Chapter 17

Learn to Treasure Her


The day for the selection of performing groups has arrived, they were all pretty nervous, for everyone had worked hard in preparing their own showcases. They went in group by group for the directors to watch their performances. Finally, the head director came out and announced,

"I have no choice but to say that you have all blown us away with your performances, they were amazing. The only problem is that there are too many groups, so we separate everyone into three groups, vocal, dancing and rapping. Please listen carefully, the grouping goes like this:

Vocal-line: Yesung, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Taeyeon, Seohyun, Tiffany, Luna, Onew, Jonghyun, Chen, Baekhyun, D.O.

​Rapper-line: Shindong, Minho, Amber, Kris, Key, Henry

​Dancer-line: Eunhyuk, Donghae, Taemin, Kai, Lay, Hyoyeon, Yuri


"It's not fair! The majority are boys!" whined Sunny.

"Well guess what you girls were doing when we were planning our showcase," retorted Key.

"Aish! They disbanded our Kyu-line!" muttered Kyuhyun.

"Not to mention our martial art performance," said Sungmin and Tao.

"I'm not in a group with Amber anymore," said Sehun dejectedly.

"Calm down guys, and let me add something, there might be and additional round in the performance on that day, it will be temporarily known as 'How well do you know your family?'"

"What in hell is that," Heechul asked Yoona, who shrugged.

"I am just about to answer your question, Heechul-ssi," the director gave a small smile, "This section is mainly about disclosing secrets about members from different groups in our company. The company won't be asking you about the secrets beforehand, so this will be a hundred percent to everyone. Have fun on that day guys, the audience are sure to love it, just try not to get our company in trouble, kids," and the director left the hall.

Everyone was instantly bubbling with feverish excitement, curses and oaths were heard all over the hall. Well, all except for four. Jessica was trying to hide her excitement about this newly-added section. In fact, it was she who had suggested to the company about adding this part. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Kris, Sehun and Amber were shaking in fear. Jessica was bound to disclose their secrets, there was no doubt about that. The only question was how far she would go. Would she even show the audience the photos? Kris couldn't bear to think about it. Krystal noticed the trio's worried faces, and nudged Victoria, whom she had told everything, and the two walked over to them.

"Don't worry, we still have time. David and I are trying to go through all her old processions, and see if we can find anything suspicious," Krystal comforted Amber.

"Thanks, you don't know how much I appreciate that," said Amber, giving Krystal a warm hug.

"So what now, are you going biual? That moment you're flirting with Kris and now you're hugging my sister," Jessica appeared, "Get your hands off her, Krystal! You are too good for her, even as a lesbian," said Jessica, dragging Krystal away.

Amber looked down at the floor in shame, while Victoria was desperately trying to soothe her while throwing Jessica nasty glances at the same time.

Kris clenched his jaws. This was too much for Amber to bear, and it was all his fault. If only he had continued pretending to be Jessica's girlfriend, she would not be causing all the trouble now. Kris sighed, he was going to settle this for good.

He messaged Krystal and ask her where her sister was, and she replied in a few seconds, saying that they were just in the room next door. Kris excused himself to the rest of them and immediately went to the next room.

Knock knock 

"Come in," came the cold voice of Jessica, "I knew you would come and find me, Kris."

"Krystal, could you leave us for a few moments?" asked Kris, ignoring Jessica.

"Sure," said Krystal, and she left, throwing worried glances at Kris. God knows how scary her sister can be when she's jealous.

"So, what do you want?" asked Jessica, turning her attention back to Kris.

"Tell everybody during the performance that you and I are dating, and leave Amber alone."

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Chapter 18: Yay!!! go unnie, go unnie, go unnie!!!! *dance*
hopelesslover4268 #2
Chapter 18: Victoria, daebak!!!!!!! Update soon XD
Llamasandpandas #3
Chapter 18: IN YOUR FACE JESSICA B****!!!!!!!!!!!!
DevilNana #4
Chapter 17: Kris is a fool -,-
hopelesslover4268 #5
Chapter 17: Oh hell NO!!!!!!! Seriously Kris????????? Insert sigh here...
Chapter 17: And this is when he decides to leave, for Amber' sake? Amber train to hard for all the troubles that sica made and kick her ugly but*face so hard that it cost to her to made the comeback and presentations. And Amber is ok, cos anybody, even Jessica doesn't know Who made that to her. Kim Young Min finish f(x) contract only for ruin Amber's career. Because Jessica is his lover. And Amber goes to China, to search Kris. He wants her to be the star that she couldnt, so she signs in the same company that he is. And the company who represent them in Korea is YG. SO... TADAAAA~~~
Chapter 16: Do you really want me to kick her ugly a*s? i hate Jessica
Lukber #8
Chapter 16: thank you for the new update
really good.................
Lukber #10
Chapter 15: thank you for the new update .... you are the best !!!