Year's 4, 5 and 6

3 Endings

Arriving at our new house again, although this time it wasnt even a year, and I was really happy about it, and what was more impressive was the house, so much bigger then the others, must be because we chose it amd not given it.

After everything that happened to me at my previous school, you could say I was a little nervous for the changeover day (a day where you try out the year you will be starting in September.)

When I turned up at reception on that day, there was another kid sitting there, it was the one and only handsome Byun Baekhyun.

Yes as things had it we both arrived together, and because of this we got put in the same class, and being the only people we knew we instantly became friends. I didnt really expect to make a friend straight away, not after everything at my previous school.

Being friends with Baekhyun wasnt exactly easy, but it was incredibly fun, he was always laughing and mucking about, he even made lots of friends, and there I was, still not recovered.

He never asked why I wasnt interacting with people much he doesn't like knowing things of people, ive came to notice that, he talks about himself but never asks about others.

It had been two weeks at my new school, and I through Baekhyun’s influence I had become just as crazy, almost as if nothing bad had happened to me. I was able to be who I really was, some freaky 4D alien, or so what everyone calls me, even to this day.

It was also in year 4 when I became friends with Jimin, I remember that day as it was clear as daylight.

Me and Baekhyun where playing some role-play game, pretended to be princes and saving an imaginary princess from the castle, (we were kids what do you expect). We were running around the playground, and that’s when I saw Jimin, he had just been left out for the group of people he was with.

And then the strangest thing happened, I decided to walk up to him and ask him to join us, like hell I had no idea what came over me, it was so unlike me, but maybe I saw myself in him.

Year 4 was coming to an end, and well I, Baekhyun and Jimin became really close, and Jimin told us everything about being bullied, my heart went out to him, as I know how it felt, but just like me Jimin seems like his true self.

We were kind of noisy in classes though, and the teachers were always telling us off, well except Jimin, he was only noisy when with us, but when in classes he was quiet like a mouse.


Year 5 started of great, I even managed to get myself a girlfriend (Yes at that time I never realized I was gay, but maybe that’s why my relationships I had never last more than 2 weeks)

This girlfriend of mine also happened to be my next-door neighbor, so we saw each other not just at school but also at home. We would go out every evening and play behind our houses, on the industrial estate and the little dyke.

But all good things must end and well after about 1 week we broke up (for now) so I was single yet again, but not for long, I dated yet another person, it seemed the girls really liked me, and hell I wasn’t going to complain.

By this point I had become known as a player, because I had a different girlfriend every week, of course Baekhyun and Jimin were very jealous, they haven’t yet to get one.

I suppose most of my 5th year was dating. Though there was this one time, it was P.E and we had to run laps around the field and when I and Baekhyun ran past a push we saw a guy holding a knife in there.

Terrified we went and told the teacher, and because of that we all got sent inside with all the doors in the school locked, such excitement.

Oh yeah after my latest break up I went back out with my next-door neighbor, but that didn’t last long again, and I soon found myself with another one (This has got to stop)

Although the most memorable girlfriend (well it wasn’t exactly a girl or a boy) yes I dumped a girl for a tree. I had no idea what came over me but this tree I dated I wouldn’t let anyone touch it.

Oh there was that camping trip, oh that was fun, oh I also haven’t told you about becoming friends with Jongdae, it happened because Baekhyun was interested in him. (Baekhyun knew his uality really quite early)

Anyway the camping trip, I, Baekhyun, Jimin and Jongdae all shared one pod of the tent. Oh Baekhyun was excited about this, because it meant he could spend time with Jongdae.

All the students that went on this trip all had a camp fire set up, and Baekhyun and Jimin decided to go find some more wood for the fire, although they soon came back screaming as a peacock was chasing them.

It was so funny I and Jongdae were in fits, and we were never going to let this go, how that Baekhyun and Jimin were scared of a peacock.

So we all decided to go to sleep and went back to our tents. I was a light sleeper and couldn’t really get to sleep, but how you could when both Jimin and Baekhyun were snoring.

Although Jongdae was the funniest he started talking about carrots in his sleep, saying ‘oh come here carrot your mine, oh no don’t eat the carrot’ like seriously why would dream about the carrot. I told him in the morning and he went red like crazy and Baekhyun nearly passed out from how cute he looked.

Anyway the camping trip ended, oh and so did my relationship with the tree, and I went back and dated the girl I dumped for a tree (didn’t know she could even date me again after being so broken hearted)

It was also the end of year 5 and I was enjoying myself too much, but things would never stay like this.


Year 6 started and well it was the same as year 5, except the work was harder. Although there was this one day called Victorian day. We had to dress up as Victorians and send the day pretending to be in that era.

The teachers had canes and everything, very scary, especially if you got in trouble, which happened to me a lot.

Oh we also made a shoe out of fabric and stuff, I had a break down over that because the rest of my team wouldn’t help me out.

Year 6 was also the time for SAT’s, my worst nightmare, I wasn’t very clever and was in the bottom set for Maths, English and science. Baekhyun was in middle set for English and science and bottom set for Maths, with me, and people would get our names mixed up. (How?) Jimin being studious was in top set for all three.

Oh I had another girlfriend at that point but ended it after a day and went back out with the previous one (The girl I dumped for a tree) actually we made into the schools records for the most times a relationship has ended and started again.

As it was getting nearer for SAT’s I started to get stressed with having to memories everything, and it didn’t help the teacher complaining at my lack of intelligence. What was I supposed to do?

The worst thing I did though was I had a phrase where I would steal things from others, I would sneak into the cloakroom and take things from my classmate’s bag, even stickers from the teacher’s desk. I have no idea what came over me.

Oh and Baekhyun still being in love with Jongdae, and it still being one-sided we decided to have the fake marriage, which was funny.

SAT’s was right near and my Maths teacher said to us that ‘if we all got at least a 4 in Maths he would buy us fish and chips at the year 6 disco.

So SAT’s ended and we got our results, I was pretty happy with mine, Maths 4, English 4 and Science 4, although when I looked a Jimin’s results I could have killed him, getting three 5’s.

Anyway that meant that we would be having fish and chips at the disco as we all got a 4 in Maths.

The disco arrived and I had a date, and we danced together, but then this other girl wanted to dance with me and ended up chasing me around the room. I had to sit down at that point so I sat down next to Jimin, who looked like he didn’t want to be here.

My Maths class then got called out to a separate room to have out food, whilst the others had fish and chips, we were practically laughing in their faces.

Last day of year 6 I remember clearly, my girlfriend wasn’t going to go to the same secondary school as me, so there wasn’t really a point in continuing to date. And besides I had my eyes set on someone else.

So I told her that I want to break up with her as I love someone else, she wanted to know who so I pointed to a girl across the playground. Then they got into a girly fight which I had to stand in between (can’t believe girls were fighting over me)

Anyway year 6 ended with me with yet another girlfriend, at least she was attending the same Secondary school as me. Well Secondary school was when I questioned my uality, and also there were many surprises for me there.


Next chapter is up, yay, this time Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

Ahh Taehyung's a bit of a player 

speaking of which, OMG OMG BTS PHOTOS <3 :D so hot, wow there trying to kill us, and also today with there music video teaser, they all look so grown up, kyaaaaaa, but whats with taehyung, whats he doing?? can't wait, so excited

anyway thanks for reading everyone and continue to subscribe and comment and look forword to next chapter Hoseok will make an appearence... :O

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Chapter 2: dating a tree srsly tae? hahahaha i cant wait for hoseok to make a comeback in this story and so did in real life ;;;----;;;;
ochakenchao #2
Chapter 1: i want to know what hoseok did to make tae loves him after so many bullied
please update soon
Chapter 1: wow this is so interesting I wonder how they meet again
Chapter 1: Please update soon i'm so curious!
Is it angst?
Sounds interesting!

Update soon