Chapter 1

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"Yah! Park Hani!"


A small teaspoon collided with the side of Hani's head.

"Ow! What the hell?!"

Hani glared at the boy across the table who was calmly sipping at a cup of tea while trying to act innocent.

"Finally!" he said, "I've been trying to get your attention all morning but you kept ignoring me!"

"Sorry, Jungkook," Hani said while mindlessly stirring the milk that was left in her cereal bowl, "I was just thinking about..."

Hani trailed off and suddenly furrowed her brows.

"Did you just say 'Yah' to me?"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at the sudden accusation. Then he recalled the scene that happened a few seconds ago and remembered his error.

"Sorry, Noona," he said, "I had to do it 'cause it was the only way to get your attention."

"Well, now you got it. What did you want to tell me?"

Jungkook placed his cup of tea on to the table before picking up a spoon to resume eating his morning cereal.

"Nah, forget it," Jungkook said, "It's nothing important anyway."

"What?!" Hani said, "I had to sacrifice a tiny amount of brain cells for nothing!"

She rubbed the side of her head while pouting.

"You should be glad it wasn't a fork that I threw at you," Jungkook said

"Aish!" Hani grumbled. She stood up and pulled the straps of her school bag over her shoulders.

"Let's just go to school," she said.

Hani stared at the boy in front of her. Jungkook took a spoonful of cereal into his mouth while gazing back at Hani with a seemingly innocent face. Hani scrunched up her nose in annoyance.

"Hurry up and eat!" she said.

"Noona," Jungkook said while setting down the spoon against the rim of his cereal bowl.

"You're not that mad at me, are you?" he asked, "It was just a teaspoon."

"Yeah, just a teaspoon," Hani said sarcastically, "A teaspoon that's gonna drag me lower in the school rangkings!"

"What's there to worry about?" Jungkook said, "You're already at the bottom anyway."


Hani picked up the teaspoon that landed on her head earlier and aimed it at Jungkook. Jungkook held his palms out in defense and got ready for the hit. Fortunately for him, his mother entered the kitchen with her hands on her hips before the teaspoon could leave Hani's fingers.


"What's with all the noise?" his mother said, "I hope you two aren't fighting again."

"No, mom," Jungkook said, "We're just playing around."

"Well, quit it," she said, "It's time for school."

"We were just about to leave, actually," Hani said.

Jungkook in his whole breakfast as if he was a vacuum cleaner.

"Last one out the door is a rotten egg!" he said before he stood up, gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and sprinted out the door with his school bag in his hand.

Hani stood frozen with agape as she stared at the closed front door.

"You should go now too, rotten egg," Jungkook's mother said with a kind smile.

Hani chuckled at the elder's wittiness. Hani too gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking towards the front door.

"Bye, mom!" Hani shouted once she stepped outside with a pair of sneakers in her hand.


Outside their apartment, she met with a bored-looking Jungkook who sat on the stairs that led to the upper floor.

"What took you so long?" he said.

"Doesn't it feel weird to talk to a rotten egg?" Hani said.

Jungkook had a smug look on his face.

"Oh, please, don't act like you've won an award or something," Hani said.

"Don't worry, Noona," Jungkook said, "This one's worth more than any award."

"Yah, you little idiot!" Hani said while holding her sneakers up in the air, planning to throw them at the muttonhead in front of her.

"Okay, I'm sorry!" Jungkook said. He crossed his arms in front of his face with his palms facing outwards in defense, preparing to protect his face from the throw.


Footsteps could be heard coming from upstairs. Hani lowered her raised arm and they both glanced at the source of the sound and saw a girl wearing a similar school uniform as the both of them coming down to their floor.

"Park Hani?" the girl said, "I didn't know you live here."

Hani recognized her as her classmate and also one of the popular students from school. Meanwhile, Jungkook simply stared at her in confusion.

"Well, now you do," Hani said.

"Isn't it funny how all this time we've never bumped into each other at all?" the girl said, "Must be a coincidence."

Slight tension could be felt in the atmosphere. Hani felt awkward and somehow intimidated talking to one of the prettiest girls in school.

"Who's this?" the girl said, switching her attention to Jungkook, "I've never seen him in school before."

"I'm Jungkook. I live here too," Jungkook said, "with Hani Noona."

"He's our junior, actually," Hani added.

"So you guys are siblings?" the girl asked.

"Oh, n-"

"Yeah," Jungkook cut off what Hani was about to say.

The girl nodded as if she was amazed at the fact.

"Well, see you guys in school!" she said before going down the stairs. Her heeled sneakers tapped against each tread as she disappeared from their sight.


"Who was that?" Jungkook asked.

Hani sighed and took a seat next to Jungkook on the stairs.

"Just the really popular Han Soyeon," she said while slipping her right foot into her right sneaker.

"Sounds familiar," Jungkook said.

"Of course it sounds familiar! She's popular!"

Jungkook nodded in agreement. Hani cursed when she accidentally stepped on the collar of her left sneaker in the midst of slipping her foot into it.

"Anyway, why did you say yes when she asked if we were siblings?" she asked while trying to pull out the folded collar from under her foot.

"Do you want rumours to spread?" Jungkook said, "What will people think when they hear about two people who are not in any way related to each other living under the same roof?"

Hani mutterred a small 'Yes!' when she successfully pulled the collar out and tucked her foot into the sneaker. She stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

"They don't know our story, Jungkook," Hani said.

"But still!" Jungkook said.

"Don't worry about it," Hani said, "Even if we're not related, you're still like a brother to me."


"A brother?"

Jungkook lifted himself up and stood in front of Hani.

"What if I say that I have a crush on you," he said, "would you still think of me as a brother?"

"Of course!" Hani said while punching Jungkook's arm lightly, "You've been living with me for ten years. How can you have that kind of feeling now?"

Jungkook pulled a face at her.

"Let's go to school," Hani said, "Hurry up while I'm being nice. I have nothing else to throw at you."

Hani earned a chuckle from Jungkook. Together, they walked to the bus station.


"Noona," Jungkook said when they were in the bus, "What if Himchan knew that we're not siblings and yet we're living together?"

Hani seemed startled when hearing Himchan's name, but she was quick to regain her composure. She knew not to act like an obsessed fangirl in front of a teasing machine like Jungkook.

"He won't know!" Hani said, "Even if he knew, he wouldn't mind, I think."

"Sure," Jungkook said teasingly, "You only think like that because you're so deeply in love with him."

"For your info, I'm not the only one who likes him, okay?" Hani said, "And it's 'Himchan Hyung' for you. Have some respect. He's our senior."

"If you're not the only one who likes him, then why haven't you confessed to him yet?"

"Have you gone mad?" Hani said.

"No," Jungkook said, "What's wrong about confessing to someone you love? You'll just regret not confessing earlier when you get together later on."

"Since when did you become a love expert?"

Jungkook simply shrugged his shoulders.

"If you want him to know your feelings, you better do it fast," he said, "Other girls are gonna chase after him too."

"Thanks for destroying my hopes and dreams," Hani said sarcastically.

"I'm not trying to destroy anything," Jungkook said, "I'm just exposing you to the real world."

"Whatever," Hani said as they stepped into the school grounds, through the front doors and into a circular hall, "See you later, dream-wrecker."

The two parted ways into separate hallways, heading to their respective homerooms.


Hani ducked her head in time when she took a step into her homeroom as a pen almost flew right into her face. She straightened up and turned to glare at the group of boys in the corner of the room. Her logical side, however, told her to ignore them so she did just that. She took a seat at her desk and laid her head on it, shutting out the world around her.

Everyone scrambled into their seats when their homeroom teacher, Mr. Lee walked in. Hani didn't even care to look up when Mr. Lee stood in front of the room and cleared his throat to get the class' attention.

"Class president, how's the attendance?" Mr. Lee asked.

"All present, sir," Han Soyeon spoke up.



Just then, the door opened and the room was dead silent when someone walked in before the room was filled with murmurs. Hani lifted her head up just to find out the source of the commotion. Her eyes met with someone that had their school uniform on. She was too lazy to look at who it was

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Chapter 2: oh gosh daehyun doesnt remember and i felt nervous when she shouted that oh gosh =/
im so into this story ha :P
chimgotjams #2
This is such an awesome story!! Made me cry :') Good job!
This led me to tears. :) I like it.
Chapter 3: I shall be waiting, this story made me feel things...such emotional things.
cherryaizawa #5
Chapter 3: i want hani succees and make her parent's that abandon her releas that her not a mistake but a lucky for people that love her.thx to update authorssi...i hope you will update so soon.^^
I absolutely loved this story!! And can't wait for the sequel :)
Chapter 2: OMG, no, not amnesia right?! I hope he's just really good at pretending or something and doesn't have a medical issue. :O
cherryaizawa #8
Chapter 2: what happen with Daehyun seems he didn't know Hani???
thx to update
i like it.^^
cherryaizawa #9
Chapter 1: its so sad hiks hiks hiks
why her didn't want her????
hiks...hani bw strong.
thx to update authorssi
i like it
hope you could update so soon for the next chpter.^^