Because My Answer Is You


Prologue – Taekwoon.


She looked down at the ground for a moment, and I waited with bated breath for her next move, hoping she wouldn’t reject me again. We weren’t alone; in fact the whole room was full of people celebrating, the noise was almost unbearable. I was never one to enjoy a party, but I had to know tonight what would happen. Despite the people around me, all I could focus on was the girl standing across the studio space, my muscles wiring up with the wait.

Her eyes seemed to be transfixed on the floor under her feet and I sighed, it felt like hours went by before she glanced back up. But when they did they sought out my own dark orbs and slowly she began to smile. As her lips widened into a grin, I couldn’t help but mirror her gesture, hiding my mouth momentarily behind my hand. My body felt a surge release throughout it at her reaction, all my nerves dispersing the longer she smiled back at me.

But then it faded and I wondered why, faltering for a moment. The brunette shook her head, a wave of loose curls floating out about her round face. She covered and looked back down at the ground. My heart began to thump from lack of air as I stood there trying to decipher the message she was sending me without being able to talk to her. But in front of our friends, and company staff, I knew better than talking about something where anyone could hear in. I was stuck in a bind, wanting to know everything, but realising my place as an idol restricted me from such knowledge right then.

“I’m sorry,” she mouthed and then diverted her gaze completely, turning to a fellow staff member and talking to them distractedly. What electricity had been flowing through my veins seemed to zap away all my energy, and the pain closed off my lungs. I was jostled about by someone, though I had no idea who, and I pushed them off before walking across the room.

She glanced at me with wide eyes, still maintaining her conversation with the stylist, though her attention was on me. I could feel her eyes following my back as I passed by her and into the small practice room, shutting the door hard behind me as if to shut out the world beyond it. Sitting down at the keyboard, I flicked on the power button and bashed the keys vigorously until my emotions had stopped raging, not allowing myself to react any further than I already had.

I was beginning to fall in too deep with our relationship; that much I accepted. And I knew she felt the same too, which had led us to this pivotal moment. But it was getting frustrating, knowing what I wanted but feeling a sense of obligation to ignore the set of emotions. I was an idol, and dating had been banned by our CEO. Although I was aware that many idols dated behind the scenes, with each other or staff members and trainees, I had never felt the need to bother. My goals had been to become a singer, and then to become the best singer I possibly could be.

I had never expected to fall in love completely like this. I didn’t know how to handle the disruption in my life, and with someone I worked with every day. My reactions to her presence in my life seemed to have a bipolar effect, and fleeting moments of happiness were usually crushed by the reality every time.

Just like tonight.





Title: Because My Answer Is You
Author: smiledreamlove
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: Mature audiences only.
Summary: Ava Welsh held a job that many envied as a coordinator for Jellyfish’s rising group, VIXX. But more importantly she secretly held the heart of Jung Taekwoon, someone who had always been her friend. As their relationship changes and deepens, Taekwoon and Ava are faced with more secrets and risks to their respective careers. Can Ava step out from the pressures of Taekwoon’s fame and her position at Jellyfish to truly answer the question within her heart?
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this fiction and this is completely fictional. No disrespect is intended. ©



Hello and welcome to my very first VIXX/Leo fiction, Because My Answer Is You (BMAIY).

I started this fiction over a year ago actually, and have been incredibly fond of it, but had some inactivity in my writing, and have recently picked it back up. BMAIY still needs to be finished but it’s practically there, so I’ve decided to start sharing it with you all. I hope everyone enjoys this story, even though I'm biased to my characters, writing this has given me lots of amusement, tears and overall joy. I hope I can pass what I've experienced onto those who read this.

Because I started it during Hyde promotions, it is set back a bit (actually starts back in the On and On era), so I hope those who read this can enjoy it for the context it’s in. It is also written like most of my fictions have been lately – in first person, but alternating with each chapter so we get both views of the main characters. 

I will post two chapters a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. Hopefully I can stick to this timetable, there might be the odd occasion I’m late to posting but I always ensure to catch up! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any fictions, so I hope to get a lot of motivation in my writing once again!

All dialogue in this story is assumed to be in Korean, unless stated. Any Korean words within the story will be explained at the end of the respective chapter. I fully welcome constructive criticism, suggestions and comments ^_^


All credit to photo using in graphic that was made by myself.


Hope you all come to check out the sequel!


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aboura-kpopfan #1
Omggggggg I totally love this fanfic you did a great jobbbbbbb
Chapter 41: YAYAYAYYAYAY SHE WAS ALLOWED TO STAY! And clearly continued doing a damn good job. it Starship!
Four years huh? You know what I think? I think you should do a sequel at some point ;)
weerainbow #3
Chapter 41: *holds back tears with only partial success*
Ugh I have so much to say and yet I haven't a clue what to say either. It's the end. What a bittersweet moment. It's beautiful and yet I'm so sad to let Ava and Taekwoon go, along with the rest of the gang. But we're parting in such a time of happiness for them so I will try to focus on that for now.

I love the "normality" of things in this stage of Ava's life with VIXX...back to comebacks and preparation for stage performances and hectic running around to get everything done that's needed - this is what feels comfortable. When Ava was away from it all she didn't have the peace she has here, being where she belongs. It means so much to see her chasing around those six boys fixing what needs fixing and making sure jobs get done. There's a special kind of warmth in seeing them work together, and with Mandi too. I love it.

Speaking of Mandi...MANDI & HAKYEON FOREVER!!!! I'm gonna sneak into their building and scratch it into the walls and write it on the desks when no one's looking! Are you with me? ;) ;)

Oh and the mushy fluffy goodness of the final scenes between Taekwoon and Ava are perfection my dear. Yes, it was needed. It was the final healing of all the scars from their struggles so they can move forward in complete happiness, bickering included of course because that's part of who they are and as Ava herself said, “Bickering leads to kissing, right?” so why not? Haha can I send them a congratulations cake that says congratulations for being cheesy and fabulous? Maybe I should send you one too.

Thank you so much for this story sweetheart. It's a treasure. It really is. I've enjoyed so much the chance to dive into the world of Ava and VIXX and see them develop and grow and experience so many different things together. It's been a fascinating journey and it has touched my heart at every stop. *blows a hundred kisses to you* ♥♥
Chapter 41: Thank you so much for writing this! The story was wonderful :)
weerainbow #5
Chapter 40: ... I wish for all of VIXX (and others too) that they could have a love like this in real life, one they can be proud to declare even in the face of the industry they work in. And it would be awesome for us too right? ;)

Ok, I'm off to sleep. Sending you lots of love my dear. ♥♥
weerainbow #6
Chapter 40: *flails slightly from all the feelings*
This was wonderful. What a beautiful reunion. I loved the way Taekwoon and Ava met again, him sneaking in while she was asleep and falling asleep too. The fact that she reached out to him in her sleep to get close without realising he was really there was adorable, as was the way she reacted when she finally woke up hehe. The little bit of bickering just shows them up as all the more real with each other and I love that about them. And then came the moments to pour out how much they missed each other and love each other *sighs in contentment* So beautiful ♥

HURRAY Ava managed to keep her job with the help of VIXX and Starlights WOOHOO it's such great news!!! All those efforts were well worth it. VIXX are over the moon, Starlights are going to be delighted and Taekwoon...well he's simply loving her as he wanted to and that's perfect. They fit together so wonderfully, they all do. They're family and seeing them back together is like seeing a loving family enjoy being together after a long absence, including the messing around and all! It makes me smile so much.

I can't believe it's so nearly the end of this. What an amazing journey. I'm relieved there's still another instalment, another chance to dip into their world together. Though to be honest I will most likely be back at some point in the future to read again as I have done with some of your other stories ;)

Ahh yes, relationship goals...I know what you mean. They have built a great relationship, it's not been easy mind you but then I think that's what makes for strong relationships anyway: being willing to face the tough stuff and work it out even when it's hard. They both had times they struggled but they eventually pulled through and it was worth it all.
ryoko293 #7
Chapter 40: I have finally caught up on your story. I was so worried when I read that Ava left for her parents', I thought it was going to be some kind of end. I can't express how happy I am that she came back with the support of her friend, VIXX and the fans /sobbing/ The idea of secretly recruiting the fans through SNS was brilliant.
Chapter 39: Guess who's back, back again? Kate is back, tell a friend.
I've missed your writing so much and I'm so glad to have it back. I know I'm an emotional wreck right now, but I totally teared up reading that Ava has her own fanclub name.
Jellyfish, get with the times yo! Everyone's dating in the KPOP world these days. I really hope she slams her hearing and the company realise real life is actually possible.
I can't believe this is nearly over! Wahh, I hate endings.