One heck of a birthday celebration.

Tako Cassette [COMPLETED]


“So, do you guys agree on this plan?” Ruki whispered to the group, planning up the next plan for the next target. Hu.Hu.Hu.

“Of course,” Uruha sniggered.

“Definitely,” Aoi said.

“Ho-Ho-Ho,” I laughed evilly.


Ruki’s POV





Soya Sauce....


Ah. What did I left out? Oh!

Ketchup and chilli...

Thousand Island Dressing...


-End of Ruki’s POV-


“Ne, Yumi, can you do me a favour pleaseeee? Pretty pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.” I begged Yumi with the innocent-est and best-est puppy look that I could muster. Come on, fall for my cute puppy look already!

“Yea...sure...what is it?” She looked at me weirdly, as if she was about to gag out her lunch from before. What? Is my puppy look too cute that she can’t take it? Ah. I see! I should do it more often. Hehehe.

“Can you buy a birthday cake for Kai? His birthday is tomorrow and we would like to give him a surprise!” I enthusiastically requested Yumi, I’m sure she would agree once I add a ‘Kai’ inside. Haha!

“OH YOU MEAN KAI SAMA? OH SURE WHY NOT! YOU KNOW, I TOOK DOWN NOTES ABOUT HIM. LIKE WHAT TIME DOES HE BATHE... AND WHAT TIME HE PRACTICE HIS DRUMS... OH AND HIS LIKES AND DISLIKES! Kaomi, you have chosen a right person for this job! I’m gonna go buy the cake now! See ya!” Yumi jumped- more like sped off to the cake shop. But what? Did she say that she knows what time Kai bathes? Wtf. IS SHE A STALKER?

Well, at least, my job is done. I grinned cheerfully. Ah, is that a takoyaki stand? OH I LOVE TAKOYAKI! I made my way to Ruki’s house to help him with the cake.  “Whoa, Ruki chan. Your house is sure big! I didn’t know you’re rich.” I exclaimed, while running around the living room and plopping myself on the sofa.

“Yeah, yeah, now come to the kitchen and help me with the cake! OH MY DON’T TOUCH THE REMOTE CONTROL!” Ruki  exclaimed nervously and ushered me to the kitchen.

“So now what are we gonna do first?” 

“Take a look. I wrote down the ingredients that I could think of.” Ruki passed me the notebook. Oh! I evily grinned to Ruki.

“Oh yes, I’m sure Kai would love this.” 

We took out a mixing bowl, added flour...and then Ruki took out the eggs from the fridge, and beat it into the mixing bowl. Well, I’m in charge of the mixing...Then I saw Ruki taking out the sugar and dump a whole full bowl of it.

“Hey! Isn’t that too much?” I asked Ruki.

“Isn’t that the whole point of this scheme? Did I put too little? Maybe I should put more...” Ruki added another bowl of sugar into the mixing bowl.

Now the mixture looks really... Ugh. Ruki started putting in the whole bowl of salt, (Ugh!) and half the bottle of soya sauce, and mayonnaise, then he took the ketchup and chilli from the fridge, and dumped some of them into the mixing bowl.

“Oh goodness gracious Ruki! The stench!! Argh!” I complained, and Ruki went off somewhere.

“Use this.” He returned with a clothes peg. What?! Better than nothing...

Ruki placed the clothes peg on his nose, and I did the same. He continued putting in the thousand island dressing, where did he get that from?

“And lastly, this godlike ingredient. Never go without it in a prank.” Ruki held the vinegar bottle like it’s from God above. He is sure serious about this. Gah! He began adding the whole bottle of vinegar into the bowl, and soon the mixture turns into some weird... color. 

I’m sure I wouldn’t want to taste this. After that, we poured the mixture into the baking tray and place it into the oven.

“At last! I thought I was gonna die from all that bloody stench” Ruki took out the clothes peg, and slumped himself onto his sofa.

“Me too! Ugh, where did you get this idea from?” 

“Google is your best friend.” I looked at him weirdly. WHAT?

‘Ding!’ We both rushed to the oven, and took out the tray. OH lord, it smells really.....

“I think we have to put some perfume on this.” Ruki said, pinching his nose. 

“I agree...” I replied, fighting the urge to vomit.

After spraying some perfume on the cake(literally) to getting rid of the stench, we disguised our cake with white frosting, added some chocolate and wrote, ‘Happy 18th Birthday, Kai!’ on it.

“OH! It sure does look ‘innocent’ after we placed that white frosting.” Ruki exclaimed, feeling pleased with his results.

“This cake is going to be SUPER delicious,” I said sarcastically .


The Day of Kai’s Birthday

“I would like to dedicate this song to my beloved Kai. Please listen with feelings.” Uruha said ‘seriously’, while getting ready with his acoustic guitar, and glancing at Aoi, giving a thumbs up sign to him. 

Uruha began to strum his guitar to the birthday tune, and started singing,





WHAT??? Everyone fell to the floor upon his singing. WHAT KIND OF HARDCORE SCREAMO BIRTHDAY SONG IS THIS? Everyone started cracking up. The after effects of the song. Hah!

“Ok lets get on with the celebration! Kai, I made you a birthday cake with Kaomi. Handmade, you know!” I opened the box, and inside it contained a oh-so-innocent cake. Ah, I was worried the stench would have leaked out within that frosting.

“Ah!!! IT LOOKS DELICIOUS!! THANK YOU RUKI! THANK YOU KAOMI!!” Kai skipped over to Ruki and me, and hugged us tightly. Oh... just wait, Kai. Just wait.

Ruki and me gave Aoi and Uruha and thumbs up sign, and Reita looked at us suspiciously. 

“Now guys, what are you up to?” Reita whispered into our ears, shocking us.

“Uh... nothing nothing!” I nervously grinned at Reita, and looked at Kai enthusiastically, as he started lifting the fork with the big chunk of cake into his mouth. He started to chew for a bit, and then he showed a “EW-WTF-IS-THIS” expression.

“Thanks, guys, it was good.......” Kai ran off to the side, vomiting the contents out of his mouth.

“AHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAH” Ruki and me laughed, and hi fived each other. 

“THOSE EFFORTS WERE NOT WASTED!!” Ruki exclaimed and leaned on me for support. I felt my head getting hot. Ah! Don’t blush!!

“HAHAHAHA- Kai, sorry about that. Just had to prank you with them on your birthday, this is the actual cake.” Aoi opened the 2nd box, with a chocolate cake inside.

“We baked it, together,” Uruha said and put his hand on Aoi’s shoulder. (Ahhhh the BL scene is stuck in my head)

Kai glanced at Aoi and Uruha, whom expression was filled with thankfulness, since he didn’t realize that the cake was--

‘BOOOM!’ cake flew everywhere, mostly on Kai’s face. 

“BUHAHAHAHAHAHAH! DID YOU SEE THAT!! OH HAHAHA!” Uruha and Aoi laughed manically at Kai’s stupefied statue in front of the cake.

“OMAERA!!!! I’M SO GONNA KILL YOU GUYS!” Kai chased after Aoi and Uruha with the birthday cake knife.


“Um....Kai...Happy Birthday....” Yumi shyly said, while handing a birthday cake box to Kai.

Kai looked at Yumi, and blushed. “T-T-T-th--thanks Yumi..!” 

OH DEAR, KAI LIKES YUMI TOO? I evilly grinned. Kai began to open the box, and slicing part of the cake and eating it. 

“It’s good! FOR REAL! Thanks Yumi!!” Kai happily hugged Yumi tightly, and jumping up and down while hugging Yumi. Yumi sure looks like she’s gonna faint though....

“Now, Kai! Here’s your birthday dare! Carry Yumi bridal style, and run around the field 10 times! After running 10 times, kiss Yumi on the lips, kay!” I announced, making Yumi blush, her face beet red. 

“GANBARE KAI!! GANBATTEE!!” Everyone cheered for Kai at the middle of the field, watching Kai completing his dare, with Yumi looking in bliss, hugging her hands on Kai’s neck.

“Ne, Kai, you like Yumi right? If it was me carrying Tako, I would have thrown her away long ago.” Ruki said, as Kai was panting heavily in front of him. 

I hit Ruki hardly on his back. Ruki turned and playfully grinned at me, putting his hand on my shoulder. Ahhhh!! 

“Ye.a.ahh...” Kai shyly admitted, while panting and resting his hand on Yumi’s shoulder.

"Me-me too." Yumi blushed.

"Yes we know, Yumi, we know.  Now go kiss your beloved man there." I gave Yumi a slight push and winked. Oh my god, what is that silly girl waiting for. She likes Kai, and Kai likes her too. The timing can never be more perfect than this! Or is it because we are watching her? Hm...but come on, you won't deny your best friend a chance to see your love blossom, right? Go on, go on.. treat us as blocks... yes that's it Kai!!  Go for it!!!

I watched earnestly as Kai lifted Yumi's beetred face, and kissed her slowly. Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa omg that's so cute!! "Omedetou Yumi!!" I said as i puckered my lips in an imitation kiss.

"Eh? Tako, you want me to kiss you so badly?" Ruki grinned as he puckered his lips and approached me.....

"You wish!" I head-butted Ruki, tripped him and sat on him.

"You know, u two do make a great couple too!" Kai whistled.

"URUSAI!" We both shouted. There's no way that Ruki would like me, right? Afterall, i've been bullying him too much... Maybe... i should be more feminine?

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mizukitakuri #1
Chapter 34: omg i love it!! hilarious and full of FLUUUFFFFFFF♥♥♥♥♥ please write more!!! ♥w♥
mizukitakuri #2
Chapter 18: hi can i know which scene the first gif in chapter 18 of ruki (with slenderman behind)was taken from? is it from a pv or something?? can someone please kindly send me the reply via message ? thank you!
Chapter 34: Second time reading c': amazing •;;•
NateNecromancer #5
Chapter 34: Just as other fanfictions did here on, it gave me alot of inspiration! Thank you!
Chapter 34: so so so so cuteeeee! i love it so much! ajfaksji
Teheheheh originally SuperMooo wanted to include some........ graphic scenes but we're worried that some readers might get uncomfortable with the idea.

This fic will probably undergo some revamp after we complete our second fic Ride with the Rockers!
maaaaaaaaaaajor revamp needed XD
RuKyMa #8
ahahhaha.!!! Oh God I loved it.! It was so fun and stuff, I read it all in one go.. It probably would have been even more better, if there would have been more descriptions and emotions, and it maybe was a bit to innocet for my but.. I LOVE IT.! <3
Thanks everyone! We know that it had a pretty hushed ending =(
Will probably be rewriting this (MAYBE), after we complete our other fan-fic! Trust us that it will be awesome :>
It's completed...T.T one of the best Gazette fics here on AFF!