The Beginning

The Past is Coming Back

September 9, 2013


Seoul, South Korea


“Hello, my name is Taemin,” Taemin had said in an excited voice. “ Hello, my name is Hongbin,” on the other hand Hongbin was a cold-hearted person, so he introduced himself in a low and in a monotone voice.  “ Welcome!!! I am the team leader of this surgery team! I am so happy to meet you guys! As you can tell we do not have any girls’ in this surgery team. Which is very sad, but I think you guys can handle it,” the Team Leader said sarcastically. After the lecture from the Team Leader a girl came in. She was wearing a nurse outfit. “Umm, excuse me. I was just going to say that your wife came with another baby, Dr. Jung,” She said. “Naeun! How do you now that my wife has another baby? You are in the cardiac care,’ Dr. Jung said. “From other nurses,” Naeun said while pointing outside. “Well, I think I will have to see you guys later,” Dr. Jung said and ran to his wife. “Well, well, well. Is it not the great surgery team? Cardiothoracic surgeons, you guys are so dumb! Why did you guys pick cardiothoracic when you guys could have picked general,” Kai said while smirking. “Kai, get out of here. Plus, that is not the way you speak to your subenims,” Taemin whispered. “It is okay, I am the directors son. They can complain but dad will always cover me, don’t you agree, TWIN BROTHER,” Kai emphasized the two words that Taemin hates to hear from Kai’s mouth.



Brussels, Belgium


“Hey, Jiyeon. Good job on your first surgery! You did really well. You did fantastic,” Jiyeon’s Team Leader said in French. “Thanks, I was really nervous. I am so happy the patient did not die,” Jiyeon said happily while washing her hands. “Now you can go to the patient’s guardian and say that she is alive and that the surgery went well,” her Team Leader said. Jiyeon walked out and the guardian grabbed her and asked, “Is she al…live?” Then Jiyeon kneeled down with the guardian and grabbed her hand. “Yes, she is alive,” Jiyeon said in a soothing voice. The guardian hugged Jiyeon and she simply patted her back. When the patient came out of the surgery room the guardian followed her sister. “I feel like a hero!!!” Jiyeon said to her Team Leader. “ I know that feeling. I just can’t believe I am a surgeon. Even though I have been working here for 8 years.” He said. “You are my influence and I will grow up just like you. For you are a great surgeon,” Jiyeon said


Seoul, South Korea


Krystal saw Hongbin pass by. “Yah!! Lee Hongbin!!” Krystal shouted his name. Hongbin just stared at her and listened. “Do you not remember me, it is me!!! Krystal!! Oh, Jiyeon became a surgeon, just like you!! Do you want to cal..” Hongbin cut off Krystal. “I do not want to hear that horrible and stupid name, and do not talk to me,” Hongbin said in a low, quiet, and angry voice. Krystal was stunned by is attitude, she was actually really mad. He called her best friend’s name horrible and stupid. Krystal just looked at his back and she just nodded her head.


Hongbin was walking down, when he bumped into the nurse that just came in his surgery team’s room. “I am sorry,” Hongbin said to Naeun. “It is okay, are you okay?” She asked. Hongbin merely nodded at her. Naeun fell in love with him. He had the perfect face to her. Hongbin thought she was beautiful. He had never felt this feeling, well he had but he just did not know that he had felt until she left.


2 months later


Hongbin prepared his proposal for Naeun. He wanted Naeun to be his girlfriend. When Naeun came in the café, she saw Hongbin with a cake at the table. When she walked to the table and saw the cake she smiled. The cake had said, ”Would you be my girlfriend?” Naeun went to Hongbin and hugged him. After their proposal they became a couple.


When Krystal heard the rumors of Naeun and Hongbin dating, she was furious. She knew that Jiyeon liked him and Jiyeon still likes him. Krystal thought that Hongbin had feelings for her. Krystal thought Hongbin was nice and innocent. Then Krystal said to herself, “Why is he dating Naeun, I thought he liked girls like Jiyeon. Maybe Naeun seduced him, or maybe he is dating her because he wanted money! Wait a minute, what am I thinking of? Let’s go back to work!” Krystal started to slap herself. She did not want to get herself back into the conversation of why Hongbin and Naeun are dating and how.


Sorry it is kind of short. I want to let you guys know that this was a plan. I am making it short because I want all the ideas that I have in my brain to be in the second or third chapter

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 2: Son naeun ❤️❤️❤️
cutiemimi #2
Chapter 3: Please update
iliket-ara #3
Chapter 3: I sorta want either taeji or taestal or kaiyeon or kaistal and I seriously want hongeun. I don't really like the hongyeon :p
kaitlynhbu #4
Chapter 3: hongeun please! hongbin and naeun please!
Rosepaw #5
Kaiyeon please Teamin and Krystal
elly_jiyeon #6
Chapter 3: Kaiyeon please, please next chapter they meet
kaiyeon please :)
asha137 #8
Chapter 3: kaiyeon pls;)
fluxsehun #9
Chapter 3: please let jiyeon be the one to change kai's character
Chapter 3: Please kaiyeon..update soon authornim