
Stay By My Side


"Hongbin-ah! Are you coming?" Eun hae said "Babe let's hang out with the gang for a while before we have a make-out session." "Oh come on Hongbin just do it now so we don't have to deal with it later." Nathan said as he smirked. Eun hae pulled Hongbin into the darker part of the alley. They started to make out in the back. "Babe, I wanna be with you for eternity." "Then eternity you shall have." Hongbin looked into her eyes and they were as red as blood. Her fangs pierced the side of his neck. "AGHHHH" He screamed in pain, but in less then 5 minutes, he became one of them. He had passed out for 2 minutes but then woke up. His vision was all blurry.... "Eun hae, what did you do to me?" "We can be together for eternity now." I walked back to the gang to see that they were just like her. "Join us Hongbin, and lead us." Nathan said as he shoved over to me a random girl. 

Hongbin POV

I felt stomach growling of hunger.... But not for food... But for blood. I couldn't help my craving for it... I needed to have it. "Please!!! I beg of you!!! Don't hurt me!!" I grabbed her and plunged my fangs into her neck. I her so dry, that she was dead and wouldn't come back as a Vampire. I felt my aderenline rush through my body..... I had to have more.... I need to kill more. I enjoy watching the humans suffer while the life out of them.

That was just the beginning of Hongbin's nightmare, he became a murder a long with all his friends. All he wanted was blood from poor defenseless humans. He thought of them as weak, defenseless and pray. 


"Ravi, Leo, catch them!" We had quickly rounded up everyone in this awful gang except their leader, Lee Hongbin. "Ravi kill them while we go and catch their leader." As I turned away, 5 vampires suddenly turned to dust. Hyuk grabbed Eun hae and put a steak to her chest. "Eun hae!! Don't move!!!" Hongbin was furious and ran towards them and Hyuk stabbed her, and then she was gone. Hongbin dropped to his knees for a few seconds. Then he got up with a michevious look on his face and pulled a steak out of his vest. "You want to play this way huh? Well what if I killed one of your friends!?! What would you do???" Hongbin came and threw a punch at me and tried to stab me but he missed. He was becoming phsycotic. Leo and Ravi were able to grab him and made him go on his knees. As I grabbed the steak that he dropped, I thought about killing him... But something wasn't right about him. It seemed like this was all forced upon him. "Leo, we're not killing him." My friends looked at me in shock and Hongbin looked up at me. "I'd rather die than be one of you!!" Leo handed me the needle and I injected its contents into him. "NOOOO!!!" He growled in anger and pain. It was a mixture of animal blood and something else... And it was to get the human blood out of his system so he could be one of us... His eyes quickly turned from blood red to greenish-yellow. "How could you do this to me!?!?" He said with his last bit of energy... Then he passed out.


Hongbin POV

I woke up from my terrible flashback.... It haunts me every day.... I used to be a monster... And careless to others.... How did I become normal but with supernatural powerss still?? It hurts me when I see that I used to be that way. I hope you never have to see that side of me Delilah.... Cause I want to keep you safe... Not harm you.

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Qistinna #1
Chapter 17: This chapter is really amazing dude
Chapter 16: nice story~
Chapter 3: Seems cool so far, can't wait for more ^^