Taller Than You - Yoonmin

BTS Drabbles

Title: Taller Than You
Summary: Apparently, Jimin grew 3 centimeters?
Rating: PG




“No, you’re not.” Jimin says as he lays down on the couch flipping through the channels.


“Yes I am.” Yoongi responds back.


Jimin and Yoongi are arguing again. It’s always about small things, small unimportant things that the other members always ignore because the arguments aren’t worth listening to.


“Jimin, you should stop being a proud little and accept the fact that-“


“Shut up! Just because you’re my hyung doesn’t mean you can look down on me.”


“That doesn’t change the fact that I’m taller than you.”


“No, I’m taller!” Jimin looks over at Yoongi standing with his arms crossed.


“You already went through puberty and your growth spurt, you stopped growing years ago.” Yoongi narrows his eyes at the younger.


“You don’t know that! For all you know, I might have had another growth spurt and you are now the shortest member.” Jimin turns his attention back on the TV.


Yoongi scoffs at Jimin’s remark still in disbelief that Jimin miraculously grew 3 centimeters. He sits down next to Jimin on the couch.


“You probably measured yourself wrong.” Yoongi said under his breath.


“I didn’t measure myself you idiot. Jungkook measured me.” Jimin says.


“Well maybe we should have him re-measure you.” Yoongi sits up.




“Jungkook! Get in here!” Yoongi calls for the boy.


Jungkook walks into the living room chewing on a sandwich and looks at the TV.


“We need you to measure Jimin again.” Yoongi stands up.


“Why?” Jungkook asks eyes still glued to the TV.


“Because no way in hell Jimin grew 3 centimeters.” Jimin stands up and lightly shoves Yoongi.


“Yes I did! And I can prove it once he re-measures me.”


Jungkook looks at his two hyungs as they start arguing back and forth again.


“So that’s what you two have been arguing about for the past hour?” Jungkook takes a bite from his sandwich.


Jimin and Yoongi don’t pay much attention to Jungkook as they continue bickering back and forth. Jungkook stares at them and finishes swallowing.


“Jimin hyung didn’t grow 3 centimeters.” Jungkook says taking another bite.


Jimin and Yoongi stop arguing and look over at the maknae.


“See? I told you.” Yoongi says with a laugh.


“What do you mean?” Jimin asks, a frown forming on his face.


“I lied so you would stop asking me to measure you over and over again.” Jungkook laughs.


“You little-“ Jimin takes a step towards Jungkook.


“It doesn’t really matter who is the tallest between the two of you, you’re both shorter than me.” Jungkook laughs and runs into the kitchen.


“JEON JEONGGUK!” Jimin starts walking towards the kitchen door but Yoongi stops him and shakes his head.


“But hyung…” Jimin looks at Yoongi.


Yoongi looks at Jimin then at the kitchen door and smiles. He throws his arm around Jimin’s shoulders.

“Come on shorty, let’s go teach the maknae a lesson.”

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Chapter 2: XD sprinkles haha i think thats a cute name, just like the owner :3
vanhangels #2
Chapter 2: Ahahahaha, don't worry Yoongi, we know that Sprinkled is mini-Yoongi. Lol. This is really cute.
AsdfghJIMINkl #3
Chapter 2: awwwie thats cute <3 I like the kitty one (since I seriously love kittens. They got me thinkin' of -coughcough- things)
The last sentences thou. Somehow I want more.