Sprinkles - Yoonmin

BTS Drabbles

Title: Sprinkles
Summary: Yoongi gets Jimin a kitten.
Rating: PG




Yoongi feels something rough and wet against his cheek. He stirs a little as he brushes it away. Moments later, he feels it again. He slowly opens his eyes and turns his head. As his eyes focus, he sees something furry in front of his face, it his nose and Yoongi quickly sits up.


"AGHHH!" Yoongi wipes the wet spots from his cheek and nose.


He looks down and sees Jimin's kitten jump off the couch and run away. Jimin walks in wondering what all the commotion was all about.


"What happened?" Jimin asks as he picks up his kitten.


"Your cat my face!" Yoongi says as he makes sure his face was saliva free.


"Awww, Sprinkles was just giving you kisses." Jimin says as he brings the kitten to his cheek so it could him.


"That's disgusting." Yoongi says as he gets up and goes to the bathroom to wash his face.


It's been a month since Yoongi got Jimin a kitten. Yoongi figured it would be something to keep Jimin preoccupied while Yoongi writes lyrics. Whenever Jimin gets bored he always finds some way to annoy Yoongi when he is busy working. As much as Yoongi loves being around Jimin, he needs quiet alone time as well. So Yoongi found something to keep Jimin entertained and away from him,  just so he can get some work done. Jimin wasn't too creative when he picked a name for the kitten.


"Really? Sprinkles? You're gonna name him Sprinkles?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow at Jimin.


"Yeah, the pattern on his fur remind me of sprinkles." Jimin grins.


"Whatever, he's your cat."


Yoongi doesn't consider himself a genius, but he thought his plan would work. Well, it did work... sorta. Jimin did pay attention to the cat and left Yoongi alone to work which resulted in Yoongi coming up with a great song. But Yoongi's plan back fires when Jimin starts paying too much attention to Sprinkles. At first, Yoongi didn't mind but now it's starting to get on his nerves. Yoongi would find Jimin on the floor playing with his cat and completly ignoring him. Or playing with a cat toy instead of playing video games with him. Yoongi isn't jealous.


"Jimin, do you want to go watch a movie?"


"No thanks hyung, I was going to give Sprinkles a bath today."


Yoongi isn't jealous.


"Let's go outside and shoot some hoops."


"Come here and feel how soft Sprinkles' tummy is."


Yoongi isn't jealous.


"Jimin, there's cat hair all over my favorite shirt."


"Hyung, doesn't Sprinkles look extra cute today?"


Yoongi is most definitely not jealous.


Yoongi won't admit he is jealous. No way he is jealous. Jealous of what? A cat? That's just crazy! Jimin will eventually get bored with the cat and start paying attention to him. Eventually.


Yoongi walks into the living room to find Jimin alone, watching TV. Yoongi looks around for the furball and doesn't see it anywhere. He takes a seat next to Jimin and starts talking about his new song he wrote. Suddenly they hear the distant sound of bells jingling as Sprinkles comes running around the corner, causing Yoongi to stop talking mid-sentence.


"Sprinkles!"Jimin picks up Sprinkles setting him on his lap.


Yoongi stares at Sprinkles more annoyed than ever.


"Hyung, do you want to pet him?" Jimin runs his hand through the kitten's fur.


"No I don't want to pet your stupid cat."


Jimin looks up at Yoongi who has an unpleasant expression on his face.


"What's wrong?"




Jimin looks at Yoongi for a second and understands what's going on with him. A smile starts forming on Jimin's face.


"Hyung, are you jealous?" Yoongi glances over at Jimin who is smiling at him.


"Don't be stupid. Why would I be jealous of a cat."


"It's okay if you're jealous."Jimin sets Sprinkles down on the floor.


"I'm not."


Jimin leans over and grabs Yoongi's arm and puts it over his shoulder as he hugs Yoongi's torso.


"Don't worry hyung, if it makes you feel better, I think you're way cuter than Sprinkles."


Yoongi shakes his head as his cheeks change to a tint of red.

"Glad to know I rank better than a cat."

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Chapter 2: XD sprinkles haha i think thats a cute name, just like the owner :3
vanhangels #2
Chapter 2: Ahahahaha, don't worry Yoongi, we know that Sprinkled is mini-Yoongi. Lol. This is really cute.
AsdfghJIMINkl #3
Chapter 2: awwwie thats cute <3 I like the kitty one (since I seriously love kittens. They got me thinkin' of -coughcough- things)
The last sentences thou. Somehow I want more.