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◊☆☾Heart Thief☽☆◊ -completed-
'LIES!!!! YOU NEVER HAD ANOTHER!!' Yoochun yelled but in fact he was more like pleading now, his heart was pounding so hard and he was sweating hoping that what Junsu jus said was coming from his anger and that it's not the truth


'I… you…no…no…' Yoochun was caught by surprise, his entire body shivered now

'I had lots of one night stands! So don't think yourself so smart…'

'Can you swear on your baby's life that Yoochun is not the father?' it was Mrs. Kim this time, everyone looked at her surprised by the fact that she spoke but went quite waiting for him to answer

'I…' Junsu did not answer, how could he swear with his baby's life on a lie? He will never do that!

'You can't because it is Yoochun's baby' Mrs. Kim smiled looking at her son gently

Junsu looked away from everyone; his hands went to hide his belly at once as tears trailed down his face. He did not know what to do now

'It is mine…right su? Right baby?' pleaded Yoochun

Junsu did not answer, he just cried harder now

Yoochun smiled softly, it was his baby for sure so grinning he reached his hand and pulled Junsu into his arms hugging him tightly not wanting to let go

'No… she…' sobbed Junsu now trying to pull away

'Is a liar, she betrayed me and that is why we broke up, in my mother's birthday party just before I met you baby… it is not my baby' assured Yoochun hugging Junsu tightly

'Not your baby?' repeated Junsu relaxing a little now

'Not my baby' assured Yoochun smiling now and hugging Junsu so tightly

'Now, now…let's sit down and talk about this, I want to make sure my grandchild is in perfect care' grinned Mr. Park

Junsu blushed, he hid his face in Yoochun's shirt

'OF course it will, it's my baby, our baby and I will take good care of it and it's mommy' grinned Yoochun, his hand touched Junsu's belly softly and he grinned feeling a blessing warm feeling filling him inside as he kissed Junsu's foreheads softly

Feeling Yoochun's lips on his own forehead Junsu closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm feeling, it felt like there is this deep tight connect between them now and no one and nothing can break it, he knew the answer he searched for now, he is not crushing on Yoochun, he is in love with him, deep real love that will last forever!

Pulling away Yoochun helped Junsu to sit down and sat beside him, everyone did as the butler entered again serving them all some hot green tea, he served Junsu one too but pouting Junsu pushed the cup away and looked at the butler with his cute innocent look that always got him what he wants:' I want cola'

'Green tea is better for your health' frowned Mr. Kim

'No… bitter~' whined Junsu:' cola!'

'Just get him cola' nodded Mrs. Park

The butler bowed and left to come back seconds later holding a big cup of icy cola with a slice of lime in it and served it to Junsu before bowing and leaving the room to the kitchen

'This is unhealthy' both Mr. Park and Mr. Kim frowned seeing Junsu sip some of his cola

'Give me some' grinned Yoochun pointing at Junsu's cup of cola, he opened his lips a little and reached his head wanting to drink but Junsu pouted and held his cup away:' no~ mine!'

'Just a little~' whined Yoochun trying again

'No get your own cup' pouted Junsu more hiding his cup from Yoochun

'But I want this, the one Suie~ drank from~' whined Yoochun again

Junsu blinked, Suie? What was that about? But as he thought of it Yoochun grinned and took the chance to sip some of the cola before smirking in victory

'YAH! MEANIE!!!' yelled Junsu and pouted as he hit Yoochun at the shoulder playfully before hiding his cola far from Yoochun's reach

Yoochun smirked and his lips, this cola tasted sweeter, much sweeter, because it had his lover's taste in it

'Tasty' grinned Yoochun and Junsu blushed


Still grinning Yoochun shrugged and took Junsu's hand into his and kissed his lover's palm making Junsu blush darker

'So… do you suffer of anything dear, when I was pregnant with Yoochun I could not eat but white meat, no red meat or cheese' explained Mrs. Park softly

'I…' blushed Junsu, talking about this was not this easy, he was a man and he was pregnant and he was talking to Yoochun's mother about it, not so comfortable situation to be in

'What is it dear?' smiled Mrs. Kim too

'I can eat only sea food not including fishes… and drink only…' Junsu who was blushing did not go on

'Only cola?' finished Mr. Kim and Junsu nodded

'What did the doctor say?' asked Yoochun tightening his hold on Junsu's making him feel safer

'He… gave me pills and… told me to relax'

'And you will do it love, we will go home and I will take really good care of you, both of you' assured Yoochun

'Of course you will! If I suspect that you are not treating them good I will kill you!' hissed Mr. Park eyeing Yoochun

'Let's go home now love' smiled Yoochun, Junsu just nodded his head, go home… that was a nice idea

All smiling they all stood up, walking out of the house Junsu did not see any cars but a helicopter parked in the parking lot and sighed, his parents could go extreme sometimes. Entering the helicopter Junsu sat beside Yoochun, he still held onto his hand tightly and smiled softly, everything was good now

An hour later Yoochun and Junsu plus everyone were in Yoochun's house, entering the living room but as they did they all froze, SHE was there too sitting so comfortably her feets on the coffee table and watching TV wearing only a shirt, Yoochun's shirt

Everyone tensed up at once; Junsu was about to take his hand out of Yoochun's but the last was not going to allow this to happen, he tightened his hold around Junsu's hand and took a deep breath, this day… what happened in the last four, five hours, knowing Junsu is carrying his baby, that changed Yoochun's life, it made him happy in a way he did not know before and he was not going to let her ruin that!

'Get out!' ordered Mrs. Park afraid Junsu will be effected badly and get emotional, something that was not good for him now

'No! We will solve this once and for all! We will go to the hospital now and we will have a DNA test done at once!' ordered Yoochun

'No! I'm not doing a DNA test so you could be with this of yours!' Uee pointed at Junsu and yelled angrily


Uee fell on the floor as Yoochun was too fast, his hand was still stretched in the air as he just slapped Uee across the face, they all wanted to slap her but Yoochun was the fastest to do it

Uee widened her eyes, one hand covering her belly while the other holding her cheek where Yoochun's fingers left a red marks:' My baby! If anything happens to it… I will sue you!!!' sh yelled threatening

'Cut the ! We are going to the hospital at once!' hissed Yoochun as he grabbed her and pulled her into his car harshly, he letterly threw her in:' su baby you follow us with the rest'

Everyone was in the waiting room, Uee was in with the doctor, Yoochun had already gave his DNA sample and was sitting waiting when three familiar officers walked to them

'Park Yoochun? We got a call that you insulted a lady… err...Uee causing her to hurt her unborn baby'

'WHAT??' both Mr. Park and Mr. Kim stood up ready to defend Yoochun but just then the doctor walked out with a crying Uee acting all innocent beside him

'So? Is the baby mine?' asked Yoochun ignoring the three police officers

'There is no baby' frowned the doctor


'Yoochun shi I think you should come with us to the station' officer siwon took out his handcuffs but something that happened next shocked them all…

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 30: I have to say that this is the most entertaining fanfic I have ever read.
Its aaaamaaaaziiiing!!!!!!
And Junsu is somehow still annoying. Yunho ... So cheesy -_-
Uee how DARE you??!!! Lemme get my hands on you *grrrr*
Kimin (or should I say, Minbum? Keke) is cute, Minnie's personality doing a total 180` turn. No more DEchangminVIL, yay.
Happily ever after!! Yayyyyy
also this might sound a bit too much to ask but is there any chance of a sequel? Like, the life of YooSu couple and children, and the YunJae and KiMin couple with their *adopted?* kids too? Coz that would be sooooooo sweet. *blushes*
Chapter 11: Not finished but all I have to say is -
Junsu: Annoying, overreacting drama queen. (JUST GET OVER IT KIM JUNSU YOU ARE ANNOYING THE SH*T OUT OF ME)
Yoochun: So mean, Yoochunnie ... *pouts* poor Junsu. Can't you give it back? *sigh*
Changmin: The true devil. *smirks* lol so cute when he's jealoooooous
Kibum: Poor Kibummie, how did he ever get to (if even) love the DEchangminVIL? (I'M prefer changDEVILmin tho)
Chapter 30: Oh my my..this was indeed a great story... Yoochun suffered alot but got what he deserved.. His junsu... Love it :-)
Junsu really is a brat but he's also adorable at the same time so I can't hate him. Also really hate uee
moonjoy #8
Chapter 30: i laugh so hard for junsu... his the best in making yoochun life misery , but yoochun is much better in making junsu fall in everything :)
Chapter 30: Its so fun~~
Omg all your stories are amazing~
Can wait to see what else you'll do ;D