Report #3

Face Paint

The results of the release are even more positive than predicted. I had been basing my data on the opinions of staff members at SM and information I had been given, but it seems that the success of the group is severely underestimated. I apologize for this mistake, and I will not make it in the future.

I am concerned about the overall capability of the group to keep up their performance. With health weakening due to lack of sleep, they may not be able to maintain the energy needed for the comeback. If this occurs, the comeback could fail. I recommend closer watch of the group. If their current rehearsal and performance schedule is maintained, they could end up in the hospital for exhaustion. A way to avoid this could be a more rigid schedule. Given too much free time, they're more likely to stay up with friends. With a strict time in which to sleep, they will be forced to use it.

The group's internal structure is also failing. Kim Heechul, as usual, is an issue. He is morose one minute, and psychotic another. He is quite frustrating to observation, because he does not follow any consistent patterns. The other members of Super Junior are much easier to predict, and thus easier to manipulate.

This may soon no longer be a problem, however. Due to his depression, Heechul is debating on leaving the group. I expect a much cleaner departure than that of  Han Geng. He already has many people turned against him, so I expect impact of his departure to be minimal, compared to other members of the group, except perhaps Shindong. Additionally, if he waits until after his time in the military, he may even be regarded as less of a member of the group, and thus fans will be less disappointed. I highly recommend he be released.

The only concern about this, being brought to my attention, is Heechul's vast connections in the entertainment industry. From idols from other companies to the highest rated MCs, if we were to force him to leave, the impact on the company could be quite severe. However, since this decision is his own, with no pressure from the company, their hands are tied.

Without Heechul, the group's strong dynamic is weakened. The leader, Park Jungsoo, or Leeteuk, is showing signs of losing what little control he had. This may be a time to use new ideas for the group, such as new subgroups, or a more full schedule during hiatus. Because their strong attachment to each other is weakened, they will be easier to convince into things. Negotiations should be much easier.

With Mr. Simple promotions going on, the group appears to be successful, and keeping together. There are some signs of discord, and I will have to wait to see how they will play out.

I have attached the predicted costs and benefits of the repackages planned for later this month. Soon after the new music video is shot, Heechul will leave, and we can get to work on whatever the next step with the group is.

-Han Heeyung

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Chapter 37: I knew it was Yesunggg!!! It's been awhile and I finally decided to get back to reading fanfiction. I re read this entire thing in less than a day, and I need you to please update. Thank you for the chapters so far, though I wish you would finish. I'll probably have to end up picturing my own ending huh?
Chapter 37: I knew from the moment we met Yesung that he was the mysterious stranger, but I thought I was just crazy, haha. And ah the spiral of pictures, one day I wish to have enough precious memories to create a patter like that. Just imagining Shin and Heeyung holding red and blue lightsticks, hands held in the middle, wah how cute! Thank you for the chapter : )
Sami96 #3
Chapter 37: I'm angry and happy at the same time Yesung was the guy that helped her. I didn't see this coming.
Chapter 37: So Yesung had known all about her all this time and never said a word to anybody ,he is good at keeping secrets.. why did she have to be so mean to him he was just looking out for her but glad that she called and said she was sorry for what had happened and what she had said to him ..since she is putting up pictures of the boys in her new place means she is still an Elf and will always have those special moments that she shared with each and everyone of them locked away in her heart ...
halusiharu #5
Chapter 36: Just finished read from the chapter one in 3 days! Its a good story i hope u will update soom :)
Chapter 36: Yes ! So happy that Yesung found those old SJ stuff of hers and to her finally telling him that she was an ELF! Curious in what he had kept secret for her . Hoping that if they had a night class that she goes back to doing makeup all over again she it was her first love until her parents stopped her .

Looking forward to the seeing what will happen next!
Chapter 36: /screams into pillow/ FINALLY! i was so patiently waiting for one of sj to find the old posters, and i'm so glad it was yesung, haha. thank you for the chapter!
Sami96 #8
Chapter 35: I would much rather someone like Siwon get together with Heeyung than Sangjun. Sangjun just doesn't seem to be as good for Heeyung as someone like Siwon would be.
Chapter 35: So glad that she wrote back to Yesung to let him know that she is okay that she has moved Siwon doesn't know where she has moved to ..hoping that he knows where Shin goes to school and gets it from him because I think they would make a great couple ..Sangjun is okay but I really don't think that they fit so hoping that relationship doesn't come about !
Chapter 35: Ah, I don't know why but thinking about Siwon being slightly possessive, the fact that he was using his chaebol status instea dog downplaying as usual, I really loved that. Personally I don't care for Sangjun, I'm sure he's genuine but I don't think he's the right fit for Heeyung. Heeyung, don't settle for him, okay? You have the whole of Super Junior bowing at your feet, who love you despite all you've done, so don't let them fade away! Thank you for the chapters!