
◊☆☾Heart Thief☽☆◊ -completed-
Yoochun entered the house slamming the door after himself, he was so angry at Junsu for deciding to throw this party without inviting him, those past days and today too he felt like he got closer to the boy and their hatred got less and less, he thought he could start something with him, at least a friendship but now Junsu went behind his back and organized this party and all… Yoochun got pissed!

As he walked into the living room Yoochun blinked, looking around he frowned seeing this: and a sleeping junsu sleeping on the couch in front of the TV that was still on

Walking to Junsu Yoochun knelt in front of him and shook him a little, the boy was pouting again while sleeping, chuckling Yoochun shook Junsu till he woke up and opened his eyes rubbing them

'YOU! BANANA FACE MONKEY !!' Junsu yelled as he saw Yoochun

Yoochun blinked, he took a deep breath wanting to lecture Junsu about the party thing


'What?.... why… what happened?' blinked Yoochun

'They said something went wrong with the order, the couches we bought did not arrive to storage yet so they sent us this instead… I want my orange couches back!'

'I will talk to them tomorrow… what about my bedroom?'

'It's good~' whined Junsu, the bedroom did look pretty and he wanted one like it to himself too

'Ok… about the party you will throw tomorrow for your friend tomorrow, why did not you even invite me?' frowned Yoochun angry

'Huh?' blinked Junsu rubbing his sleepy eyes a little and looking at Yoochun blankly not knowing what to say

'Why did not you tell me about the party?' repeated Yoochun seriously

'I…did not want… why must I invite you? You live here? Beside it's my friends only' blinked Junsu

'No my friends too are coming because your friend's boyfriend is my best friend and I invited my other friend to come too' Yoochun sat beside Junsu and crossed his arms

'Ok fine! I invite you to the party, happy?' frowned Junsu

'No! say it happily' now Yoochun was the one acting childishly

Junsu eyed Yoochun and threw the cushion onto him

Both Junsu and Yoochun were dressed and ready, the food was already served and hot and the house was filled with balloons and roses and what was left now was to wait for the guests and more importantly is the guest of honor

Soon the bell rang and Junsu rushed to open, there was a smiling man in front of him, Junsu blinked but Yoochun rushed to him:' oh min, come on in'

'Junsu this is changmin, changmin this is Junsu' introduced Yoochun but Junsu eyed the man for a few seconds

'OH DEchangminVIL!!' yelled Junsu before he realized but then he widened his eyes and covered his mouth

'Huh?' blinked Yoochun but changmin frowned, he knew for sure that this nickname was something that kibum came up with and he hated that his love interest will call him devil!

Just then the bell rang again and Junsu feeling saved by the bell rushed to open the door, there stood a shy kibum in front of him so grinning Junsu hugged kibum smiling:' bummie!'

'Hyung' kibum hugged Junsu back and they both walked into the living room, kibum tensed at once seeing DEchangminVIL sitting there eyeing him, he never thought he would meet him here, him of all people in Seoul and the world

Sitting no one talked, the tension was getting to them all and they all waited for the party boy so hearing the door bell again Junsu jumped out and rushed to open it, there stood a blooming jaejoong holding onto yunho's hand, Junsu hugged his friend at once and yunho frowned at once not liking all the hugging and giggling thing

As the three men entered the living room the party started, they first went to get some dinner, Junsu ordered all jaejoong's favorite dishes plus his stuffed mushrooms, no one was allowed to touch this dish, he placed it in front of him and ate happily

Suddenly Junsu's mobile rang and he frowned, looking at changmin and jaejoong who were eyeing his mushrooms he frowned, looking at Yoochun he pulled onto his sleeve:' guard those for me till I come back, don't allow those meanies to eat them' he pointed at changmin and jaejoong and pouted cutely before he went to answer and grinning Yoochun nodded, he circled the plate with his left not allowing anyone to touch it especially changmin who kept trying to steal some every second

Coming back Junsu eyed the table, they were sitting like this, jaejoong in front of him with yunho beside him, Yoochun was on Junsu's right and beside him kibum who was sitting in front of changmin frozen and not eating anything but trying to ignore Changmin's look

'Here you go' Yoochun smiled handing junsu his plate again and the grinning Junsu ate happily, he even gave Yoochun a mushroom for guarding his meal, he choose the tiniest mushroom in the plate but still he fed it to him himself and grinning Yoochun just ate it

As they finished their dinner everyone moved to the living room, there was nice music, alcohol and cheese buffet

Everyone sat down; they all grabbed a glass of red wine and started to chat. Yunjae couple were dancing slow together, yoosu were on the couch watching them and drinking, kibum was sitting at the side uncomfortable with changmin sitting so close to him

'Why?' frowned changmin


'You call me DEchangminVIL, I can understand I had been… strict with you at work, I just don't understand why did you pretend that jaejoong is your boyfriend'

Kibum's face changed shades as he sipping more wine, To fast too

'Answer me please'

'I… how…? How did you know?' shivered kibum a little

'Your friend told his boyfriend who happened to be my close friend' spoke changmin bitterly finishing his wine and grabbing a slice of unknown kind of cheese and ate waiting for an answer

'I… I heard you talking on the phone… saying you… you love me and I… wanted to get…revenge…'

'So you used him to make me jealous for being strict to you at work' sighed changmin

'You…you were not just strict… you were…'

'A devil' finished changmin and kibum just looked down not knowing what to do or where to hide his face

'Was I that harsh? I only wanted to… make sure you won't have time for a boyfriend; I wanted to make sure you got no one in your life'

'Why? If you… had… feelings for me why not come to me and tell me?'

'I guess… I…was afraid of rejection… seeing you with him that other time… it drove me crazy… I… could not breath seeing you with him' admitted changmin smiling bitterly

Kibum did not say anything, he felt guilt more than ever:' I'm sorry' he finally whispered

'Don't… just give me a chance to make you mine… a week, please?' pleaded changmin

Kibum did not know what to say, he did not have the heart to say no so he just nodded his head, one week he thought so what could happen?

'Okay presents time!' announced Junsu happy so everyone gathered around and jaejoong grinned, first he opened yunho's gift to see the wing necklace he bought from changmin before, grinning yunho helped his lover wear the necklace before kissing him softly for a while

'Hey, I designed that' grinned Yoochun to get a playful hit from Junsu

'Mine now' grinned Junsu handing jaejoong the little box, opening it jaejoong grinned, the cross was so pretty so wearing it with yunho's necklace around his neck

'Like it?'

'It's amazing' grinned jaejoong as he went to open kibum's gift, a few designer made cloth that he loved, changmin brought him a card, he can come and choose something he likes from the store, Yoochun gave jaejoong a bracelet to math his earring

After the gifts everyone had fun chatting and dancing and eating the cake and drinking more wine and more wine and more, lots of empty bottles were thrown around now and every couple was sitting by himself, Yunjae were already kissing, kimin were hugging obviously drunk like the rest and singing and yoosu…

Yoochun was sitting with Junsu a little bit away from the rest. They both were drunk and chatting when suddenly

'I like… your lips' announced the drunk Yoochun

'Really? What will you do about it?' dared Junsu now crawling on top of Yoochun totally drunk

'This!' smirked Yoochun pulling himself up a little and kissing Junsu's lips at once…



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 30: I have to say that this is the most entertaining fanfic I have ever read.
Its aaaamaaaaziiiing!!!!!!
And Junsu is somehow still annoying. Yunho ... So cheesy -_-
Uee how DARE you??!!! Lemme get my hands on you *grrrr*
Kimin (or should I say, Minbum? Keke) is cute, Minnie's personality doing a total 180` turn. No more DEchangminVIL, yay.
Happily ever after!! Yayyyyy
also this might sound a bit too much to ask but is there any chance of a sequel? Like, the life of YooSu couple and children, and the YunJae and KiMin couple with their *adopted?* kids too? Coz that would be sooooooo sweet. *blushes*
Chapter 11: Not finished but all I have to say is -
Junsu: Annoying, overreacting drama queen. (JUST GET OVER IT KIM JUNSU YOU ARE ANNOYING THE SH*T OUT OF ME)
Yoochun: So mean, Yoochunnie ... *pouts* poor Junsu. Can't you give it back? *sigh*
Changmin: The true devil. *smirks* lol so cute when he's jealoooooous
Kibum: Poor Kibummie, how did he ever get to (if even) love the DEchangminVIL? (I'M prefer changDEVILmin tho)
Chapter 30: Oh my my..this was indeed a great story... Yoochun suffered alot but got what he deserved.. His junsu... Love it :-)
Junsu really is a brat but he's also adorable at the same time so I can't hate him. Also really hate uee
moonjoy #8
Chapter 30: i laugh so hard for junsu... his the best in making yoochun life misery , but yoochun is much better in making junsu fall in everything :)
Chapter 30: Its so fun~~
Omg all your stories are amazing~
Can wait to see what else you'll do ;D