Chapter 1.

Word games.

I kept wondering. Why? I know I have no right to ask, but why?

Everyday, he came with a smug look. Walks to the back and sits at seat number 4. Orders plain coffee (and waffles if he's hungry) then looks out the window. In 30 seconds, he would look ahead and frown, then shake his head. You might call me a creep but my dream is to be a spy, so i memorize little things people do. Anyways, after a few minutes he would take his phone out and scroll down, then up, then down again.

He frowns.

That's why I'm curious. He's quite good-looking, which makes me want to know more. Why is a person like him, sad? 

'Lynn, 1 minute til 1pm. Get ready.' Ryan told me, signing the guy was coming. 'Okay.' I nodded. My eyes diverted from the clock, showing 15 more seconds. Outside the café, I saw him walking towards the door. 'Cling' the door rang, only his footsteps were heard around the room. He was wearing sneakers. It was obvious. 'Take care of number 4, I have to go to number 9.' Paula suddenly said, and walked to table 9 to take orders. 

'Come on, Lynn.' Couraging myself was weird. Of course. I walked to him with the coffee in my hand, slowly. I put it on his table and he mouthed a thank you. He still didn't look up. 'Enjoy, sir' I smiled then walked back to the counter. 

Damn it. 

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900420_ #1
looking forward on this ;)