Report #4

Face Paint

Promotions for Mr. Simple continued to be successful, ending on a high note after Heechul's departure. During that time, the group continued to be stubbornly friendly with each other. One incident, after a winning performance on Inkigayo, involved one of the members becoming so excited that Yesung, or Kim Jongwoon, became soaked with cola and water. It was rather inconvenient to clean up. Later that night was the guys' performance on Dream Team, which also concluded remarkably well, most likely due to their irritatingly strong bond. This, however, was during the time period in which Heechul was still involved in group activities, although he was not involved in the incident. 

During the promotions for Mr. Simple, of course, we conducted the filming of the repackage music video, A-CHA. The video, since it followed a similar pattern to Mr. Simple, was quite simple to finish. The only difficult portion was the preparations beforehand. I must express my annoyance at the firing of one of our principle makeup artists just before the video shoot. You did, after all, assign me to manage the staff, and take care of the plans for the group. Those plans cannot go forward when crucial team members suddenly go missing. If you plan on doing such a thing in the future, it would be quite helpful if you would inform me ahead of time. I suggest this most humbly. Fortunately, we were able to find another makeup artist before we fell off-schedule.

I am concerned about Lee Hyukjae, however. He cannot seem to stay on his feet, and I worry that he will break a limb someday. During his performance, he even ended up face-planting on the set. We had to pause filming in order to ensure he was not injured. It was incredibly inconvenient. 

The final performance of Mr. Simple with Kim Heechul went off without a hitch. Fangirls love tears, and there were a considerable amount shed when the award was announced. Only further evidence of Leeteuk's softness. He is quite like a child, that one. I often doubt that he is, in fact the leader.

We will have to wait longer to see if the group is indeed better off without Heechul. I suspect it will be, but it is difficult to tell. Additionally, the decision to leave ultimately lies with him. Any other manner of action would not benefit the company at all. Therefore, we will have to wait for his decision.

The group is well into the steps to prepare for Super Show 4, beginning on November 19th. In order to create the most diverse and interesting of performances, we allowed the members of Super Junior to contribute their ideas to the concert's arrangement. I have attached the songlist, costume plans, and stage directions. I am a bit skeptical of some of these, such as allowing Kim Ryeowook to perform "Moves Like Jagger", as the fangirls have had an innocent image of him for quite some time, and I do not believe they are ready for that to change. Also, it seems quite ridiculous to allow Choi Siwon to perform a religious song when he fully intends to remove his clothes during other performances. It seems rather contradictory, but, when planning the show to include various solos by the different members, that is what he insisted that his would be, despite my pleas. We can't eliminate the shirtless performances, considering the positive reaction of the fans, but I have my doubts about the religious song. Nonetheless, I do not hold that much sway over their opinions.

The group seems to be adapting surprisingly well to Heechul's absense, aside from being a bit more subdued. It so turns out that I was correct, that they are a bit more manageable when he is not egging them on.

Finally, it is obvious to me that the group has begun to trust me immensely. They have begun to know me on a personal level, and allow me into their lives. I am even allowed to ride in their cars and enter their dorm. I consider this great progress.

-Han Heeyung.

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Chapter 37: I knew it was Yesunggg!!! It's been awhile and I finally decided to get back to reading fanfiction. I re read this entire thing in less than a day, and I need you to please update. Thank you for the chapters so far, though I wish you would finish. I'll probably have to end up picturing my own ending huh?
Chapter 37: I knew from the moment we met Yesung that he was the mysterious stranger, but I thought I was just crazy, haha. And ah the spiral of pictures, one day I wish to have enough precious memories to create a patter like that. Just imagining Shin and Heeyung holding red and blue lightsticks, hands held in the middle, wah how cute! Thank you for the chapter : )
Sami96 #3
Chapter 37: I'm angry and happy at the same time Yesung was the guy that helped her. I didn't see this coming.
Chapter 37: So Yesung had known all about her all this time and never said a word to anybody ,he is good at keeping secrets.. why did she have to be so mean to him he was just looking out for her but glad that she called and said she was sorry for what had happened and what she had said to him ..since she is putting up pictures of the boys in her new place means she is still an Elf and will always have those special moments that she shared with each and everyone of them locked away in her heart ...
halusiharu #5
Chapter 36: Just finished read from the chapter one in 3 days! Its a good story i hope u will update soom :)
Chapter 36: Yes ! So happy that Yesung found those old SJ stuff of hers and to her finally telling him that she was an ELF! Curious in what he had kept secret for her . Hoping that if they had a night class that she goes back to doing makeup all over again she it was her first love until her parents stopped her .

Looking forward to the seeing what will happen next!
Chapter 36: /screams into pillow/ FINALLY! i was so patiently waiting for one of sj to find the old posters, and i'm so glad it was yesung, haha. thank you for the chapter!
Sami96 #8
Chapter 35: I would much rather someone like Siwon get together with Heeyung than Sangjun. Sangjun just doesn't seem to be as good for Heeyung as someone like Siwon would be.
Chapter 35: So glad that she wrote back to Yesung to let him know that she is okay that she has moved Siwon doesn't know where she has moved to ..hoping that he knows where Shin goes to school and gets it from him because I think they would make a great couple ..Sangjun is okay but I really don't think that they fit so hoping that relationship doesn't come about !
Chapter 35: Ah, I don't know why but thinking about Siwon being slightly possessive, the fact that he was using his chaebol status instea dog downplaying as usual, I really loved that. Personally I don't care for Sangjun, I'm sure he's genuine but I don't think he's the right fit for Heeyung. Heeyung, don't settle for him, okay? You have the whole of Super Junior bowing at your feet, who love you despite all you've done, so don't let them fade away! Thank you for the chapters!