s w i t c h i n g

The Other Planet

| Irith |

Jinhee woke up with her arms around someone who was obviously not her cuddling pillow. She had made this discovery while snuggling closer, only to be met by a chest. Opening her eyes in shock, she saw none other than Im Jaebum. What in the world is going on?

When Jaebum came to his senses in the morning, he clearly remembered not hugging BamBam to sleep. When he opened his eyes, he was met by the eyes of that fan he saw in the crowd the night before. Wait.. don't tell me that I.. Being a guy, the thought crossed his mind. But she's not , thank god. I must be wrong.

Jinhee was so startled, she fell off of the bed. Landing with a hard thump, she subtly rubbed her now aching bottom. Jaebum helped her up and scratched his head. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"I'm Kang Jinhee.. Do you by any chance know how we got here?"

"No, but I'm going to find out." Jaebum got off the bed and headed to the connected bathroom. "Hey, Jinhee, there are double sinks in here. Come in and brush your teeth."

After searching around a bit, the two found unopened toothbrushes and toothpaste. After brushing, they headed out of the room to look around the house.

Jinhee was looking at the kitchen when Jaebum called her from the living room. "Jinhee, there are pictures of us in here!"



| Earth |

Jinhee expected to wake up to Jaebum's messy hair and cute half-asleep expression. Instead, she woke up to a huge pillow and a room that definitely wasn't as pristine and clean as the one she shared with Jaebum. Waitthis looks like my old room in L.A! Where's Jaebum?

After cleaning up, she went into the kitchen. There stood her mother, cooking tasty pumpkin pancakes. "Mom? Aren't you in Canada right now? Where's Jaebum? Why am I in America and not Seoul?"

Mrs. Kang thought her daughter was just joking. "Hey, don't be like that! I have you and Joonhyun to take care of. Jaebum is in Got7, remember? He's on a plane back to Korea by now. He's not your boyfriend, like you want him to be."

By then, Jinhee understood what was going on. She spotted a newspaper on the table, and it had said something about saving Mother Earth. If she assumed that every address, phone number, and building was the same as on Irith, then she knew Jaebum's number.

Quickly grabbing a bite of breakfast, she sprinted upstairs to get her phone and dashed out of the house. Walking along the street, she dialed Jaebum. "I hope he's off whatever plane that is by now." Jinhee muttered. A migraine was starting to come on strong.

"Hello?" Jinhee recognized the voice - it was Jinyoung, one of Jaebum's closest friends. "Who is this?"

"Jinyoung!" Jinhee exclaimed. "Is Jaebum there? It's me, Jinhee! I'm his fianceé!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number," Jinyoung replied, uneasiness coating his voice. Jinhee felt the throbbing in her head starting, and she couldn't think straight. She knew she had to end the call.

"I'm sorry, I guess I do." Jinhee almost dropped the phone and clutched her head. Since she now knew that her theory was right, she decided to walk another five minutes to her friend Jiyeon's old house. If I still live in America here, it must be the same with Jiyeon. She barely got to ring the doorbell before she had to sit down and close her eyes.

"Jinhee, are you okay?!" Jiyeon opened the door and was shocked by the sight of Jinhee looking so pained.

"It's just.. a migraine."

Jiyeon raised an eyebrow. The Jinhee from Earth never got a small headache, much less a migraine. Helping her friend inside, she got Jinhee an aspirin and a glass of water. "You okay now? You never get migraines."

"Yeah," Jinhee said. "Well, the 'me' that you know - she isn't me." Jinhee had recognized how most things were different on Irith than on Earth, but she still felt like it was the Park Jiyeon from home. "I'm from Irith, not Earth."

Jiyeon was completely calm and collected. "You mean, you're from a type of alternate universe?"

"You could say that." Jinhee was relieved so far - even if the whole thing seemed unrealistic and far fetched. "I woke up here, and I guess I switched with Jinhee from Earth."

"Oh no," Jiyeon sympathized. "Tell me everything about you! Maybe I can help." Jiyeon smiled.

"I get frequent headaches," Jinhee pouted. "I live with Im Jaebum, a psychology major, who I'm engaged to. I'm a medical student, studying to become a general surgeon, and I don't follow trends other than fashion or books all too well - except for the occasional drama."

"And your favorite drink is coffee," Jiyeon muttered. She had said it so quietly that Jinhee had barely heard it, but she had.

"How did you know that?"

"Oh, well," Jiyeon stuttered a little, totally caught off guard. "I assumed that if Jinhee here liked tea, you'd like coffee."

Jinhee just went with it. "Do you think I'll be here long? I have a final exam soon, and so does Jaebum. Do you know what Jaebum here does?"

"He's a KPOP idol," Jiyeon frowned. "Do you think he'll do well?"

Jinhee facepalmed. "Jaebum is really shy!"

Jiyeon facepalmed too. "Well, here, you're an undetermined college student who likes to fangirl over idols and your ultimate bias is Jaebum."

"What are we going to do?"

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geuyeorum #1
Chapter 2: wow im loving this already ♡ hope you update soon! :)
I'm so looking forward to this story!!!!! Please update!!!
MiinRin #3
I think I will like this story!^^ Fighting! !