Chapter 2

The Five Phases

"1. 2. 1. 2."

"Switch places with me." Eunji whispered to the girl beside her. "I want to be on Junghee's team. Hurry, before the teacher gets to us."

Everyone was lined up and the gym teacher was counting them off, splitting them into two teams.

"1. 2. 1. 2. 1."

Eunji smiled as both her and her friend Junghee were placed on Team 1. They both walked over to the other side of the gym and Eunji scanned her teammates quickly. *Hm.. she can't throw, she can't pass, she's good, he's tall so he better play well, he can't play sports for his life, he runs really slowly.... my team .* she thought, dissapointed.

She looked across the gym and groaned. The other team was stacked; they were so going to beat her team.

"Junghee, it looks like we're going to have to carry the team." Eunji said. Junghee nodded. "I don't understand unathletic people. At least we got Jinwoon and Hana."

"Okay!" the head gym teacher called out. "Figure out who'll be substituting and all that. You have 2 minutes to sort everything out."

"I'll sit out." one girl volunteered quickly.

"Me too." her friend said.

"Who's going to do that jump throw toss thing?" one of the girls asked.

"You mean the jump toss?" Eunji smiled.

"I'll do it." Jinwoon shrugged. "Let's go."

The game started, and although Jinwoon got his team possession of the ball, they quickly lost it. Before they knew it, the score was 16-6. So far, Jinwoon had scored one basket, a girl named Ara had scored one, and Junghee had scored one.

Eunji groaned, frustrated. "Yah, Lee Minhee!" she called out to a girl on her team. "Switch places with me. You come and be defense." Minhee, who was quite obviously scared of Eunji, ran back quickly and switched with her. Eunji grinned and ran forward, quickly stealing the ball from a player on the other team.

She ran up to the net and jumped. Before she knew what was happening, she was flying through the air, and doing a slam dunk.

When she landed on her feet softly, Junghee ran over to her with a grin on her face, hi-fiving her. "That was awesome, girl."

"Nice job, Eunji." Jinwoon grinned, patting her on the back, before running back to his position.

Eunji smiled back, but was a bit confused and thoroughly freaked out. Considering she wasn't even 160cm, she had no idea how she had reached the net. She shook it off momentarily though, and continued to play.

By the end of the game, the other team had won (obviously) 24-20. Eunji was just glad the point gap wasn't too big.

"Good job, guys." Eunji smiled, taking a swig of water.

"Good job yourself." Ara said. "Nice dunk back there."

"Thanks. Your layup wasn't too bad either." Eunji laughed. She got up to go change out of her gym clothes, ready to head home after a long day.

After the bell rang and Eunji said bye to all her freinds, she headed outside, her mind still on the dunk.

"Hey!" someone called out.

Eunji stopped and turned to see a really tall guy approaching her. He ran over to her, and she waited for him to catch up before continuing to walk.

"Nice dunk back there." the guy, who Eunji recognized to be a classmate named Kris, said. He leaned in and whispered quietly, "You must have the power of flight."

Eunji stopped walking, wide-eyed, and stared at him. He laughed at her reaction. "I'm from the Wood realm." he grinned.

"Oh. I'm from the Earth realm." she said. "What are your powers?"

"I can fly as well, and I have superstrength." Kris replied. "What about you?"

Eunji shrugged. "I'm still figuring that out. I didn't even activate my orb until recently. And by recently, I mean two days ago."

Kris looked at her in surprise. "Wow, so you're a newbie. And you actually believe all this realm stuff?"

"Well it's hard not to when I've got some kind of glowing orb thing." Eunji said. Kris laughed. "You've got a point there."

"I'm crossing this street." Eunji said, stopping at the light.

"I'm turning right, so I guess this is where we part ways." Kris smiled. "It was cool meeting another realm person. Although just a small word of advice, I'd hold back on the flying power thing while I'm in public."

"I would if I knew how to control that." Eunji rolled her eyes. Kris grinned. "Well I'll see you tomorrow!"

The two of them waved and then Eunji headed home, feeling slightly happier since she wasn't as big of a freak as she thought she was.

When she got home, her mom asked, "How was school? Everything normal?"

Eunji shrugged, as she took of her shoes. "If flying during gym class counts as normal, then sure."

"You flew?" her mom asked.

Eunji nodded. "Well I jumped and somehow I dunked the ball, even though we all know that's impossible for someone as short as me."

Her dad chuckled. "I'm sure that was an interesting experience. So I guess flying is one of your powers then. Anyways, I contacted your grandfather and he replied back. Apparently there's some stuff happening and there's a bit of an upset between the relationship between the realms. It's causing an imbalance in the universe and could be potentially dangerous if not solved immediately. I don't know any other details."

"And?" Eunji asked, curiously.

"Well... since you're a blood relative of the realm leader, your powers are really strong. I noticed that even when you were wearing the ring, your Earth power couldn't be fully contained."

"So...?" Eunji asked, impatiently. She wanted to see if her dad was about to say what she thought he would.

"Well if the realms happen to declare war on each other, we'd need as many people as we can to help fight. And since you're one of the strongest, they contacted you in hopes that you'd go to the Earth realm and-"

"Absolutely YES." Eunji grinned from ear to ear. She had taken taekwondo and gymnastics and was naturally good at sports, so she was itching to fight.

"We know how athletic and strong you are, Eunji, but you realize that with superpowers, it's going to completely different, right? You'll be fighting against people who can shoot fireballs at you or people who can turn invisible." her dad said. "I want you to think carefully."

"Oh come on, dad. It's our own realm. If I have powers and as much Earth power as you say I do, I might as well help out, right?" Eunji said, excitedly. "Can I go? Please?"

Her dad laughed. "You're just like Hyungsik."

Eunji's ears perked up at the mention of her favourite cousin. "Hyungsik? Is he there too?"

"Well most of your cousins are, so I'd assume so." her dad shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure."

"So I can go to fight at the Earth realm, right?" Eunji asked, even more excited now.

"Of course you can. It's in our bloodline, after all."

"But what about you?" she asked her parents. "Are you guys coming?"

Her mom sadly shook her head. "We can't. It's your dad's job to monitor the conditions here. If he notices anything strange, he reports it immediately to your grandfather. And of course, I'm staying here with him."

Eunji sighed, but nodded. "I get it. I'll miss both of you."

"We'll miss you too, of course. But you know, you can easily transport from Earth to the Earth realm with enough practice, so we'll still be able to see you." her dad said. "After all, one of my powers is teleportation, so it's even easier for me."

"Really?" Eunji asked. "What's your other power?"

"I'm special." her dad chuckled. "I actually have 4 powers. Teleportation, fire, healing and telekinesis."

"Fire? But aren't we from the Earth realm?" Eunji asked.

"You can have any power there is. It's just that my fire power isn't as strong as the leader of the Fire Realm. His or hers is so strong, it can burn out a waterball."

"Is that even possible?"

Her dad nodded. "When you get there, you'll realize that many impossible things are actually possible. Speaking of which, we need to figure out when you're going to leave. And we'll have to make arrangements here. We'll take care of all that though. For now, I guess you'll have to prepare to say goodbye to your friends."

The thought of leaving her friends saddened Eunji. She hadn't thought about that at all. *At least I'll probably see Kris again.* she thought. That was at least somewhat comforting.


The next day at school flew by. She talked to Kris quite a bit, and found that he was pretty lame despite his cool exterior. She came home, pretty happy. Then her parents told her that she would be leaving that weekend, and she was suddenly burdened with the task of thinking up an excuse to tell her friends. She settled on telling her friends that she was going to spend her senior year in a high school in Seoul, so she was going to live with her aunt there instead.

On Wednesday, she saw Kris while she was on her way to school. "Kris! Hey!" she called. He kept walking, and didn't even bother glancing back at her. He kept up the same behaviour all day, but Eunji couldn't do much about it, since word had spread that she was leaving the school and everyone was crowding around her.

"Eunji! I'm going to miss you so much!" Ara said. "I can't believe you're leaving."

"You're kind of scary, but kind of hot. It that you're leaving." a guy named Hyungjoon said. Eunji couldn't help but laugh and didn't even bother making a snarky comment back.

The comments kept coming, and Eunji felt even more sad. She'd known most of these people since forever and it felt weird to be leaving.

The next day, everything died down a bit, and her friends spent every minute they could with her. Kris was still avoiding her like the plague though. She tried talking to him at one point, but she saw him glare at her and decided to give up.

*I don't know what happened, but I've still got one more day. We'll see what happens then.*

And then it was finally Friday. Her last day there. She saw him early in the morning by himself and she went up to him.

"What's going on? Why have you been avoiding me the last few days?" she asked, angrily.

He glared at her and his eyes seemed to turn silver. Surprised, she stepped back. She quickly recomposed herself however, and glared at him. "Fine then. Don't talk to me. I hope I don't see you around." And with that, she stormed off, determined not to waste another minute of her last day on someone who could only glare at her.

And she did. For the rest of the day, she stuck with her friends and when the final bell rang, she couldn't but cry when her friends said goodbye. Soon, they were all bawling their eyes out.

"I guess this is it." Eunji smiled sadly.

"You better come visit whenever you can. Just because you're going to a different school in a different city, doesn't mean you don't have to come back to hang out with us." Junghee said.

Eunji laughed. "Of course! I'll come whenever I can."

With one last hug, Eunji left and headed home. On her way, she stopped at the park one last time, and was surprised to see the attractive jerk from last week, as well as her cousin Hyungsik sitting on a bench.

"Hyungsik!" she screamed, her jaw dropped open in surprise.

"Bring it in." Hyungsik grinned, tilting his head to the side and holding his arms out. Eunji laughed and ran over, crushing him into a hug. "How's my favourite cousin?" Hyungsik asked.

"I'm fine." she said, waving a hand dismissively. "How about you? Why are you here? How do you know that jerk?" she asked, pointing at the guy sitting beside him. "And where's that little boy from last time?"

"Your questions never end, do they?" Hyungsik laughed. "Honestly though, that little boy was me. One of my powers is transformation." he grinned. "Didn't you notice I have the same hair colour?" he asked, motioning towards his light brown hair.

Eunji nodded in understanding.

"And I'm fine, I just dropped by to deliver your Earth orb to you." he grinned. "It looks like you're an official member of our realm now. Where's your orb, by the way?"

"It's right here." Eunji said. She had hung it on a chain and put it on a necklace, which she hid under her shirt, since it was glowing and all.

Hyungsik nodded. "Good, keep it on you. There are times where you need it to prove your identity, and if you don't have it, you'll basically be screwed."

"Good to know." Eunji said, tucking it back under her shirt. "You didn't answer me, by the way. Who's the jerk beside you?" she said, pointing.

Hyungsik laughed and clapped the guy on the back, earning a glare from the latter. "This," he began, "is your royal highness, the prince of the Light realm."

"Don't call me that." the prince growled.

"Sorry." Hyungsik rolled his eyes. A smile played at his lips though. "This is Baekhyun, one of my best friends."

"One of your best friends?" Baekhyun asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Fine, fine. My best friend. You happy?"

Baekhyun smiled, and his face suddenly looked even more attractive than it had before.

"Stop staring at me." Baekhyun said, raising an eyebrow at Eunji. "I have enhanced sight, so I can see everything in front of, beside, and behind me"

"It's not even that he can see it." Hyungsik said. "He can just feel when people are staring at him. It's a little creepy, but it's really good when he's fighting. If anyone so much as looks at him, he can avoid their attack."

"Wow." Eunji raised her eyebrows. "By the way, since when was there a Light realm? I thought there were only 5?"

"I guess you didn't hear. Makes sense, since you live on Earth and all. There are a bunch of smaller realms that are in charge of different things. The main 5 are the ones that keep the universe in balance though. However, recently the Light realm gained power and emerged to help out." Hyungsik said. "Well, that's what Uncle told me." he shrugged. "Baekhyun doesn't care about anything involving the realms, so he doesn't even bother paying attention to what's going on. Him and his dad just stay out of each other's way. He doesn't really care about anyone either, other than me." Hyungsik beamed.

"So how did you become friends again?" Eunji asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh come on, you know your cousin is super friendly." Hyungsik grinned.

Baekhyun scoffed. "More like when the Light realm came to train with the Earth realm, he wouldn't shut up and kept bothering me until I agreed to hang out with him."

"He came to tolerate me after a while." Hyungsik shrugged. "Which is more than he can say about anyone else in the universe."

Baekhyun nodded in agreement. "So can we stop talking about realms and stupid stuff like that?" he asked, suddenly standing up. "I hear enough about this at home, I'd rather not talk about it during my free time."

"I know!" Eunji said, her eyes lighting up. "Why don't we hang out around the city, since it's our last day before heading over to the realm?"

"Sure! Anything for my favourite cousin." Hyungsik grinned.

Baekhyun sighed. "Fine. But only because you're Hyungsik's cousin."

Eunji grinned and looked at her watch. "Great. We've got exactly 3 hours before I have to head home and finish packing. Let's go!"


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