Junior High AU Part III

WonKyu Chronicles


By the third, fourth, and fifth times they met up, a friendship had formed.



It was a beautiful autumn day. The sun was shining, the wind was crisp and the colours on the trees and grounds were in varying shades of reds, greens, yellows and oranges. It wasn't uncommon to see students collecting tree leaves into piles and taking turns jumping on them.



Inside the school, Kyuhyun had been on his way to the choir room, when a teacher got a hold of him and told him to go and deliver a message to Choi Siwon in the Taekwondo club. Kyuhyun couldn't just say no, so he accepted and started on his way to the opposite side of school where the dojang was located.



Kyuhyun perked up a bit when he realized he had never seen Siwon practicing Taekwondo before. He'd never even seen him in his practice uniform before either. Kyuhyun had been told by classmates that Siwon was the best in the school and had been captain since last year, which was unheard of for second years. Kyuhyun felt pride well up for his hyung.




After the first and second meetings, the awkwardness went away and they were closer now. Siwon was a very attentive hyung and made sure Kyuhyun wasn't having any problems in classes. Students recognized Kyuhyun because of Siwon now and he even had a few girls come up to him asking to give letters to Siwon for them. Naturally, he refused outright and told Siwon so too. The older was very embarrassed and apologized profusely to Kyuhyun. The last thing he wanted was to cause trouble for his precious dongsaeng.




When apologizing to Kyuhyun he found that the boy adorably loved snacks and food, so whenever he saw Kyuhyun he would buy the younger snacks. Kyuhyun's adorableness factor would raise exponentially in Siwon's eyes as Kyuhyun's eye's would get bigger and the most happiest expressions would cross his face when food was presented to him. If Siwon brought breads and pastries to him, Kyuhyun would stuff his cheeks full and resemble a fat little chipmunk.



Seeing such cute expressions on the boy's face and countenance, led to an increase in skinship. First it was poking and pinching of cheeks and now it was to a point where Siwon would out right hug him when he saw the boy. Kyuhyun didn't like it at first, but as with everything surrounding the older, he learned to get over it and just accept. It was just easier that way.




Arriving to the dojang, he tried looking for Siwon among all the members. Kyuhyun didn't realize how big and popular the club was. There were at least 50 students in the dojang at that moment. Some were practicing off to themselves or with a partner, and many others were seated around a mat where two students seemed to be sparring. As the two students turned, he realized that one of them was Siwon. The older seemed to be teaching more than actually sparring as he first thought.




As he watched Siwon he realized how cool his hyung was. The student's attention was fully upon Siwon and he even seemed a little different than normal. Gone was the goofy and touchy-feely hyung, and in his place was this stern, confidant and serious person. Siwon wasn't being mean, but was very intense. His posture and facial expressions were such that it was hard not to obey him and do what he was saying. 'Wahhh..' Kyuhyun thought, 'hyung really takes this seriously. He looks like some battle commander from back in the past.' Kyuhyun giggled at this thought and waited contentedly for Siwon to be through so he could finish his mission from the teacher.



After the instructing, the students started standing and breaking off in pairs and threes to work together. Suddenly, Kyuhyun couldn't see Siwon anymore and shouted for his hyung.




Siwon turned towards the opening when he heard his name called by a familiar voice. “Kyunnie?” Siwon questioned as he still couldn't see the boy. Said boy came into sight and Siwon was very shocked. He never thought to see the boy in the dojang area. Kyuhyun came up to him smiling so that his cheeks were blushing and eyes sparkling.




Hyung, you looked so cool!” Kyuhyun complemented him right away. Siwon was pleased and the intentness that Kyuhyun had witnessed from earlier melted away and was replaced by the gentle hyung that he was more familiar with. “Thanks Kyunnie. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the choir room right now?” Siwon itched to pinch the boy's round, blushing cheeks and hug him, but he was sweaty and didn't think Kyuhyun would appreciate the skinship in front of all these people.




Ah, yeah..seonsaengnim wanted me to deliver this to you, but I didn't want to interrupt...” Kyuhyun handed the letter over to Siwon. He perused the letter and stuck it in his uniform. “Thanks Kyunnie, I'll see to it, it's just student council business.”




Oh? Should you start on that now? How do you do this and student council work at the same time, hyung?” Kyuhyun had wondered how Siwon seemed to have the time for both activities and maintain his grades and friendships. Siwon smiled, glad Kyuhyun was showing such an interest in him and explained. “Well, student council work is definitely harder, but I have three other people helping me. In this club, it's just a club. We actually belong to different schools and just get together at school and share information and spar. We do our actual learning of Taekwondo at the academies and just spar and have fun here. So it isn't hard to manage this part.” At this, Siwon did pinch Kyu's cheeks and smile his dimple smile that Kyuhyun was beginning to adore.




Oh..I was just wondering Siwon hyung. I honestly thought there would be more girls..” Kyuhyun accidentally let that last part out. He looked a bit shocked that such a statement had come out and looked to Siwon if he was angry, but the older just laughed out loud. “Hahaha! There were at the beginning, but I put everyone through a major workout in the beginning and they dropped out, even some guys. Hahaha!!!” Siwon kept laughing at the memory of his little admirers not being able to keep up. 'Serves them right.' Siwon thought. “Even though this is just for fun, it's still important to many of us and it's not something to be taken lightly.” Siwon continued, “somebody could get seriously hurt if they weren't paying attention properly and being serious about this.”




Kyuhyun was impressed that Siwon had thought so much about it and that he took it so seriously. His respect for his hyung also rising. He didn't see this side of the older very often, so he was really impressed. So impressed in fact, that the blushing was getting a bit ridiculous he thought. But he couldn't help it. Here he was, a first year nobody, yet someone who his hyung especially looks out for and calls him so informally. Kyuhyun's introspection was cut short when Siwon started again, “If you want, there is a competition next weekend that I'm going to be in. You can come and watch if you want to see me in action. Some of the other students are going to be in it too.” Siwon got more excited about the prospect of Kyuhyun coming to his competition that he grabbed the boy's hands and nearly pleaded for him to come.




If you come, I'll be sure to win! What do you say, Kyunnie? Come and cheer for your hyung, yes?” Siwon made sure to use his most charming smile on Kyuhyun, cause he knew it would work. Sure enough the younger was nodding his head emphatically, but not because he was excited, but because some of the members were starting to look at the new person and their President. Kyuhyun could see some of them even whispering, so nodding and agreeing to go seemed the best way for the elder to let his hands go. “Yes, hyung, I'll go so you can let go now..” Kyuhyun was getting embarrassed once again with the skinship, especially in front of so many witnesses, so Siwon released him and mussed his hair.



Okay, that's a promise! I have to finish here, so go and sing and I'll get you the details tomorrow, okay?”




Yes, hyung, see ya later!” Kyuhyun spun around and quickly got out of there. He could hear Siwon chuckling at his speedy departure, but damn it! He was tired of blushing all the time around that hyung. What was wrong with him? 'Aishhh.' He thought. 'I really need to control this. It's so silly, I'm not a girl.' With this thought in mind, he set off for the music room and swore he wouldn't blush or act foolish around his Siwon hyung anymore...

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Dreamer3201 #1
Chapter 3: :))))))))...

I really like the paragraph on how you described the relationship of kyu and of the chipmunk...i can imagine how kyu can be compared to a chipmunk. No wonder, siwon really adores him...

Kyu being proud of siwon is just awwwww....

Thanks for writing a good story at this kind of setting...looking forward to the next chapters...
heartbabykyu #2
Chapter 3: OMG kyu is so completely adorable here LOL

Insisting that he's 12 n not a baby anymore kkkkk
Chapter 3: Chipmunk kyu.......adorable kyu n blushing kyu........should become nicknames for kyu frm now on
Chapter 3: hahaha blushing blushing blushing that's a hobby for kyunnie. Lol. I thougth siwon and kyu more closer than a few days ago. I want to see more skinship between them but kyu to starting at first .
Chapter 3: Kyunnie why sooooo cute. ...
Chapter 2: poor yesung. Hope you can calm down to fight your dongsaeng. Actually they r so cute. Don't worry prince siwon never will angry with you . Kkk
Chapter 2: this is a perfect update dear....simply loved it...kyunnie is cutie pie..awww..wanna pinch his cheeks!...**
Chapter 1: siwon having love at the first sight . Hahaha ... Siwon loving with kyunyun voice first and then to hisself. Aww so cute.
Chapter 1: I am expecting another update soon from u....:)I LOVE IT ALREADY!
Understandable. :) Just don't burn yourself doing both. XDD