Dirty Beat: RedFeather

Dark & Wild Review Shop featuring Bangtan Boys | CLOSED | BUSY|NOT ACCEPTING REQUEST
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Story: Dirty Beat

Author's profile link: RedFeather

Review GuideLines:

First Impression (5/5): The first impression had the right vibe, the vibe that is, and I was absolutely happy with that. There wasn't anything disturbing with the font size and color. All was pleasing to the eyes, so I gave you a full mark for doing a remarkable job.

Story Title (4.5/5): The title was confusing in a slight when I first read it, but it clicked with me as I read the description. The mysterious vide was there, but it gave me a club story aura, however, you proved me utterly wrong when I read the story. I liked the title, but I feel like something's lacking in it. 

Poster/Background Bonus (2.5/5): While everything was pleasing to me, your poster wasn't. (I guess because I'm really experienced with photoshop for years, I tend to be too judgemental about posters... Sorry.) The textures that was on it looked so random and out of place. It looked as if the photoshopper just threw them there to fill some space. Also, the coloring was too red and the contrast of the picture almost made me blind. (God, I'm so sorry.) Plus, the cutting of the pictures had lots of flaws

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Chapter 3: I would like to cancel my request.
Username: invisible_girl
Story title: 5 Advantages Of Dating a Policeman
(Request are closed atm.sorry and thanks)
(everyone this is the admin_MinErChan12..Sorry to inform u guys..We are quite busy with our school or real life's here but we will see what we can do in the mean time!Sorry guys!)
Chapter 3: Hi, I've requested at your shop. Unfortunately, due to my upcoming exams, I am forced to deactivate my AFF account for a month. I know that some shops may have objections about it, but I'm addicted to this side, and it makes me read fanfics, while I should be reading my Biology textbook. However, my point is, I don't want to cancel my request, because I'm definitely coming back, but I won't be able to pick it up until the 19th of May. (Approximately), and here some designers/reviewers have a problem. When I log back in, the first thing I do, is to check the shop, see if my request is completed, pick it up, and credit the shop. Don't worry about that.

You can postpone my request, and do other people's requests which are behind me in the queue.

Thank you, and I hope you won't blacklist me or anything.

I've requested for a review~
Hi, I just want to ask if you don't forget about my request. I rquested for a review it like 4 months ago, and I'm not even on a request list. Did I do something wrong?
picked up my review c :
hi ^^ just wanna ask if you receive my request? or did i fill up the form wrong? thanks
Thank you for the review. It helped me so much!^^
Sorry for late.
inspiritxbaby #10
Submitted 2 requests, thanks~