It's a start

Say What?!


After the introductions, we decided we should play a game to get to know eachother better. Despite the fact that it was one in the morning, we were all sitting on the ground in a circle.

"How bout the name game?" Jungkook suggested.

"Nah, we should play something more fun..." Jackson eyed everyone in the room "Truth or Dare?"

"Jackson, please. That's just a disaster waiting-" I began, but was interrupted by a hand in my face.

"Let's do it!" Chanyeol's smile seemed to stretch from ear to ear.

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT. You're my kinda guy!" Jackson laughed and gave Chanyeol a pat on the back.

"At least we now know what Jackson looks for in men." I said softly, but loud enough so that he'd hear me.

"Yah! I don't roll that way. My body is reserved for the ladies and the ladies only." He blew a kiss at me and I acted like I was puking. 

"Oh! Ali! Are you my noona?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

"Uh well, I turn 18 in three months... Am I?"

"I turn 17 next month, so I guess you are, Ali noona!"

"Yah, you don't have to call me noona."

"What if we want to call you noona?" Taehyung popped out of no where. 

"You can call me what you want." I smiled and patted his head.

"TRUTH OR DARE?" Mark suddenly asked while pointing at Kyungsoo. Jackson and I looked at eachother, surprised.

"T-truth," he was obviously just as surprised.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how handsome do you think I am?" 


"Well... If you don't want to answer, you gotta do a dare."

"0. I think you're a 0. 0 for sure. If zero was an object, that'd be you." Kyungsoo snapped. 

"Somebody obviously didn't want to hear my dare." He laughed "Your turn," 

"Uh," Kyungsoo scanned the room, obviously debating whether he should continue playing or not.

"Hyung... Truth or dare?" He glared at Chanyeol.


"I dare you to go knock on Junsu's door until he answers."

"Aight!" Chanyeol got up and stretched, raising his arms so high above his head, it seemed like he would touch the ceiling. I also saw his belly button . I mean not that I was looking or anything, but it was so cute... Anyways he started heading towards the door and we all followed him. He stepped out and scanned the hallway, which was faintly lit by a single light that was hanging from the ceiling. There were other lights like that one, but they apparently get turned off at night. 

Chanyeol made his way towards his destination and stood in front of the doorway. He looked back at us, who were now peeking out of our room, the looked at the door again. He raised his right arm and made a fist, but before he could make contact with the large metal door, it swung open. Chanyeol gasped and fell backwards onto his palms. The rest of the guys ran back into the room, except for Kyungsoo and I who were still peeking out.

"Oh. Did you need something? I was just coming to check on you guys." Junsu calmly said, extending a hand out to help the fallen giant get back up. I noticed Junsu had a bag in his hands.

"Oh uh... Uh... I was wondering where the bathrooms were?" Chanyeol awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Ah. I totally forgot to tell you guys. If you walk down this hallway and make a right, you will see the women and men restrooms. There are also showers a little bit further down the same hallway."

"Ah, thank you." Chanyeol bowed and turned towards our room, but Junsu grabbed his arm.

"One more thing," he smiled and handed Chanyeol the bag "These are your new cellphones. We have programmed them so that you can only text and call eachother, with the exception of the emergency number and myself. Also, you will notice that when you text one another that it will automatically be sent to all of you. It's like a permanent group chat between you guys. Now behave and I hope you guys enjoy it here." He patted Chanyeol on the back and looked down the hallway, directly at Kyungsoo and I and winked, causing us to scramble back into the room. I heard a door shut and heard feet shuffling towards our room. Chanyeol jumped into the room, closing the door behind him.

"I thought I was going to die." He said panting.

"What did he say?" Jackson asked looking extremely interested.

"He told me where the bathroom was and then gave me these." He put the bag he had received on the floor in front of him. "He was already awake and was going to check on us ."

"But it's like almost 2 in the morning." Jungkook pointed out.

"Maybe he likes to watch good looking people sleep?" Taehyung asked while he reached into the bag and pulled out a cellphone.

"He said that we can only call and text eachother, with the exception of an emergency number and himself. He said that when we text it's like a permanent group chat." I decided to throw in what I heard from eavesdropping.

"So if I text you, everyone will get it?" Jackson turned and looked at me.

"I think so. Try it!" I said reaching into the bag myself and pulling out a cellphone.

"Please tell me that's not true, because that would be stuuupid." Jackson said reaching for one as well. When everyone grabbed their own cellphone, Jackson typed something and sent it. Seconds later everyone's phone lit up and vibrated revealing a message from "Wild&y". 

"Really?" I said laughing at his name. 

"What? It said to type in a code name, and I typed the only thing that could possibly describe me." He laughed as I opened up what he had sent everyone. 'Aye y'. I typed in my code name and put my phone in my pocket.

"Who was that originally meant for?" Mark asked raising an eyebrow.

"I hope that's a given." Jackson chuckled and stood up. He walked over to his bed and plopped down. All of us soon followed and got settled into our beds. I yawned and snuggled up under the blankets, when suddenly, my phone vibrated.


Wild&y: do u guys ever lay down like on your and then Feel like u can't move and mentally freak out a little bit?

Wild&y: shirt* 

Imprettygr8: I have yet to lay down on my but it sounds horrifying

Goldenman: same

Wild&y: who is who?

Imprettygr8: I feel like I'm pretty obvi

Goldenman: same

Imprettygr8: I mean . I'm pretty great and like I have gr8 eyebrows and my hair is pretty gr8

Goldenman: same


Chanyeollie: why did the chicken cross the road?

Goldenman: because he lost his job and had to provide for his wife and kids by crossing the street to go to a job interview at the barber shop.

Chanyeollie: excuse me while I go think about my life.

Wild&y: what was the joke supposed to be?

Chanyeollie: It's not the same... I must go.

Wild&y: GUYS. don't you ever like sit down on the toilet the wrong way and like pinch the side of your twinz? Or nah?

Imprettygr8: story of my life 

Goldenman: dude...

D.O.: ...

Markiemark: uh guys?

Wild&y: what up ma MARKIE

Goldenman: noona reads these too

Markiemark: There is also a girl that gets these messages

Wild&y: O . 


Aliphant<3: too late. 

Imprettygr8: noooooonaaaa!

Goldenman: noona !

Goldenman: I like elephants 

Aliphant<3: so do I !

Wild&y: ME TOO. Haha . Elephants are so great . GABA 

Wild&y: haha*

Aliphant<3: Jackson ?

Wild&y: yes pumpkin?

Aliphatic<3: shut up 

Markiemark: dude. Pumpkin? Really . Ahaha

Wild&y: don't throw salt on my game, man.

D.O.: Okay, seriously. You guys need to stop, because I cannot sleep with this thing vibrating every five second and your obnoxious giggles. 

Aliphant<3: I'm sorry Kyungie !

Markiemark: sorry 

Wild&y: sorry not sorry


D.O.: ... Goodnight

Wild&y: we need to talk about this 

Aliphant<3: shut up

Aliphant<3: goodnight all (:

Markiemark: night Ali


Imprettygr8: nighty tighty noona !

Chanyeollie: Zzzzz

Wild&y: GOODnight

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alexoe13 #1
I really love this story.. had me laughing so much .. hope you update soon:)
missdeekatz #2
Chapter 1: awesome plot dude update...i want more