hitting more than two friends with one cake

lets make it a happy birthday


*the other next day (Cristel’s day)*

It was break time, Sungmin was asking permission to their teacher to go to the cake shop near their school to buy a chocolate cake for Cristel’s birthday, so the teacher gave her permission and consequences to Sungmin if he didn’t make it to their next class. They both agreed. So Sungmin hurriedly went out. While he was out, Cristel thinks what birthday would she will have this day. “I’m going to invite those friends that I bullied.” She said to herself, “yes that’s it! So that teacher will get back what she told us yesterday” she added. “I don’t want to risk my dignity in front of many classmates that I’ve bullied.” She thinks and thinks for a change but then she keeps on fighting with her subconscious.

*what if they insist?

*what if they don’t like?

*what if they hated me so much?

Many what if’s popped to her mind. “Uh~ no. I desperately need to change this kind of attitude. Since our teacher told me that I’m nice, then I’m going to act as a nice girl LOL >:D” she keeps on talking to herself while eating her lunch.

The bell rang so they went inside their room again, the teacher was waiting for Sungmin’s arrival at the back door. “Gasp! Teacher, did I just come into time?” Sungmin asked. “Yes you made it, put that cake inside and drink some water at the canteen, take some rest then go back here, I’m going to give you 15mins.” The teacher said to Sungmin giving him exception.

As he went back, their teacher announced something.

“Okay class, let’s all settle down, let’s all stand up except you Cristel” the teacher commanded.

“B-b-bb-but what about.. Why I’m not included? I didn’t… Urgh~” she complained

“Let’s all sing happy birthday to our classmate Cristel” Sungmin said.

Cristel was very shocked. Then Sungmin asked for Cristel’s hand and guide her in front of the teacher’s deck as teacher put the candles on the chocolate cake. “Let’s all wish for Cristel.” The teacher told everyone. “And now, it’s time for your birthday wish” Sungmin whispered to her ear.

Cristel just closed her eyes then she blew the lights. “So what’s your wish?” Ryeowook asked. “Secret~ ” she answered. “May we know?” Sungmin followed up Ryeowook’s question. “Okay okay, I said I wish all of you will be my friends from now on and… And I’m sorry, I wish you all will accept my apology. I’m going to be nice I’ll promise that.” She answered. “YEY! Let’s eat the cake!” Ryeowook shouted ready to attack the cake.

“Yah! Yah! That’s not yours! That was mine!” Cristel started to burst out her dragon voice. Then Ryeowook step backward looks like he’s scared “I thought…” he said “that was a joke, lol. Come here I’ll let’s eat the cake!” she shouted as if she won in a lotto.


Sungmin and the teacher step aside and talk for a while “you did a great job Sungmin.” The teacher told him then Sungmin reply with a smile.


After the class the three of them, Sungmin, Cristel and Ryeowook shared a walk along their way home. “I thought this day would be most boring day of my life but then, thanks to Sungmin-ssi” Cristel gave them a big smile.



From that very moment the dragon died. I mean Cristel “dragon” died. And a new Cristel was found by Sungmin.

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flyhighkiddo #1
no. the real you was DRAGON tel >:))<br />
yung sayo true to life, now, lets search for that Sungmin ~ <3 :))
criaming #2
DRAGON ME >:)))) HAHAHAH :))) yea yea innocent student who took her lesson seriously XD that's the real me! :))) HAHAHAH :))) THANK YOUUUUU~ BEB! <3 kinilig ako xD HAHAHA <3 gandang birthday fic sa akin! XD HAHAHAH :)))