Introductions and Year 3

3 Endings

Hey everyone it's Taehyung here, I suppose before I write my three endings, you would like to know some background information, so your not all confused and lost, I don't really know how this will work out but I hope you will enjoy my story...

First let me introduce you to my friends...

This is Park Jimin, he's the same age as me, and we first became friends in year 4. I could relate to him because he used to get bullied just like me. we are very, very close and he's someone i can tell anything too, although there is some things i havn't yet told him. He looks a happy guy right, well he was until his parents divorce, not long after we started sixth form. He's getting back to his useful self nowadays but he still goes to see a counseller.

This is Byun Baekhyun and he arrived at the same school as me in year 4, we instantly became friends. He's really handsome right, well thats all he's got going for himself, most of the time people avoid him because he's just too crazy and no one can put up with him, except for me, who is just as crazy. The thing I love about Baekhyun is he always knows how to cheer me up.

This is Min Yoongi, he's a pretty average guy, there isn't really much I can say, we're not really that close and we tend to get annoyed with each other, but he stays with us because of Jimin, he has had a massive crush on Jimin since he first met him, but Jimin doesn't feel the same way and even though he doesn't say it, he gets annoyed with his overly attentive skinship.

This is Kim Jongdae, and well I really love the guy, he's just someone you could never hate, he loves to joke about, maybe too much but it's such fun whenever he is around. He also has a great singing voice and it's his dream to become a famous singer, but he's never had the confidence to go and audition, I hope he does soon

.and finally we have Jung Hoseok, the main person I will be telling you about, the person who I accidently fell in love with, the person who I hate the most, the person who bullied me when we were kids, and the person who I could never live without. It's because of him that I am telling you my story, and telling you how the 3 ways this story could end.

So you have met my friends, we are a good bunch and it will be sad to say goodbye, but that time is coming upon us.

oh wait I forgot to tell you about myself.

This is me, Kim Taehyung, cute I know. I'm a little weird, my mind isn't always there, so don't panic if you don't understand me at times. All in all im a great person and I can easily make friends, and love making them  just as happy, but deep inside is another me,  a Kim Taehyung that isn't funny and weird, a Kim Taehyung who beats himself up all the time, and feels bad about everything, and nobody knows about this except for Jung Hoseok.

So now I've introduced everyone in this story, I can now start my story about my love for Hoseok and how I will make the story end, even if it hasn't been completed.

Okay so let me take you back to when I was in year 3, when I first met Jung Hoseok, but back then he was someone I hated.


As a child I didn't really have many friends, its not because I wasn't able to make friends, because I was and I did talk to alot of people, but rather the fact there was no point as I would be having to move every 2 years because of my dads job. So when moving to a new town for the third time I wasn't expecting to make any friends, or atleast people you could class as friends.

But this new town was different from the others, it wasn't a nice place, the houses were cheap and tatty, and the people living there either didn't really say much, or were in gangs which you tend to avoid.

It didn't take long to figure out that I wouldn't fit in this place, I just hoped that the 2 years would pass quickly so we could move again.

School wasn't any great place either, infact I hated having to go to school each day no one welcomed me their, because I was the new kid, and it's rare for them to have new student, everyone knew each other, and they hated that someone had to come along and ruin everything.

There was one person in that class though who I spoke with, and spent most of my time with her, yes female. She was not like the others and like me she hated the place, it's a shame I never saw her again though.

I remember the first time I met Hoseok but in that first meeting I had gone and made him my enemy

I was outside playing on the wooden stumps with that girl when I said I needed to go to the bathroom, so I appologised for having to leave her alone, and I could tell she was worried about being left alone, but it's not like she could come along with me is it?

Feeling bad for leaving her alone I decided to not be gone long, so I ran to the bathroom but because I was running and not paying attention to where I was going I ended up bumping into the one and only Jung Hoseok. Yup on my first meeting I only went and ran into the most popular boy in the school and ended up knocking him over and landing ontop of him as he grabbed onto me.

I flew off him as soon as I realised what had happened, and I imediatly bowed and appologised, but I don't think that helped. "Yah! you little brat! watch were your going yeah! damn I could of broken my bones, your bloddy lucky nothing serious happened, but you better watch your back kiddo, who knows what will happen" and then he walked away laughing with his mates.

I knew then my school life was going to be hell, and how right I was, as soon as tommorow arrived and I went to school, my locker got trashed, rotten food fell out, harsh words written on the sides, and if that wasn't enough, I enterd the classroom and suddenly I got drenched with water, they had set a trap  at the top of the door. 

I really was going to burst into tears and I almost did when the teacher came in a saw me soaked, "What Idiot comes to school drenched, get out my class and dry off, don't want it to smell of damp in here!" the teacher shouted. As I stood up and headed towards the door I had rolled up paper thrown at me. You know also what made it worse is my only friend stopped hanging around with me because she didn't want to be picked on aswell.

Yes I wanted to meet her again but only to tell her how unlucky she was that she never stayed friends with me.

1 month had past and I still attened school, everyday I got picked on a bullied, but I was only staying here for 2 years so theres no point making a big deal out of it. 

You know I was supprised to what happened next

6 months had passed, and it's a miricle i'm still alive, but I got used to it, the bullying, is that normal, I don't know you judge, but yeah. I just worked hard in studying, spent most of my time doing that, although I did occasionaly find my notes drenched in the trash can, three guesses who did that!

It was coming up to about 11 months and things didn't get better, you could say they got worse, as I accidently tripped over my shoe laces and threw my juice all over Hoseok, yeah clumsy ehy! But to think they actually would go so far into beating me up behind the school.

It's fair to say I didn't see it coming, I mean what else would they want if the dragged me to behind the school out of everyone's view. Hoseok and his gang didn't go easy, punches were thrown at my face, my body being kicked over and over again, and when I fell to the ground they walked over me, threw bricks at me, I really thought I was going to die, but then a teacher turned up, and saw the whole thing, Hoseok and his mates got suspended, and I was sent home.

When I arrived home all bruised and tattered, my mum nearly had a fit, it was then when my dad came home and proberally told us the best news we could of ever wanted, he quit his job, which meant we could get out of this town to somewhere else.

We made the move pretty quickly, the teachers pretended they felt sorry saying it was there fault but I knew they couldn't care less about, and thankfully I didn't like them either, that must have been one of the most happiest moments in my life, I wouldn't have to see Hoseok and his gang ever again.

Well what was I supposed to know the future had instore for me especially 3 years from then.


First chapter up and well its different to how I normally do things, sorry if you don't like this, but i'm still going to write this even if no one reads it, mainly because I have idea's for the three endings, it's just getting to that part thats the difficulty.

anyway if i do have readers well thankyou! and I hope i don't disapoint you!

well till next time ~~

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Chapter 2: dating a tree srsly tae? hahahaha i cant wait for hoseok to make a comeback in this story and so did in real life ;;;----;;;;
ochakenchao #2
Chapter 1: i want to know what hoseok did to make tae loves him after so many bullied
please update soon
Chapter 1: wow this is so interesting I wonder how they meet again
Chapter 1: Please update soon i'm so curious!
Is it angst?
Sounds interesting!

Update soon