A Christmas Kiss

 Lynette sat at her table slowly sipping the hot cocoa she just made after she put up the christmas tree.

She grew up in a large family in the U.S whom immigrated from vietnam.

She was born and raised there until recently where she moved to korea for college to study.

This was the first christmas that she spent without her family.

No presents no family just her best friend Brigitte who came with her to study in korea. 

Brigitte was half japanese and half filipio but she spoke perfect english.

They have known each other since middle school and they finally reached their dream of studying out of state.

     Turning her head to the clock 7:23am she spent the early morning decorating the christmas tree but now its almost time to get ready for school.

Steping forward into their room which was sectioned off in half with duck tape on the floor.

Placing the hot cocoa on the night stand lynette opened the curtain wide letting the morning ray shine into their room making her friend cringe.

After that lynette pull brigitte into the restroom and locked her in there while she picked out their outfits for the day.

She knew brigitte hated pink so she purposely picked out a pink skirt from her closet so that she could foce brigitte to wear it later.




After Brigitte finished lynette hurried into the shower.

"Make breakfast ima be ready soon, oh and dont try to wash the say sauce bottles again"- Lynette

"Oh shut up that was once ok and it was an accident"- Brigitte (ps brigitte you will forever be teased for this)

Laughing lynette enter the shower and change they both finished breakfast and now ready to leave the house.

On their way to the sub-way the stoped by a Starbucks near their apartment to get their favorite pink drink.

Starbucks was one of the reasons why they chose the apartment that they lived in.

It was nearby hense they can grab a cup anytime included midnight when they might have to study for long hours.

At Starbuck they met up with their other friends who also came to study with them. Although they live in the room next door.

The building they live in was speciality made to be rented out to foreign students.

Katie and michelle were their high school friends even thought brigitte has known these two for longer.

They all have nicknames





 Together they took the sub-way to their university and end up parting way to get to different classrooms.

Lynette laid her head down on the table and played with her hair as the rest of her class chit chatted away.

Their teacher is not here today sence they will be having a speaker. he is supposed to be the best of the best most successful man out there right now Kim Jaejoong. Successful hot and single and rich most wanted bachelor.

Some wondered if he was gay since he still hasn't even gotten a girlfriend yet at the age of 30.

But anyway it isnt any of her problem.

Suddenly the door cracked open and it was like the light of the way to heaven and the man stepping thourgh the door was angel to take her there.


Cliff hangerrrrrrr!!! heheh anyways it like 5 am and i started at 3am now my back it hurting so good night eventhough im just gonna lay in bed and watch movie anyways bye

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