
The Amusement Park Date

"Bambam! Stop eating so much!" You nag. He whimpers, "Let me finish my fries first..."


Bambam, your boyfriend, was taking you to a amusement park date. But you guys haven't even went on any of the rides yet. All that Bambam has been doing is eat, eat, and eating.


You tug on his sleeves, "Come on Bam! I want to go on the rides!" you puff out your cheeks. He was still munching on his burger and fries. "THIS IS THE BEST BURGER AND FRENCH FRIES I HAVE EVER TASTED!" he squeals.


Sometimes you wonder if he was a 10 year old. "If you eat to much then you're going to throw up when we go on the rides!" You say. Bambam places his index finger on your lips. "SShhhh Jagiya, I'm trying to focus." You slap his finger away, "YOU'RE ONLY EATING! WHY DO YOU NEED TO FOCUS?" 


He pouts, "I can't multitask." You sigh in frustration.




Ten minutes later Bambam is finally done eating. You shoot him a glare, "Now are you done?" Bambam giggles and scratches the back of his neck, "Yes. Sorry that I was taking too long~" he cutely smiles.


You sarcastically clap your hands, "FINALLY." You drag him around the park, looking for a perfect rollercoaster. The ones that you saw were too boring. It had no twists or turns! "Hey!" Bambam says, "What about that one?" He points to a simple ride that spins. 


You scoff, "That's childplay." Bambam whines, "Why do you always go on the scary rides? I might throw up!" You pinch his cheeks, "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't eat so much!" You say in a mockingly tone.


Then you see a ride called, The Hurricane. It begins with a steep hill, then falls down. In the end it has twists and turns. You jump and down from excitement.


Bambam, not knowing why you were excited at first, he follows your gaze and sees the rollercoaster. His eyes widen, "Nononononono, I am not going on that!"


You lightly punch his arm, "Come on Bam! It's not that scary!" He shakes his head, "Nonononono" Bambam looks like as if he was about to throw up. 


You hug him, "It's not that bad! I'll hold your hand!" you give him a encouraging grin. But the people on the riding the ride are screaming in the background, not helping the situation at all. 




Bambam was never good at scary rides like this. This is why most of time when you guys go to amusement parks you guys mostly eat, instead of riding the rollercoasters. You never noticed that Bambam was really scared of them. You always thought that he was joking around. 


You squeeze his hand, "Come on Bam, I'll protect you" You giggle, "And afterwards I'll buy you more fries!" 


Bambam's face lightens up, "Fine!" he scoffs.


While you guys were waiting in line to go on the ride, Bambam was visiblly shaking, like a little chihuahua.


Finally you guys sit on the rollercoaster. Bambam turns his head towars you, "I'm scared." he says with a pale face. 


You squeeze his sweaty hand, "Don't worry, I'm here next to you." You chime.


The ride starts moving and Bambam holds your hand tighter. "You ready?" You teasingly ask. As if he had a choice.


He screams just ride before the fall, "NOOOOOOOOOOO."


The ride went so quick and fast it felt as if your soul was left behind. When you guys got off the ride your legs was shaking.


"That was so scary." You whisper. You're still shock from the of the ride. You look at Bambam, and his hair is jutting out in all directions. 


"Did you like it?" You ask him. He stays silent with his hair all messy. 


Finally, the color from his face returns. He says, 




I hope you guys enjoyed this! I guess Bambam liked the rollercoaster after all c;


So I'm wondering, how many of you guys are fans of cclown? I'm thinking of making cclown oneshots but I don't know ;-; Help me?

ugh maru is so hot





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iloveulove #1
can't wait! Please update soon~