Chapter 18

A Gisaeng's Heart

A/N: Just putting up the warning that there is a bit of violence in this chapter....I don't think its too horribly graphic...but if some people have issues with it, PLEASE let me know first. I don't want to be reported for not rating the chapter. 


The mysterious girl who’d appeared and then disappeared from the gisaeng house was no ordinary girl, as Victoria’s feline had guessed. She reappeared inside the palace, somehow managing to bewitch the Office of Palace Maids, landing herself a job as one of the cleaning maids for the Queen’s quarters. Just like with Master Howie, no one knew where she’d come from, or how long she’d actually been there, and just as quickly forgot she was even around.

The girl smirked, her magic working better than ever since she’d managed to get a hold of some blood with magical properties in it. She could still hear the echoes of those human cats screams as she’d forced them down on their knees with her fairy magic, slicing open their necks and laughing manically as their life blood drained out of their bodies into special flasks made for such a liquid. Shifters were notorious for hating anything magical, denying their own magical properties because they could shift between the human form and the animal form.

Now all she’d needed was the blood of a royal woman who’d never given birth to a child and she’d waited long for the right woman to show up since she’d botched the last time she’d tried this spell. The day she’d attacked the Clan, she’d already used her magic to keep the palace servants sleeping in the Queen’s quarters. She’d made it as painless as possible, not being completely evil like some of her fairy counterparts, though she did enjoy the way the Queen struggled in her magic induced sleep to get away from the stab wounds inflicted on her body in various regions.

Since the human witches had been caught, tried and executed for crimes against the crown, the girl had to find others close to the capital in order for the spell to be performed. She was tired of living in the shadows and was hell bent on making the whole world magical.

The last ingredient for the spell, she waited until the new witches were ensconced in the beginning of the ritual to invoke the spell. This last ingredient had to be as fresh as possible, otherwise it would completely backfire.

Satisfied that the witches were doing well, the fairy girl scanned the capital city, searching for just the right heart to be plucked out of a young woman’s chest. She scanned twice before the twinkle of the right girl caught her eyes. “Ah-ha.” She murmured to herself, just a bit insane in the head, otherwise she wouldn’t have dared with this spell. She slipped down into the gisaeng house, realizing with a start that she’d completely missed the fact that the girl she was about to kill had been the one who’d been suspicious of her in the first place.

I should torture her in return for the suspicion.’ The fairy thought, her magic cloaking her sounds from the others in the house. She slipped passed the doors to the room where Victoria was sleeping soundly across the chest of Yesung, who had, in his sleep, wrapped his arms around the younger shifter and snuggled her close.

The fairy paused. So the young cat was half in love with the wolf. The evil part of her magic boiled in anticipation of what she would be doing to the girl. Should she wake the wolf up and give him a show of what she could do to his kind while she slowly cut the heart out of his companion?

‘Yes…you should make him fear our kind.’ That evil voice, or at least the voice manifestation of the evil that tainted her blood called to her. Shuddering as the evil taint awoke her senses even more, she quietly barricaded the room to prevent noise from escaping. She could feel the witches getting closer to the final invocation of the spell, meaning she needed to hurry. Well the wolf could wake up to the bloody corpse of his gisaeng with a gaping hole in her chest for all the fairy cared.

She slipped Victoria out from under Yesung’s arms, her blade out and the container needed for the heart of the gisaeng ready. She shivered, wondering suddenly if the distance between herself and the witches was too great for her to get accurate updates on the invocation of the spell. She plunged the knife into the gisaeng, not bothering to keep the girl asleep. The paralysis from the poison on the blade worked quickly as the fairy cut.

Victoria awoke to an icy jolt of pain that bloomed in her chest. V was still under the effects of the alcohol she’d consumed, sound asleep in her sanctuary as pain filtered through the sleep, growing more intense. She managed to get her eyes open when she realized that she couldn’t move, and that the girl who’d gone missing the week before was kneeling over her, blood spurting around the knife she had plunged into Victoria’s chest.

Yesung!’ Victoria screamed in her mind, unable to move to scream in terror.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I want him to hear you scream.” The girl grinned, the smell of evil and Victoria’s blood permeating the air as she raised a finger and wiped it across Victoria’s lips.

Victoria took a shuddering breath, feeling the loss of blood becoming greater. “HELP!” She screamed as loud as she could.

Yesung jerked awake, his breathing harsh and fast as the scream pierced through his alcohol induced slumber. “Vic, what?” He groaned as the headache started. He tried to sit up and found himself slammed against a wall, the breath knocked out of him.

“OH gods, VICTORIA!” He struggled against the invisible bonds that held him to the wall as he watched the girl straddling Victoria’s body with a knife deeply embedded in her chest. He watched helplessly as the girl continued to cut into Victoria, the gisaeng’s screams becoming weaker.

Yesung growled, his wolf shocked awake at the scent of blood in the air, “Who are you and why are you killing her!” His wolf was clear in his voice as he roared at the girl.

“Because I need the fresh heart of a girl who’s in love.” The girl replied, the evil grin plastered on her face, eyes growing more wild as she continued to cut away at Victoria’s chest. “And oh, my she’s so in love with you young wolf!”

Yesung struggled again trying to find the thin spot in the magic bonds that held him. Why hadn’t anyone come and sounded the alert that an intruder was in the house? “What are you talking about?” He asked, desperate to keep the insane girl talking while he tried to find a weak spot.

Victoria’s body spasmed as the blood loss quickened. The girl cooed as she snapped the last rib that kept her from Victoria’s heart. Victoria gasped, blood bubbling out of as she fought to turn her head to look at Yesung. “Oh alright, you can see the ugly wolf before you die.” The girl waved a hand.

Yesung’s eyes connected with Victoria’s. Her eyes were full of pain, fear and something else Yesung couldn’t identify. She mouthed something at him, her voice gone from screaming. Yesung cried out, tears falling from his eyes as he saw she was almost gone. His wolf was trying to get a hold of her feline, but either the magic that kept Yesung in place was blocking their communication, or the feline half of Victoria was already gone.

“NO!” Yesung screamed, “NO! Victoria!”

The girl pulled Victoria’s heart from her chest, veins and arteries snapping from the force of the pull as the light died in Victoria’s eyes. “Oh, there there.” The girl said, laughter and evil tinged in her voice, blood pooling around Victoria’s body as the last of it pumped out of the hole where her heart used to be. “Your sacrifice will not be in vein.” She giggled, obviously amused at her own gruesome joke.

Yesung, shocked at the gory murder in front of him, stunned at the loss of Victoria, whom he’d grown affectionate towards only stared as the girl stood, wiping the knife off on Victoria’s soiled hanbok, blood dripping off the girl’s hands as she picked up a container that held Victoria’s heart. “Well, now that I have what I needed, see ya!” The girl laughed, the sheer insanity of it rolling over Yesung and making his wolf howl.

She disappeared from his vision, the invisible bonds suddenly gone. “OH gods no!” Yesung sobbed, not caring about anything or anybody as he attempted to crawl to Victoria’s lifeless body, his own body spent from struggling against magic.

The horrified looks on the servants as they burst in upon hearing his sorrow filled cry only confirmed that they’d been blocked from hearing Victoria’s gruesome murder. Time seemed to slow for him as guards suddenly burst into the room, not caring, nor noticing that Yesung had no blood on his clothes or a weapon as they seized him.

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