You Again?

Stay By My Side

Delilah POV

"Here's your locker number and a supplies list... You will be ok for this week but after this week you will need all of this." the secretary gave me all of my papers and then gave me my schedule. "Homeroom starts soon so you might want to start looking for it." As soon I left the office the bell rang so I quickly ran while looking at my map for my Homeroom. "UGH" Great I've ran into another person. "OMG IM SO SORRY!!!” The guy got up and grabbed my hand and pulled me in. His hair was reddish,wavy and it was a bit longer than most guys have their hair length at. He looked at me with a cheesey smile. "No big deal!" He laughed a bit. His voice was somewhat low. "You must be new here... Now let me see your schedule." He glanced at it. "Ah! You're in my Homeroom! Let me show you where it is... Oh and by the way I'm Chanyeol! What's your name?" "Delilah" "Well come on Delilah we're gonna be late!" He grabbed my hand and I blushed a bit. It's the first day of school and Im already developing a crush on someone? Plus this turn out was very different from the first. We finally reached the classroom and he let go of my hand. Strangely there were many girls standing around us and starring in awe. We both walked in together.

Hongbin POV

Hyuk, Leo and I sat in our classroom talking up until the bell rang. As the bell rang I see Chanyeol (who I absolutely hate...Long story) walk in with some girl.... Wait is that the girl I bumped into earlier this morning!?!? "I think Hongbin's hitting on the new girl... He's been starring at her since she walked in." Hyuk said "YA!, I'm just trying to figure out who she is because I think she's the girl that I collided with."Oooo Leo hyung! Maybe he does have a crush on her!" I punched Hyuk in the shoulder. "Ouch! YA! what was that...." "Quite down! I would like to introduce your new classmate." Our Homeroom teacher is all about introducing new students. I don't know why but whatever. "Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Kim Delilah and I'm from California." "Welcome to Korea Delilah! You can sit next to Hongbin. Hongbin raise your hand." I raised my hand and sighed heavily. Why do I have to sit next to her? Yes I felt bad that I bumped into her but that doesn't mean I like her. 

Delilah POV

The guy raised his hand... OMG!!! He's the guy I bumped into earlier.... I walked back to the desk and bowed to him. The room started getting loud but there was an awkward silence between us "Let me see your schedule." He grabbed it without my permission. "Don't be following me around..." "Why would I want to follow you around? You've been a jerk to me so far and it hasn't been a whole school day yet. You act like I owe you something." 

Hongbin POV

AISH! Who does this girl think she's talking to? I think it's a bit cute that she's fighting back though. WAIT!?!? What am I saying? "I was just saying not to follow me... We have the same classes during the same periods. And BTW I'm not your friend." "I never said you were." "Hey what's going on over here?" Chanyeol comes over "Dude she's new so stop picking on her." "Whatever" I mumbled under my breath. I was relived to finally here the bell for the next period. Before I left I heard Leo and Hyuk go over to her along with Chanyeol to ask if she needs any help. I just started heading to my next class. This is gonna be a long first week for her.

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Qistinna #1
Chapter 17: This chapter is really amazing dude
Chapter 16: nice story~
Chapter 3: Seems cool so far, can't wait for more ^^