In-Flight Entertainment

In-Flight Entertainment

It’s a twelve hour flight from Incheon Airport to LAX. A whole twelve hours of Yoongi having to sit still. Twelve hours of him having to entertain himself.

He starts to get agitated 3 hours in, finding it difficult to stay still for such a long time. It’s boring; the in-flight movies aren’t worth watching, his ears started aching from wearing headphones for too long and his phone is already on low battery. Maybe he should have brought a book to read. Maybe he should have worn looser pants, too.

Yoongi manoeuvres as well as he can in the small airplane seat so he can turn around and look through the gap between the chairs at the members behind. Jungkook and Hoseok are asleep on each other; Jungkook’s head on Hoseok’s shoulder, Hoseok’s head on top of Jungkook’s. Namjoon has his head down, doing something on his phone but his movements are slow. He’s probably falling asleep too. He can’t see Jin or Taehyung from here, but he hasn’t heard Taehyung’s rumbly voice in a while, so they’re probably asleep too. Even his manager hyungs have put down their paperwork so they can nap for a little while.

Yoongi wishes he could fall asleep. Most of the time Yoongi has no problem falling asleep wherever he wants to – backstage, in the van, on the floor, it doesn’t matter to him – but he can’t sleep on planes. He’s not sure why, he just can never turn his brain off. It’s awkward on planes because there are so many people and the chairs are always uncomfortable no matter what. He even brought a special neck pillow in hopes that he would sleep for a little while if he’s slightly more comfortable. There’s a lot of time to kill, after all, but all the neck pillow did was make his neck uncomfortably warm. Yoongi is just uncomfortable. He wants to get up and walk around, but the hostesses are walking around with the cart asking if anyone wants drinks and Yoongi doesn’t want to get in their way.

Sighing, Yoongi turns to look out of the window. At least, he thinks, the view is pretty from up here. Maybe he can take some pictures to kill some time. It’s only then that he notices Jimin, half asleep with his head resting against the wall of the plane. It looks like a painfully awkward angle for his neck to be in, and Yoongi cringes when Jimin’s head lolls slightly when they hit a patch of turbulence, all strength leaving his body as he falls asleep. Yoongi tuts.

“This kid” he mumbles to himself, “always falls asleep in the most awkward positions. Yah, Park Jimin,” Yoongi says, a little bit louder, loud enough to stir Jimin slightly, “you’re gonna break your neck if you sleep like that.”

Jimin’s reply is nothing more than a hum and a half yawn as he nudges his head against the wall like it’s a pillow. Yoongi chuckles lowly, mostly in disbelief as he reaches for his phone. He takes an awkward picture of an awkward Jimin and makes a mental note to Tweet it later.

When he’s decided he’s had enough fun, Yoongi unclips the pillow from his neck and pulls it off. He takes a moment to relish at the cool air on his sweaty neck, before he shifts closer to Jimin, who’s now fully asleep, face pressed to the plastic wall. With his tongue between his teeth, Yoongi slowly and cautiously lifts Jimin’s head away from the wall, awkwardly hooking his other arm around his bicep so he can pull Jimin’s whole body up into a more comfortable position. When he’s done that, he uses his free hand to slip the neck pillow onto Jimin’s shoulders. Yoongi gently puts Jimin’s head down so it’s resting on the pillow, adjusting slightly to make him look more comfortable and less like he’ll wake up with a stiff neck. Yoongi admires his handiwork with a smile and takes another picture for no real reason before moving away and giving sleep another go.

Yoongi ends up not Tweeting either of the pictures he took during that flight, instead keeping them to himself. He hasn’t even told Jimin he has them. He looks at them every so often, mostly because he thinks they’re stupid and maybe a little bit cute. Yoongi tells himself he’s keeping them for blackmail material, though they’re not exactly strong enough to be blackmail material.

But when they get back home, Jungkook sends a picture to their group chat with nothing but the message ‘cute!! ㅋㅋ’. When Yoongi opens it, he sees a picture of him asleep with his face pressed against the side of the pillow Jimin’s wasn’t, his entire body leaned against Jimin. Really it’s a lot more innocent than the position Jungkook and Hoseok were in, but he doesn’t have a picture of that and judging by the following messages of ‘ㅋㅋㅋ’ from his bandmates, he doesn’t think anyone would really listen to him anyway.

Yoongi makes sure the picture is saved before replying with a threat to Jungkook’s underwear.

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Chapter 1: aww, so very cute, they are too adorable <3
Chapter 1: Hahaha you should post it suga!
so cute im on the floor ;;;;