Chapter XIII

#1 Look and Shoot
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Hey it took me long and I apologize, as some of you may know my computer crashed down and I couldn't fix it so I had to buy a new one anyway here is Chap 13 FINALLY!!!!! ^~^ (sorry if theres any typos)



Jadyn POV

Being in Rome a couple of days would do me great. I could put my thoughts in order and thereby know what to do when I returned to Korea. Although, I didn’t really know if I wanted to return. I was no longer sure of anything.

Yunho and I took the private jet at the airfield about two in the morning. It was better to travel at night, so we won’t call anyone's attention. My parents thought I was going to London with my uncle at a scientific meeting. And Yuri... Yuri didn’t believe a word, but, as I told her what happened to Jessica, she knew it was best for me to leave so I could clear my head. Jadyn Park doesn’t do the that way every day.

I was alone, on the floor below. One spacious and luxurious living seemed a little grimy dungeon. I held two hour flight and several glasses of vodka. Yunho slept upstairs, refugee in his sheets of white silk, perhaps dreaming of a business agreement. He was able to manipulate his dreams, I don’t. I was confused and my head was stumbling trying to sleep. So I concentrated on the window and watched the sky unable to retain my bloody thoughts. I navigated to her.

I touched the stars. If Jessica had been there I would had sat her between my legs and I would have whispered to her the name of each one. I would had embraced her until she fell asleep on my chest and I would have heard her breathing, the best melody. Then I plunge into lethargy knowing she was there... with me, and I wouldn’t need to dream.

My feelings had never gone that far. I had never given them the opportunity. I had several years living wild adventures, and I was happy with it. I was proud of the way I live the love that I had chosen precisely because it was not love. That was what I liked. I had no pressure, I didn’t had to give explications, I didn’t want those obligations and I had been successful. But at that time I wasn’t so sure. If I thought something when I wake up, it was her.

—Can’t sleep? —Sooyoung she said softly, the stewardess.

—I guess the jetlag starts to hit me —I muttered, looking at his smile.

—Shall I get you something? I gazed her up and down. She was beautiful, wavy hair and brunette, and a caramel eyes, sweet and calm. Her body was lean and she move, flirty, stylish.

I pointed to the chair in front of me; barely, a meter of mine. Sooyoung nodded and sat cross-legged. I had recently seen the movement, but in a much more captivating person.

I my lips and watched her legs.

The jet was plunged into a deep silence which was allied to the darkness; only the green light of the cabin illuminated the environment. It had the sufficient privacy to start the preliminaries.

I leaned forward and began her knee. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back. I ascended, but Sooyoung withdrew my hand and approached me. She kissed me, soft, and slowly. I liked it, but my body wasn’t accepting it as it should. My ing mind was in Korea... with her. I wished Sooyoung was Jessica.

Suddenly, a stifling heat overwhelmed me and filled me with rage. I didn’t want Jessica to be part of that moment, and yet, I wished it was her the one kissing me.

Anger led me to pick Sooyoung up from the arms pull her towards me. She sat on my lap pressing her body against mine. I ripped the buttons of her jacket and then her shirt. Sooyoung didn’t put resistance to my sudden movements as Jessica did. She would let me do whatever I wanted. It was a good time to take it out and Sooyoung would be perfect for it.

She sighed when I picked her up and carried her to the room.

We ended approaching the stairs and Sooyoung opened the door of the plane. I touched up my tie and ran a hand through my hair. It was perfect, much more than at other times. It was a sober dark suit, but it favored my pale skin.

I went to the door and looked at the stewardess. She looked at my outfit and stopped under my belt buckle. It was a quick, but enough to let me know she would like to have me again.

—Well, let’s enjoy dinner and talk about business tomorrow. What do you think, Jadyn? —Yunho I said, before lowering the first step. In Rome it was past ten in the evening.

—Great —I muttered, approaching Sooyoung. Yunho started to go down the stairs laughing; minutes before we had been talking about the stewardess.

Sooyoung leaned against the wall when she noticed my closeness. I pulled her hair and kissed her neck. I left leaving her with a desire to respond to my kiss. That was the real Jadyn. The one getting any woman; not pining for one.

In the terminal, Fabrizio Caruso was waiting for us surrounded by his agents, his personal bodyguard. It looked like a funeral procession. There were two black cars and a limousine, our vehicle. Fabrizio was too perfectionist for those things. He was the owner of Europe's largest pharmaceutical and as a good businessman he always wanted to cover more. Concise dealer (according to him), he dominated the drugs entering the coast of Hong Kong. Then he created compounds and testing them on convicts or people living in forgotten villages in Thailand and the Philippines. Thereby it is ensured that no one claimed them and everything fell into oblivion. The rest of the drug is delivered to the major drug traffickers, but first he took a good percentage.

But he never receive a great amount with the business that he and Yunho were up to.

Fabrizio opened his arms as my uncle touched European soil. Yunho bent inches (to fit up to Fabrizio) and fused in an embrace full of backslapping.

—Dear Fabrizio, let me introduce you to my niece Jadyn. She’s a genius —he said, as I approached.

—Sir Caruso, is a pleasure. —We took a handshake.

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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Chapter 47: it is a nice story
like your story
Chapter 6: o: same birthday as me omg YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS
wendyyhoang #4
Chapter 46: Aww had to end it with a cliff hanger! Love your story! :D
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 46: Where the happy ending author-ssi.... It's unfair....
Since there's just two chaps left and only 2 kids told me how they wanted them I have a gift for them, but I also have a gift for the kids who constantly commented.......... So this is what I got.
The kids who commented constantly: You guys are going to get the last 2 chaps before anyone else. Meaning you're going to know how the first part of this story ends before I update.
And for the 2 kids that told me how they wanted the chaps: You 2 lovely kids are going to receive the last 2 chaps AND the FOREWORD&PROLOGUE of the SECOND part of the story TODAY!!!

Wait for it!!! ^~^
Chapter 44: Omg that... That was beautiful. And I want them together. :)
TheLoneWolf #9
Chapter 44: I WANT them TOGETHER. that's it. Fix heheheh
Chapter 44: awwww some more bonding time ( ̄▽ ̄)
These are the best chapters so far!
thanks for the updates (=゚ω゚)ノ