Slipped - Myungsoo x Jiae

Myungsoo One-shot Confession Collection

Chapter 3: Slipped

I sat in class tapped my pencil while looking at the clock wishing it would go faster. I felt so bored having to listen to stuff I already know. Tomorrow is going to be Friday, so my friends decided to go to the mall.

“I see some of you dazing off into space! SO SNAP OUT OF IT!” The teacher yelled and slapped the ruler on the board. I sighed and sat up straight and ‘listened’ to the teacher. She gave a quiz after, even though I wasn’t paying attention, I could understand what the questions were asking and answered it easily.

“Ok, times up, pass them in”

“EH!!?! We only got 5 minutes!!! I’m not even done with the 1st problem!!” Doyeon, a queenka whined.

“Who is done?” The teacher asked and a majority of us raised our hands. I heard some laughed and muttered ‘stupid~~’

“Now pass them in. finished. or not.” The teacher said looking at her, we all passed in our papers, and the teacher graded them quickly.

“Ok, like usual, Lee Jieun, Lee Jin Ju, Kim Sora, Lee Jina and Kim Jiae, 100% and for the boys, Kim Myungsoo, Nam Woohyun, Lee Sungyeol, Jang Dongwoo, Kim Sunggyu, Lee Sungjong, Lee Howon 100%. Good work” the teacher announced. I looked at my friends and we all did an air high five.

“Ok so for the next couple of minutes you may talk, quietly.”

My friends all came to my table since I sat in the back.

“We did well on the quiz~~” Sora said.

“It was easy” Jieun commented and we nodded.

“But seriously though… haha, how did Doyeon not complete it, she didn’t even finish the first problem…” Jinju, looked at Doyeon.

“I seriously hate that girl, two faced brat… so she accidently bumped into me in the locker rooms, and she screamed in my face because I got in her way. Like wth?!? I was standing there, and she was the one walking.” Sora glared at her

“I don’t like her either.” Jina said. “She tried to cheat off of me once, I seriously hate sitting next to her…”

“Jiae-ah, your crush got a good grade~~” She suddenly said making me blushing, I hit her arm.

“so…” I said and played with my pencil.

“oh god… she is going over to them. I swear if she touched Gyu, imma cut her…” Jieun threatened.

“girl, you ain’t even his…” Sora laughed, making Jieun glare at her.

“It wouldn’t hurt to dream.” Jieun replied and stuck her tongue out.

“What are you gonna do if she touches Sungyeol?” Jieun smirked, making Sora blush.

“oh shut up…” Sora fanned her face to cool herself down. I just laughed watching them playfully threaten each other while playing with my pencil, but I suddenly lost grip on it and it flung towards the ground, right near queenkas…and him.

*ughh great..* I thought as I stared at my pencil. My friends looked at me with a ‘what happened?’ look. I pointed to my pencil, and they nodded understand why. I would go over, but then those freakin queenka fangirls would do something. But I needed that pencil… so I stood up and walked over. I was so nervous but tried to hide it.  Sadly right when I was reaching a girl kicked it on the otherside where Doyeon was standing.


I took a deep sigh and walked over, I grabbed it and was about to stand up but someone’s foot stepped onto my hand. I winced in pain and tried pulling my hand away, but the person applied more pressure.  I could feel my hand going numb, that was how much pressure was on my hand, I looked up and saw her face. Kim Doyeon.

“Get off” I muttered, more like whispered, my eyes were tearing up because of the pain, I tried using my other hand to push her leg off  but she stepped on my other hand, and twisted her wedges to apply more pressure. By then tears were already flowing down my cheeks, the pain was unbearable that I wanted to scream. I thought my hand was gonna break or lose circulation, not that it like already didn’t. Suddenly I felt my hand release so I grabbed my hands in pain.


Jiae Friend’s POV~

We saw Jiae stand up to go get her pencil that she dropped. We continued talking and looking our crushes when we saw Jiae kneeling on the ground, we figured she was getting her pencil but why was Doyeon in front of her like that…something didn’t seem right. All the sudden we saw Myungsoo stand up and run over to where she was and pull, well basically yank Doyeon away from Jiae. Our eyes widen in shock and ran over to see what was wrong and if Jiae was ok.

“Ya, Gwenchana?! What happened?!”  We helped her up from the ground and sat her down on a nearby chair. She was clutching onto her hands, while her cheeks were wet from tears, we looked at her hands to see it red and swollen. Right then we knew what had happened.

Sora stood up and slapped Doyeon across the face.

“look here betch. You might want to step on my hands right now, but why the he** did you step on Jiae’s?! She didn’t do anything. All the heck she did was go over here to get her pencil!” Sora shouted/yelled at her.

“Oppa~~ she slapped me…oppa~” Doyeon whined, and tried to cling onto Myungsoo like some animal... Sora rolled her eyes and wanted to punch this stupid brats face right here. Right now.

“I would slap you again you again, but that would just be animal abuse.” Sora sneered making the class go. (A/N: credit owner to who made that lol the animal abuse thing lol)

‘ohhhhh’ Ooooo’ burrnnnnn’


“ok, now you’re like a screaming banshee, and those things are not.pretty” Sora said in a ‘you know what I mean’ tone.

“OPPA! DO SOMETHING!” She yelled at Myungsoo.

“WHATTTT!? WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO? Im not even your boyfriend! Stop calling me that!!!...I don’t even like you…geez” Myungsoo said and muttered the last part, but it was still audible to hear, making the class burst out in laughter. Doyeon’s clique tried to help her.

“oppa~ help my eunni~~” A girl said to Hoya.

“Huh? I’m sorry what did you say? My ears still hurts from the screaming banshee.” Hoya said pretending his ears hurt then high fived the members.

“nice one” Sungyeol commented.

Jiae’s POV~

“ARGH LETS GET OUT OF HERE.” Doyeon said in anger and stomped her way out the door. I was smiling though my hand was still in ALOTT of pain.

“omo, Jiae-ah let’s get that treated.”  My friends said and took me to the nurse. Before I left the class I look at Myungsoo and gave him a smile, he smiled back, I quickly turned around feeling my face heat up.

*time skip*

“Okay, all done, try not to use it to much, and rest it.” The nurse informed and we left.

“So~~~ he saved you huh?” my friends teased.

“really guys? your gonna tease me when I’m hurt and in pain?” I asked them.

“you’re better now~~ But he really surprised us..” Jieun said.

“He like literally jumps up from his seat and runs towards Doyeon and yanked her away.” Jinju said. Jina nodded her head in agreement.

“So basically he saved you~” Jina added

“he probably saw what was happening and help me…” I told them.

“oh come on, don’t tell me you don’t feel at least a bit happy that your crush saved your hand?” Jieun smirked.

“fine.” I said in defeat.

“We going to the mall tomorrow so go home and rest” My friends told me as they drop me off at home, since it was late.


*ring-ring* =end of school bell*

We started packing up our things, and headed out. We were laughing as we walked down the hall ways until someone or should I say some people walked right in front of us.

“I see that your hands looks like a burrito” Doyeon tried to diss the cast wrapped around my hand.

“Clearly, you haven’t seen what a burrito looks like” Jinju retorted.

“anyways, just because my Myungsoo oppa saved you, well your hand, doesn’t mean he likes you.” She smirked.

“first of all he isn’t yours, and if he doesn’t like me, he doesn’t like me, but we all know he doesn’t like you.” I said back.

“ouch, that’s a burn~~~” Jieun laughed.

“Whatever. It’s not like he’s gonna go out with you anyways. Pft, bye loser~~” Doyeon faked a smiled and walked away with her clique.

“I would like that smash a burrito on her face.” Jieun said.

“or slap a burrito on her face…but either one would be nice, haha” Sora added, and we all laughed.

“Now~~ To the mall~~” I said.


We reached the malls, and went to our favorite stores. We don’t go shopping all the time like those queenkas *cough* Doyeon *cough*.  After we looked around, and shopped, we decided to go eat. Sora and Jinju went to go buy food, so me, Jina, and Jieun stayed near a counter waiting for them to come back. We were talking, and then all of a sudden we heard a voice. A voice none of us ever liked.

“Did you see that guy he was so ho-…well, isn’t it Jiae and her friends~” Doyeon said as she spotted us.  *great…just great.*

“I would stand here and you know, talk, but I bye” She said and walked away.

“since we’re at the food court, should we buy some ‘burritos?’” Jieun suggested jokingly making us laugh. Sora and Jinju came back with the food and we sat down at a table, I placed the drinks down but noticed there wasn’t any straws.

“hey, I’m gonna go get some straws.” I told them. I got up and walked to the counter to grab some straws, but to my ‘lucky’ Doyeon was standing there.

*just get the straws quickly and go back.* I told myself and walked up to the counter. As I got closer Doyeon purposely spilled her drink which was water on the floor, but I didn’t notice it and slipped. I fell and saw Doyeon laughing before she walked away. I was about to get up, but a figure stood in front of me and helped me up.

“Are you ok?” I looked at the owner of the voice. My eyes widen.

“y-yeah, thank you” I said not directly look at the person. Kim Myungsoo.

He got close to me and whispered, “Next time you fall, you and I will be on a date”

I froze at how close he was, and now I’m basically ice because of what he just said.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?” I heard Doyeon screamed/yell/shouted.

“huh? N-nothing...” I said and was about to walk away, only to slip and fall again. Myungsoo helped me up again,

“Looks like we’re going on a date” He smiled. I could feel my cheeks heat up. I saw Doyeon storm over and pretended she ‘slipped’ and ‘fell’.

“Oh! Oppa~! I fell! Help me” She ‘fake’ cried.

“*sigh* If you can get down, you can get up. So~ get up.” He said, I could tell he was annoyed which made me smile.

“But how come you help her!? And not me?!” She whined.

“Because she didn’t do it on purpose.” He glared at her, he turned to me and smiled. “let’s go, are you here with your friends?” I nodded, and pointed to where they were sitting.

“Jiae, your…” My friends said noticing that Myungsoo was with me.

“Do you guys want to come sit with us?” Myungsoo invited us to sit with him and his friends. I saw Jieun’s and Sora’s eyes widen.

“s-sure” Jieun and Sora stuttered, and we walked over to his table.

“I invited them to sit with us” Myungsoo said as he sat down and made a spot for me to sit next to him.

“Hi Sora! Come sit next to me.” Sungyeol smiled causing Sora to blush. She shuffled towards him and shyly sat down, she made eye contact with Jieun and Jieun was grinning at her but stopped when she heard her name.

“Hey Jieun-ah, come over here” Sunggyu said and motioned his hands for her to come over. Her eyes widen, she slowly walked over and sat down.

“So Myungsoo how is it going so far?” Woohyun suddenly said. Myungsoo smiled and held my hand that was on the table, causing my friends and even my eyes to widen.

“Good, very good” He answered.

Myungsoo’s POV~

We were laughing and eating when I felt like someone was coming from behind. I turned and saw Doyeon standing right behind Jiae with a cup. I immediately stood up and grabbed Doyeon’s wrist, everyone at the table stood up in shock except for Jiae.

“Don’t you dare” I growled at her, and took the cup away from her, handing it to Woohyun who was the closest one to me.  After Woohyun was in possession of the cup, I let go of her wrist.

She glared at Jiae, and stomped away. I looked at Jiae, “are you ok?” I asked her. She nodded her head.

Jiae’s POV~

So we were laughing and eating when all the sudden Myungsoo stands up, everyone at the table gasped in shock and stood up, I looked behind me and saw Doyeon holding a cup right above my head while Myungsoo was holding her wrist.

“Don’t you dare” He growled at her, he took the cup and handed it to Woohyun. Myungsoo then let her hand go, she glared at me and stomped away.

“Are you ok?” Myungsoo asked me, I nodded. He sat back down and held my hand again and whispered, “I won’t let her or anyone hurt you, I will protect you” he said as gently rubbing my fingers with his.

“I see 2 love birds~~” Sunggyu teased breaking the moment, Sungyeol laughed.

“What about you and Jieun? and Sora, Sungyeol?” Myungsoo smirked causing Sunggyu and Sungyeol to blush. Sora and Jieun were completely confused.

“So Sunggyu.. likes Jieun… and Sungyeol likes Sora?” Jina said with a brow raised. Myungsoo nodded.

“that means you guys both have feelings for each other!” Jinju said. Now all four of them were blushing as we continued to tease them. I was laughing but suddenly felt something warm on the side of my cheek. I blushed and froze in my spot, the table went quiet for 5 seconds before everyone started teasing Myungsoo and me instead.


Anyone going to KCON? can't wait to go, its even on my birthday lol

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Instagram Fan account for Myungsoo: @4ever_inspirit


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misheri #1
Chapter 3: i went to kcon~ :D
Animekpoplover1 #2
Chapter 5: Omg i love it scared me a lil at the end there u really had me going.
MyungsooMyDestiny #3
Chapter 5: Awesome! ^_^
I really love your MyungSoo oneshots <3

I hope I can make a a story of marriage proposal inspired by Infinite's song WITH... (my fave song kekeke)
I hope it'll be possible. Thanks in advance ^_^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 4: This was so cute~~
I really liked it author nim^^
Pls update soon
woohyunsyoja #5
author nim... are we allowed to like request some one-shots? like i dunno..... ummm give you like some sort of a plot? :D or like a song or something...?

(this is just a suggestion^^, thought it might makes things easier on you^^)
please update soon~~~~~~ loved the first chapter btw :D
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhh~~ so fluffy and cute^^ omg!! Ahhhhhhahaha soooooo cute~~
Pls update soon author nim^^