変わりなく / FOREVER 。 NEW & OPEN. JUNE 13


welcome to forever.

rules one subscibe, upvotes loved. two love has no gender, but keep in mind of the straights, the girls need love too. three be active. don't join if you aren't going to be active. let's actually roleplay and be a family. four no facechasing, bashing, or being rude. talk to everyone, be friendly, let's love. five 12 hours to make your account. this is so we'd get more members on time. so no one drags out their reservation then never shows up. alt forever. six what is your favorite song from the redlight album? 

IMPORTANT : reserving or joining this roleplay is telling us admins that you're committing and going to be active and going to stay active. inactivity for 3 days is an immediate kick out it doesn't matter who you are. don't complain about being antisocial. talk to everyone, don't leave anyone out, and be nice. by being nice i mean friendly and civil. you don't have to be over the top nice. being playfully mean and rude is fine, but there is a ing limit so don't cross it.



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babyykpop #1
May I be Irene? Thank you. =)

Chapter 1: myungsoo please?
hi there! Would you like to be affies with our roleplay?
if so, here is the link :: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/663771/
thank you!
Chorus #4
may i be gd's hyeri?
: milk.
haunting #5
may i be af's nana?

: paper heart.
may i be gd's minah?

+ dracula.