A Clean Break

Do you remember?

He wore a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up above his elbows. Luhan pressed his small, pink lips firmly together as he furrowed his eyebrows. Sehun saw this as a sign that Luhan might just remember him after all. It's only been  two years since they last saw each other.

"You know what Sehun?" Tao just had to pick this time to whine,"Ever since we started dating, I felt that we were really getting closer. But now... Can't you just tell me what went wrong?" To this, Sehun responded with a look of disapproval.

"Ahem... Excuse me sir," Luhan tried again,"may I take your order?" He was supposed to knock off and change shift in about five minutes time. 

Luhan waited patiently for Sehun to reply for he did not want to interrupt their conversation but Sehun was just staring, if not, gawking at him. He did not remember. Luhan did not remember him. Either it was that or that Luhan wanted to have a clean slate between them both.

"Do you guys sell chocolate bubble tea here?" Tao quipped up to ease the awkward atmosphere, "You love drinking that stuff don't you Sehun?" he wrapped his arms around sehun's waist, beaming at his understanding of Sehun.

"Sure, we have that." Luhan answered politely as he tapped the order onto the computer screen," Anything for you?" he then smiled at Tao, suggesting that he ordered something too.

"Oh, um... what's good Sehun?" Tao tapped his chin as looked up at the menu. Sehun was engulfed in mixed feelings of sadness, disappointment, anger and a sense of longing. But it was by chance he got to see Luhan again and he was not about to let go.

"Latte, croissant and cheese bagel." Sehun finally spoke, trying to sound casual and indifferent as he looked at Luhan coolly.

Luhan continued tapping in the orders and picking out the sides from the display case beside the counter while Tao marvelled at the design of the posh cafe, telling Sehun to look at whatever he thought was interesting to him but Sehun's eyes followed Luhan every where he went. He watched Luhan pour the latte into small white teacups and adding steaming, frothed milk into the coffee. His deft and slender fingers held the cup of milk, guiding the milk onto the surface of the coffee, forming a simple yet well-created tree.

"Thank you, enjoy your meal." Luhan chirped as he served the orders. Sehun took the tray of food and beverages to a table where he could see Luhan clearly. He watched as Luhan undid his waist apron and disappeared into a room meant for employees only. He appeared a few minutes later when Tao was commenting on the croissant.

"I'll be going off then." Luhan waved to his colleagues as he slung his sling bag over his shoulders. He had changed into a blue jacket over plain white t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. He then left the cafe without even looking in the direction where Sehun and Tao were seated at.

Tao was rambling on and on about the cafe while Sehun was lost in thoughts. Moments later, a smile crept its way onto Sehun's face.

If Luhan was going to act as if he were a stranger, he'd just have to make him acknowledge his presence. He knew from the moment he saw Luhan again, he wanted him back.




"But we are going for a sophisticated look!" the manager who came to negotiate and liaise with the director insisted as they sat in the large office at the top floor of the company building. The director, manager and Sehun sat around a transparent glass coffee table on leather cushions(PVC! PVC!). Sehun looked vacantly out of the windows which stretched from the marble floor to the ceiling. He closed his eyes slowly, shutting out the voices of the two who were now arguing.

"I'm going back..."Luhan started, voice quiet and hesitant,"to Beijing."

Sehun looked up from his work on calculus, holding Luhan's gaze and Luhan started fidgeting in his seat, trying to choose his words carefully.

"My mother called me. She said it was time." Luhan shifted his gaze to look at anywhere but Sehun.

"Time?" Sehun lifted a brow and reached over their textbooks and notes, across the table to find Luhan's hands which were clasped together.

"I have a fiancé--"

"What? So I'm the third party? I'm like some bastard who you cheat on with?" Sehun withdrew his hand.

"No! Sehun, it was never my choice!"

"It was your choice to be with me Luhan. I gave you my heart and you were just playing with me?" Sehun spat in contempt as he shot up from the bench and left without taking his things, leaving Luhan who had tears welling up in his eyes, shaking his head.

Sehun had received his things that day. It was probably Luhan who dropped by to return them. He started sorting out his worksheets when he found a note sandwiched between them:


It"s fine even if you misunderstand... but I loved you, I still do and I always will


"Yah! What's so hard about dyeing that mob on his head?!" Sehun snapped back into reality when the manager started yelling.

"Manager Do, give me some time--"

"Time?! I'll give you time but who will give me time?! We've got lot's of partners to choose from but we gave you a chance!"

The corner of Sehun's lips twitched when the director started begging. He propped his legs onto the coffee table and announced, " I'll decline this project."




Tao had sent a text message to tell Sehun that he had to work overtime, apologising for their routine of having dinner together was disrupted. Sehun checked his watch: 10pm.

Sehun opened the glass goor of the cafe and was welcomed by the scent of coffee carried by a rush of cool air. It was quiet as there were very few people in the cafe. He was not sure if Luhan would still be around but he wanted to try his luck anyway, approaching the counter slowly while arranging his fringe with a hand and stuffing the other in his pocket.

"Welcome to The Brews, what can I get you?" Luhan flashed him a perfect smile which gave customers a cordial feeling, eyes bright and alert, waiting to take down orders. He appeared to be unpertubed by Sehun's presence, treating him like any other customers he would need to serve.

"Chocolate bubble tea, croissant, bagel." Sehun stated dully without looking at the menu, gazing at Luhan who responded with a slight nod of his head as he tapped the order on the screen.

"Wait, change it to latte." Sehun blurted. He wanted to see again, Luhan's elegance and how his every move seemed to catch Sehun's attention.

Luhan changed the order without lament before moving on to prepare the order. The latte was the same as the other day when he came with Tao and Sehun grew impatient.

"Luhan."Luhan looked up at the mention of his name and met Sehun's eyes, "Do you not remember?"

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BaoZiLi #1
Chapter 15: So sweet! They all end up understanding each other and having a brighter path towards the future.
Chapter 15: it was a sweet hunhan!! ^^
Chapter 15: Awww such a sweet ending!
I'm glad SeHun gave his job up for his studies and that he graduated with good results ^^
Chapter 14: Awww LuHan is such a nice guy!
And I like it how there's little Tao and SeHun / XiuMin and LuHan moments here and there despite this being a LuHan and SeHun fic ^^
Oohhhh has Tao finally decided to stop bothering the both of them?
Chapter 2: Omg! I just started to read this and it is amzing i luv the plot! please let hunhan be together >< haha am i asking too much? Tbh i hate taohun. Seperate them hahaha *evil smirk
Eternitystars #6
Awesome story! I like, seriously love this story
Chapter 9: oooohhh got inspiration already? Tao so mean but so pitiful ><
RozyBaekHan #8
Chapter 7: I love this...update soon plz
Chapter 6: I love this! I've recently started shipping HunHan and it feels nice reading your story ~
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 5: Update soon can't wait ^^