On the Outside Looking In

Thank you guys for all your interest in my story! I hope you stay with me till the end! I will do my best not to disappoint you all! *Gratefully bows*




“ I leave you guys alone for five minutes and you are all falling apart!?”


When Chen came back with the manager half and still wet from his shower, Suho and Chanyeol explained the situation to him. The manager had taken a good look at the four of them and agreed they all, except for Chanyeol, seemed a little off. He decided to take their temperature.


“Sorry, hyung,” Suho gently replied

“It’s not our fault! Like anyone wants to get sick and swell up to look like Hamtaro!” Chen complained

“But Hamtaro is cute,” Chanyeol commented. “And you don’t look that bad.”

“Bad enough for Kris-hyung to notice. The guy never picks up on details! He wouldn’t know if a snake were right in front of him before he gets bitten by it!”

“Hush!” The manager spoke up as he came back with the first aid kit. “Chen, don’t talk about your hyung like that, especially when he’s passed out. It’s out of your character.” He chided. “Look, I know you guys are stressed about the other’s disappearance. You don’t think I am, too? We can’t just drop dead and fall to pieces. So, stay calm, don’t worry and,” he passed the three a thermometer each, “put these in your mouths under your tongue.”


They did so, quietly and obediently. The manager went next to Kris with an ear thermometer instead since he was still unconscious. Silence took over for a few minutes until the thermometers started to beep. The manager checked Kris’ and was shocked.

“Nearly 40 degrees Celsius,” he said in a hushed tone.

“Me too,” Chen said.

“Yeah!” Chanyeol said as he waved his thermometer.

“So am I,” Suho stated as put a hand to his face. He didn’t feel that warm, but he was pretty clammy. “Wait….Chanyeol, how are you like the rest of us? You seem fine.”

“I feel fine,” Chanyeol agreed. “I’m just really hungry.”

They all flinched at the sound of a thermometer beeping again. This time the manager was checking himself. “Nope, 37 degrees. I’m fine, but you guys clearly aren’t.”

“We’ve managed in practice and on stage before with fevers, so what’s the deal?” Chen piped up.

“I don’t know,” their manager conceded. “You’ve never swelled before, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Suho this ghastly, and Kris may like to sleep but he doesn’t just pass out,” he then turned his attention to Chanyeol. “And who knows what might happen to Chanyeol, here. He might end up with ears the size of Dumbo the elephant!”


“I’m going to call the company to see if they want to risk taking you guys out of the apartment to go to the hospital or if they will send somebody over to check up on you all. For now, just take it easy and don’t pass out anymore, okay?”

They nodded and the manager slowly went back into his room, a little hesitant to leave the four members alone.


“Well, now what?” Chen spoke up after a few moments of silence, placing the ice pack Chanyeol had given him earlier on his right cheek.

“I’m getting food!” Chanyeol said with his crazy smile, getting up from the floor of the living room. “I’m also going to make miso soup for both Suho-hyung and Kris-hyung. You want some too, Chen?”

Chen seemed reluctant at first, but in the end he nodded tiredly.

“All right! Healing Chef Chanyeol to the rescue!!” The giant member cheered as he headed toward the kitchen.

“I know he means well, but does he seriously have to be so chipper right now while we feel like crap and the other’s are missing?” Chen groaned lowly.

Suho sighed deeply as he moved from the floor to the couch, sitting near Kris’ head. He put a throw pillow on his lap and gently placed the Chinese male’s head to lay on the pillow, doing his best to be of comfort to his ill member anyway he could despite feeling ill himself. “He’s hurting as well, Chen,” Suho spoke softly, patting down Kris’ hair. “You know that, but he wants to remain optimistic. It’s who he is.”

Chen hung his head. “Yeah….I know. I just feel so useless sitting here with a puffy face when we don’t even know where our members are. It’s scary, hyung.”

Suho turned his gaze towards Chen. The vocalist had his knees hugged toward his chest with one arm while the other held the ice pack to his cheek. Chen’s face was downcast with a frustrated frown on his usually bright, smiling face.

Suho sunk his body into the couch, feeling a headache coming on. “It’s all going to be okay. You’ll see,” he said trying to console his younger member, but it came out more like he was trying to convince himself. Chen turned his eyes toward his leader and Suho could his distress in those feline-like eyes. He motioned for Chen to join him on the couch and Chen didn’t hesitate to squeeze himself next to Suho. He then laid his head on Suho’s shoulder and quietly mumbled, “They’re okay….right, hyung?”

“Yeah,” Suho laid his head on Chen’s and wrapped an arm around him. “They’re okay. They’re probably closer than we think.”

At that moment they heard a low groan and Suho felt Kris move his head a little. “Kris!” Suho exclaimed while caressing Kris’ head. “Kris, you okay? You scared us!”

“Ugh….my head,” Kris groaned. “Feel… lightheaded.”

“It’s probably because you’re stressed AND you haven’t eaten,” Chanyeol said as he brought a big pot of soup over to the coffee table. He then leaned over towards Kris on the couch to say a quick but sincere, “I’m glad you’re awake, hyung,” before going back into the kitchen and returning with a tray with bowls, spoons, cups, water and herbal tea. “I know things don’t look good right now, but I’m sure once we get some food in our stomachs we’ll be able to figure out how to solve this mess. Fighting!” Chanyeol knew his pep-talk was a little silly, but s understood his sincerity. For the first time that morning he finally saw the faintest of smiles on his hyung’s faces. We’ll find them, he thought.


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Chapter 2: this is so mystery~
what happen to those other members? owh can't wait to know it~
and what's wrong with the four of them?
ppali update! ^^
Chapter 2: Omogosh its soo interesting...u have to update soon coz this reader here is gonna die of waiting..^_~