A sweet and salty valentine

Tako Cassette [COMPLETED]

I looked at the box of chocolates in my hands and sighed again. Making the chocolates was tough enough, and now i have to think of a way to give that to Ruki as natural as possible. What should I do? I should at least be kind to him on a day like this... Should I try acting cute? 

Fantasy POV
"Ru-ki kyun!Here, chocolates! Say 'aaaaaah' "  *please add tako with > sickly sweet sparkling smile with one leg pointing up in the air backwards > and let loose your imagination!*
Ruki snorted and smirked, "What's happened to you? Are you sick? Ahahahahahaha"
End of fantasy POV
I slammed my hands on the table and flipped it over with rage. Aiieeee. That's no good. My overwhelming cuteness will melt the chocolates before Ruki will get to eat them. How about being feminine? I'm sure Ruki wouldn't be mean to a feminine and lovely lady like me!!!
Fantasy POV
"Ha~i, Ruki...ku..n.. Do~zo~♪" I fidgeted and traced circles on the table with my fingers and peeked at Ruki under the cover of my fringe.
The complex gaze shown in his eyes seemed to be showing pity for me.
Suddenly, everyone became silent. I turned around, only to find everyone looking at me as if I've two personalities. 
End of fantasy POV
A shiver ran down my spine as i hurriedly flattened my goosebumps. Ah, that's not good either. My feminine charm will freeze every guy's hearts. Ofufufufu.. I threw my head backwards as I laughed to myself.
3rd party POV
Goosebumps creeped up everyone's skin.
"What the hell is wrong with Tako....."
End of 3rd party POV
Just then, Ruki sauntered into the classroom with a bunch of girls flocking after him.
"Hey, Tako! Where's my chocolates?" He demanded as he flopped down in the chair next to me.
"Ehhh~ Ruki, you are asking her for chocolates? Everyone knows that she's the only one who can't even cook rice without turning it into porridge!!" The girls whined.
"What? Are you serious? You can't even cook rice? Dear me, do I have to eat your watery bento everyday after we get married?" Ruki gave a troubled expression as he mumbled to himself. "Ah, but you are from the sea, so it can't be helped, right? I guess I have to get used to it from now on.. I do hope that it's edible... oi Tako! Make me a bento! I have to have a taste of your cooking myself! In any case, where's my chocolate?!" He stuck out his hand haughtily.
"Hai, Ruki!" Sumire, the president of Ruki FC said as she placed her box of chocolates on Ruki's palm and fed him a piece of her tasty-looking chocolate.
"Oooh Sumire! Umai yo kore!" [Umai = tasty. In other words, 'Umai yo kore!' = 'This is tasty!] "Ruki exclaimed as he the remnants of the chocolates off his lips in a seductive manner.
Sumire's breath latched as Ruki gave her a thumbs up. "Oh Ruki..." She leaned in, puckered her lips like a goldfish and was about to kiss Ruki on the cheeks when Ruki got up from his seat abruptly, turned his back towards her and stood over my table.
An inhuman sounding snort escaped through my lips as i tried to hold my laughter back.
"Where's my chocolates? You-"
"Ruki, don't eat her chocolates, eat mine instead!"
"did make them, didn't you? After-" 
"No, mine!"
"all, that day you was weeping cutely onto my che-"
Unable to bear the noise ringing through my ears, I stood up. Just within a second, everyone shut up and moved away from me instinctively. Including Ruki. Ouch. A pain stabbed through my chest. I really should stop being so repulsive. No one ever seems to want to take the initiative to talk to me. Is it because I'm not cute? Should I actually try being cute for Ruki? I peeked at Ruki's face. Ok then, just this once. I breathed in deeply, calmed myself down, and flashed a smile on my face.
"Ru-ki kyun! Here, chocolates! Say aaaah~" 
My smile faltered as i heard snickers from the crowd. 
"What is she doing? Is she an idiot?"
"Why are her legs looking so weird? Is she trying to kick someone? She looks really.... dumb"
I felt humilation. I should have just given him the chocolates like how Sumire did!! I'm sure I looked stupid and Ruki definitely does not want to hang out with a retard like me..
"Aaaah~ ahahahaHAHA" Ruki chortled and cleared his throat as soon as he spotted my death gaze. "Aaah~" He said again, seriously, motioning for me to feed him.
Embarrassed, I stuffed the whole box of chocolates into Ruki's mouth. There's only 4 pieces of them anyway, he'll manage. I looked at him with expectations. How is it? It's nice, isn't it? After all the hard work I put in learning how to bake chocolates from Yumi, this must be perfect! Ah~ Your mouth must be really blessed right now. Are you so touched that you can't say a single word~?
"Ooomph..mm...hmm.." Ruki's thoughts wandered as he chewed on the chocolates. "This is... really...er.. delicious... I guess..."
Just then, Ruki's face turned purple as he choked on a piece of chocolate. Hacking and coughing wildly, he motioned frantically for help.
"What are you trying to do to our dear Ruki, you violent woman! Are you trying to make him die of choking or of your wondrous  cooking?" Sumire shouted as she slapped Ruki's back to make him cough out some of the chocolates, not forgetting to steal some touches as she pretended to continue slapping Ruki's back. "Ruki must be feeling soo terrible right now. Imagine yourself eating a salty or peppery chocolate. Yuck." She stuck her tongue out as she gave me a disgusted expression.
Humiliation turned into anger as Sumire's words sank into me. Dryness bit into my eyes as the shame and fury reached a peak within myself. I really did try my best in making those chocolates! It wasn't half as bad. She had absolutely no right to say that about my chocolates when she never knew how much effort I put in. Absolutely. 
I was about to push the girls away to get out of the classroom when Ruki grabbed hold of my arm. "Hey, don't say such mean things to her. Tako's my girl." 
Horrified expressions focused on us as Ruki pulled me forward for a deep kiss. The sweetness of the chocolates filled my mouth as he brushed his tongue against mine, giving a soft bite on my lip before pulling away from me.
Again. He did it to me again. Such nonchalance. Like he was used to it. Like he never cared who he was kissing. He must have done this with countless other girls before he met me. He's probably even kissed Sumire in the past, too. Just like how he kissed me.
"Aww, Tako, are you touched?" He grinned and was about to pull me into his chest when I headbutted him and threw him off his feet.
"No. Stop toying around with me. I don't want to do this with you anymore." My voice croaked as I escaped, leaving Ruki sitting on the floor, giving a pained expression as he brushed his fingertips over his lips.
Ruki's POV
Nervousness knotted my intestines as I waited for her response to the kiss. Will she reject it again, even after the other day when she opened her heart to me? Argh. Calm down, Ruki. You are a y beast, remember? She's probably too touched for words. 
"Aww, Tako, are you touched?" I forced a grin on my face. This isn't enough. I need to touch her for some reassurance. I was about to pull her towards my chest when suddenly, I saw stars and my crashed onto the ground without any warning.
"No. Stop toying around with me. I don't want to do this with you anymore." Her voice croaked.
Toying? I wasn't. Didn't she realize that that's a confessio- Damn! She's about to cry again. My heart ached as I watched her back running from the classroom. It doesn't matter how many times you reject from my kisses. It doesn't matter how many times you throw me onto the ground. Just don't do that. Don't run away to a place where I can't give you comfort.
"I wasn't toying with you," I mumbled. "That was my confession. I really do like you. Why won't you realize it quickly?"
Hi guys! 
We hoped you have enjoyed this chapter.
The next chapter is now in the works!
More *kya* moments to come~ Mofufufufu
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mizukitakuri #1
Chapter 34: omg i love it!! hilarious and full of FLUUUFFFFFFF♥♥♥♥♥ please write more!!! ♥w♥
mizukitakuri #2
Chapter 18: hi can i know which scene the first gif in chapter 18 of ruki (with slenderman behind)was taken from? is it from a pv or something?? can someone please kindly send me the reply via message ? thank you!
Chapter 34: Second time reading c': amazing •;;•
NateNecromancer #5
Chapter 34: Just as other fanfictions did here on asianfanfics.com, it gave me alot of inspiration! Thank you!
Chapter 34: so so so so cuteeeee! i love it so much! ajfaksji
Teheheheh originally SuperMooo wanted to include some........ graphic scenes but we're worried that some readers might get uncomfortable with the idea.

This fic will probably undergo some revamp after we complete our second fic Ride with the Rockers!
maaaaaaaaaaajor revamp needed XD
RuKyMa #8
ahahhaha.!!! Oh God I loved it.! It was so fun and stuff, I read it all in one go.. It probably would have been even more better, if there would have been more descriptions and emotions, and it maybe was a bit to innocet for my but.. I LOVE IT.! <3
Thanks everyone! We know that it had a pretty hushed ending =(
Will probably be rewriting this (MAYBE), after we complete our other fan-fic! Trust us that it will be awesome :>
It's completed...T.T one of the best Gazette fics here on AFF!