
I Can Still Remember

The week before the annual dance, Minah decided to go home for a couple of days. That way she could visit her dad and also choose a dress to wear at the dance. Even though Howon wanted to go with her so bad, he had to stay at college; he had a lot of homework to do and practice to attend to.

After lunch, her dad asked her to go with him to the supermarket. She agreed smiling, happy to be able to help him while she was home. At the place, she was in charge of the cart while his dad took the time to see the products, think about it and then choosing some among others. Mr. Kim was taking his time, but Minah didn’t care at all; she was spending time with his father who she couldn’t see everyday anymore, and that was what mattered.

After a while of following his dad around, Minah’s mind started to think in other things to keep her awake, and her weird dreams suddenly invaded her memories.

“Emmm… dad?”

“Yes, sweetie?” Mr. Kim replied still searching for something in a shelf and not looking at her.

“I-I’ve been having some… rare dreams and nightmares lately.” She said, not sure how to tell him without sounding weird herself. Mr. Kim gulped, but she didn’t notice. “I don’t want you to worry, but…”

“What kind of dreams?” He asked casually, still not turning his back.

“Well… first it’s like a car is about to hit me, then I meet this little boy who takes me to places around here…” Minah felt like a freak talking about it, but the dreams were more intense with every night passing and she was starting to worry.

“It’s just like when she was younger.” Mr. Kim thought, sighing in silence. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. His heart was beating fast, and his mind wouldn’t shut up telling him it was a bad idea to come back to the town. She was a happy and healthy nineteen years old girl; she had a happy life and he didn’t want to be the one who’d ruin it for her.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s just stress.” He said, facing her and forcing a smile. “We’ve been here for a few months only, and you have college and study…”

“Maybe you’re right.” Minah replied, looking at the ground not entirely satisfied. His dad noticed it and rested a hand on her shoulder.

“Look, just don’t worry for now. Try to sleep early and rest; if the nightmares continue we’ll see a doctor, okay?”

She saw concern in his eyes, and didn’t want to go further. Minah sighed and tried to smile.

“Okay. Thanks, dad.”

Mr. Kim smiled in return and continued to look for products they needed. Minah decided to listen to his father, even if she was more concerned than she looked.


That night, after taking a shower and chatting with Howon for a while, Minah went to the kitchen to see if she could help her father with something. But when she arrived, her dad was sitting at the table with his face hidden in his hands. Minah knew something was wrong, but she wasn’t sure what.

“…Dad?” Mr. Kim lifted his head quickly and smiled at his daughter.  “Is something wrong?”

“What? No, of course not.” He stood up and opened the fridge. “I’m going to cook, what do you want to eat?”

Minah was confused and concerned. If that was because of her nightmares, then why would her father be more worried than her? They were just dreams after all…

“Whatever it’s okay.” She replied and started helping him.


“I tell you, Yoora, there’s something weird going on.”

“Don’t be a maniac, I’m sure he’s just worried about you.”

“Because of a nightmare?” Minah sat on her bed, holding her head with one hand and the phone with the other one. Yoora wasn’t sure how to help her, so she tried to calm her down.

“You went home to relax, right? Enjoy your time there.”

“But… “

“I’ll help you once you’re here, okay? Just rest.” Yoora sounded calm and protective.

“Okay. I guess you’re right.” Minah sighed while lying on bed.

They talked for a few more minutes until it was getting late. When Minah hanged up, she kept looking at the ceiling thinking about the situation. There was something his father wasn’t telling her, and she needed to know.


The next morning, Howon was walking to the cafeteria where he was supposed to meet Sungjong, Sungyeol and Myungsoo to have lunch. He had his hands inside his pockets and was singing a song in a low voice.


A girl called for him, and he turned around surprised; Yoora was standing there with a worried gaze.

“Oh, hi Yoora. What’s up?” He greeted friendly.

“Actually… there’s something I wanted to ask you… about Minah.” Yoora said shyly. Howon was curious.

“About Minah? What is it?”

“She… she has been having weird dreams and nightmares lately. She told me yesterday his father was worried about it. I was wondering if you know something related to it?” Yoora got the courage to ask. She wasn’t really close to Howon, but she was really worried about her friend.

 “Nightmares?” Howon was surprised to hear that. “Did she tell you about what?”

“Not really. She didn’t think it was serious, but I think her father’s attitude got her worried.” Yoora was really feeling bad about the situation. She cared a lot about Minah, and knowing she couldn’t do a lot to help was killing her.

“I don’t know anything, but I’ll talk to her; don’t worry.” The boy smiled, trying to make her feel better. Yoora thanked him and left after bowing.

Howon was confused. Why would it be serious to have nightmares? But the fact that Mr. Kim was the one worried made him feel curious. He didn’t want to make assumptions about it without knowing more, so he tried to not give it a lot of thinking after he could talk to Minah.





I know this isn't a lot, but I still hope you enjoy it :)
Some bigger scenes are coming up! ^o^
Thank you so much everyone! <3

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great job!
sunnysun32168 #2
Chapter 23: i feel like crying such a sweet lovestory
It's been months since I finished this and you people still read it ;~;
thank you so much, everyone! and I'm more than glad to hear you enjoyed it <3
I haven't had inspiration to keep on writing my other stories, so this one has a special place in my heart <3

new reader..
i want to read your story again and again..
i really love it..
i wish i have a childhood friend as perfect as hoya sighhhh<br />
thanks for sharing this!<br />
i enjoyed reading it :D
Okay... what's the perfect word to describe this story? Uh... PERFECT!!! ><
flabbycow #7
I loved it! It was so adorable. :3
Thank you so much guys!!! ;u; ♥<br />
I'm really glad you enjoyed it, thank you!! C:
catriona90 #9
hi leanne29 :D<br />
I really love your story. And 10 stars for it !!!<br />
Really love the storyline and love Hoya too ~~~<br />
Hopefully I can see more Hoya fanfic in the future.<br />
Thanks for create a very nice story ^^