Chapter 1


The first sensation I feel is pain.



It’s like my mind went into overdrive and fried all my brain cells. I’m not kidding. All I see is blackness but I can feel my head throbbing. My eyes open lazily and the blinding white light makes me stunned for a moment. Then, I feel my body splayed out onto something soft. A bed, maybe? My eyes adjust to the light and I’m able to figure out my surroundings.



I’m in a hospital. At first, I don’t remember the accident. Did I drink too much so I had to go to the hospital? Then, everything comes flashing back to me in one go and my head hurts from the recollection. I got into an accident. Great.



Right then, a nurse walks in. She takes one glance at me, and smiles. “Good, you’re awake, how are you feeling?” I look up at her tiredly and resisted the urge to snap at her. Oh, I’m feeling brand new, right after I’ve been hit by a damned car. Instead, I reply, “Not doing too good.” She looks at me worriedly and nods, before saying, “I’m going to get the doctor to do a checkup on you, and maybe you would like to rest for a while more?” She gives me a reassuring look and leaves.



I look around and realize there’s a bag on the table next to my bed. Reaching out, I grab it and haul it onto my lap. Wait, this can’t be mine. I gasp. Louis Vuitton. That’s the brand of the bag. It would probably cost me a half-year’ worth of salary. Setting it back onto the table, I frown. How could somebody else’s bag be misplaced here? Especially one so expensive. Shaking my head, I ignore the weird feeling in my chest. Then, I realize there’s no one in the room, except me. Well, my mother won’t come anyway, she hates me. What about Na Ri? As much of a brat she might be, she wouldn’t not come. Hmmm…and Ah Rae? No matter how bad her hangover must be, she would pay me a visit, at least.



The door opens and the nurse walks in, followed by a man with thick, nerdy glasses. He takes one look at me and smiles. “Hello, I’m Park Chanyeol. I’m just going to do a simple quick checkup, hope you don’t mind.” I nod my head and he begins. He checks my eyes using some torchlight thing, makes me open my mouth and say ‘ahh’ and the usual stuff doctors usually do. Then, he asks me a few questions.



“So, Na Young, what’s your birthdate?”



“8th September 1991.” I reply without hesitation.



“What day is it today?”



“5th July.” Yesterday was the 4th of July, so today must be the 5th.



At my reply, he frowns. I’m about to ask him what was wrong, before he interrupted me with another question. “What year is it?” I glance at him strangely, wondering why he had asked that question.



“Uhh…2010, of course, what kind of question was that?” I say smoothly. With that, he sighs and gazes at me. “Okay, Na Young, I’m going to explain the situation to you, do listen.” He pauses, as if thinking of what to say. “It’s 2014. Yesterday, you were involved in a minor car accident and you were hit. You seem to be suffering from memory loss.” He says in all one breath.



I was silent. Wait..what? What? That’s impossible, that kind of stuff only happens in movies. “You have got to be joking.” I deadpanned, not amused at all. Sighing, he says, ‘I know it’s hard to believe, but your records here say that you were involved in a car accident on the 4th of July, 2010, as well. You don’t remember anything since then, do you?”



“Okay, look, Doc, maybe Ah Rae paid you to play this stupid joke on me, but it’s not funny.” I say, glaring at him. I’m not in the mood for jokes. I’m late for work today and I might just get fired! Sighing again, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, and showed me the date. 2014. I frowned. This can’t be happening. Wait, if what he’s saying is true, then what the heck happened in that 4 years? I don’t remember anything.


“Uhh…Mr Park, so I won’t remember what happened for the past four years of my life forever?” I ask worriedly, surges of panic rising up my chest, making my heart beat irregularly quickly. “It depends, it might take a day, or a week, or a month, or even years for the memories to come back, or maybe even forever. I suggest that you try to see what you find familiar, and try to remember something.” He says, before getting up and leaving, along with the nurse.



Then, I’m left alone in the room. There’s a million thoughts running through my mind. Where do I even live? Am I still working as a cashier? What happened in that four years? The door slamming open shakes me out of my thoughts. And my jaw drops. It’s my mother.



She walks in, face covered (more like smothered) in makeup and her hair seems to be dyed in shades of red. She’s wearing a dress that looks like it costs several thousand dollars and her heels make clicking noises on the floor. Where in the world did she get the money to buy all of these? She glances at me once and asks disinterestedly, “Honey, would you stop involving yourself in silly accidents? You know how much I hate hospitals and I always have to come visit you.” She says it in such a sugary sweet voice I resist the urge to snap at her. She hasn’t changed at all, even after four years. She’s still the same old uncaring y mother.



Instead, I ignore her insensitive statement. She takes out a mirror from her bag and uses it to see where she should apply her lipstick. A moment later, she gets up and says, “I’ve spent enough time here with you, honey, I have to get to my massage now, I’ll see you soon!” With that, she walks off, leaving me there stunned. I didn’t even get to ask her anything about my life!



Now, a different person walks in. My sister. Park Na Ri. Seeing her, I couldn’t help but feel relieved. Clambering out of bed, I throw my arms around her. She looks older, more matured and not the little kid like before. “Woah, sis, I know I’m great and you love me and all, but you have to cut down on the skinship.” She jokes, before putting her own arms around me and holds me close. “I heard about your condition, you really don’t remember anything at all?” She questions, raising one eyebrow.



“Why in the world would I lie to you?” I say, rolling my eyes. She chuckles and I see a mischievous glint in her eyes, one that was so familiar as she would always have the same glint in her eyes whenever she pranked me in the past. I frowned and was about to tell her to explain my own life to me but she suddenly sprinted out of the room, leaving me dumbfounded. What in the world is she doing?



Then, she came in with a kid. The boy was about two years old, with big, big eyes and a playful smile. His eyes brightened when he saw me and he ran over and hugged me on the leg. “Umma!” He screamed in delight. I froze completely and stared at my sister, who was trying to control her laughter. “What the heck-I have a kid? Are you freaking serious?” I spat, trying not to strangle the boy alive. I’m not ready for a kid, god damn it, what is this? My sister doubled over in laughter and she choked out, “Your face…is priceless.”



Wait, if I have a kid, then… “Wait, I’m married?” I blurted, completely shell-shocked. My sister laughs again and I swear I’m going to kill her if she doesn’t answer me. “Oh gosh, sis, your reaction! You should’ve seen yourself, seriously. Nah, you’re not married, you’re engaged. And yeah, you don’t have a kid.” She laughs again, before wiping her tears off her face. I swear I’m going to burn her alive.



“Wait…if he’s not my kid, then-OH MY GOD PARK NA RI GIVE HIM BACK TO HIS PARENTS RIGHT NOW!” I shriek in her face, absolutely horrified. She puts her hands up in surrender and shoots me a -eating grin before dragging the boy out. After a while, she came back in. “Sis, you’re hilarious.” She smirks. “And you’re still an immature brat.” I scoff.



Then, as I turn away from her, I catch sight of my reflection in the mirror. Wait, is that my body? My legs are toned and slim, and there are obvious muscle lines in my thighs and calves. My upper body is well-built and holy -I have abs. WHAT SORCERY IS THIS. My arms are toned as well and I gape in shock. This can’t be my body.



I turn to my sister, only to find her furrowing her eyebrows at me. “Well, you do work out now.” I gasp and stare at her. Is she serious? She shrugged and says, “Oh, and you work at Rêver Mode now.” Once again, I stare. I could only dream of shopping there four years ago, now I’m working there? “Oh, and you’re the Executive Director.” My jaw drops again and my sister sighs, “At this rate, your jaw is going to be dislocated.”



I close my mouth. Then my head snaps back up again. “Wait, who am I even engaged to?” My sister smiles and says, “Oh, you’ll meet him, he’s coming over now.” I tense up and shout, “Are you serious? I look like a mess!” Ah Ri rolls her eyes and she drawls, “Please, you live with him, I’m pretty sure he’s seen you worse.” Wait I live with him? Oh my god.



What the heck happened in four years? I changed completely, and for the better! Even though I was partially elated at how I’ve changed, I couldn’t help but feel suspicious. Why did I change in the first place?



I grab my Louis Vuitton bag, which I now know that’s mine, and rummage through it, hoping to find something, just something to spark my memory. I find lipsticks, my wallet and my phone. Digging my phone out, I press the main button and stare at the wallpaper. It was a picture of a guy and I, posing together and both of us having ghosts of a smile on our faces. Something bothered me though, something didn’t feel right. The guy had dark, tanned skin, with dark brown chocolate eyes and dark brown locks, along with thick lips and an amazingly sharp jawline. No doubt, he was handsome. Was this my fiancé?



I look up, wanting to ask my sister about it, but suddenly the door slams open and the guy on my phone walks right in. At a loss, I stand there, shocked. My sister glances at me and the guy and shrugs, “You two, sort your life out.” And she walks right out. The guy smiles warmly at me and hands out a bouquet of roses, making me blush at the gesture, before placing it on my bed and stepping towards me.



I don’t have enough time to react before he envelopes me in his arms, crushing my face against his chest and wrapping both of his arms around my waist. Burying his face into my hair, he breathes out, “I missed you.” It felt kind of awkward for me to be hugging a complete stranger but I had to remind myself that it was my fiancé, it was fine.



Something was nagging me at the back of my mind but I didn’t think much of it. “Uhh…hi.” I say lamely. He unlatches himself from me and chuckles, ruffling my hair fondly. “Na Young, I forgot you don’t remember me.” His expression turns a bit sad, before he continues. “It’s alright, we’ll start again, we love each other.” He smiles.



“I’m Kim Jongin, your fiancé.”



Author’s Note:

I had fun writing this :D Hope you all enjoyed it, all the chapters are going to be approximately around this length. Did y’all like it? Do subscribe and comment all your thoughts, okay? (: Will try to update as soon as I can, love y’all! <3 Do tell me what are your thoughts on the chapter length!! Is it too short/long?

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EXO1127 #1
Chapter 4: OMG!!!! Cant wait to see what happens!!
gorjessica22 #2
update soon author-nim! it's a good story!
Chapter 1: Awesome chapter & keep up the good work! I'm looking forward for next update - Yuki
Kaigirl123 #5