Reason 17: Family Disapproval

The Hundredth Reason

I decided to give Mark a call telling him I would have to cancel today. Sending a text would be faster, but a call to apologize for cancelling would be better.

Once I dialed, it took about maybe a second for the other end to pick up. It was like he was waiting for me to call him; like he expected me to cancel.

“Hey Mark.”

“What’s up Krissie?”

“I think I have to cancel for later and reschedule.”

“Huh? Why? You’re busy?”

I sighed and nodded my head even though he wouldn’t see. “I have a paper to write and it’s due in 2 days.”

“Ah ok. That’s fine. I was going to call you to tell you I probably couldn’t make it either.”

“Why? You have something come up suddenly too?”

“Yeah.” He sighed, “My parents.”

“I guess we’ll reschedule for next time.”

“Yeah.” I suddenly heard someone else’s voice on the other side and decided it was best if we ended our conversation now.

“I guess you have to go now.”

He chuckled, “How’d you know?”

“I don’t know, the fact someone just yelled ‘Mark we’re going out to eat now’?”

“Nice one Krissie. Very nice.”

“I’ll let you go now. Bye Mark.”

“Bye Krissie.”

We hung up and I began my work. Commitment? Please, I can’t even commit to my phone let alone write an essay on it? Ironic story of my life.


Lexie POV

I was going to ask Kris if she wanted to eat something but when I was outside her door, she was on the phone with someone. I know I shouldn’t snoop in on other peoples’ buisness but what choice do I have when it’s my best friend?

Leaning against the door, I pressed my ear as close to the door as I could.

“Hey Mark.”

She was talking to a guy? Wait, could it be the guy Alissa and Daniel told me about?

“I think I have to cancel for later and reschedule.”

They had plans with each other…?

“I have a paper to write and it’s due in 2 days.”

“Why? You have something come up suddenly too?”

“I guess we’ll reschedule for next time.”

“I guess you have to go now.”

“I don’t know, the fact someone just yelled ‘Mark we’re going out to eat now’?”

“I’ll let you go now. Bye Mark.”

She made plans yet she had to cancel? I wonder...maybe it’s time for me to take my place and do a little pushing and shoving. A little bit of effort wouldn’t be bad right? Hehe


Mark POV

I sighed once I got off the phone with Krissie. I have to admit, I really did want to go out to have lunch with her. At least I could get away from my parents and the stress they give me. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mom and dad but when it comes to relationships, they just never give me the space I need.

When I said I had plans today and couldn’t spend time with them, the first thing that came out of their mouths? “Is it with a girl?” Of course by then, I was already nodding unconsciously before I could stop myself.

My mom eyed me suspiciously, “Is it with that Shannon Lui girl again? I thought you two broke up?”

Dad walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Don’t be like that. Her mom is your 好姐妹 (good friend).”

“I don’t care. If that girl thinks she can drive my son to his limits there is no way I’m friends with that woman. The way she teaches her children to respect others is disgusting.”

“That’s in the past now. You can move on can’t you?” My dad sighed knowing the kind of response he would get.

“No. Not at all.” There was a sense of hatred in her voice, like when people would fight over something small at the store but this was about her son. “So are you seeing her again?”

I shook my head. “No Mom. I’m not seeing anyone. I just had plans to go out to lunch with a few friends.”

“And who are your ‘friends’ Mark?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“You know Daniel and Alissa. We were going to go out with another friend of theirs.”

Dad finally decided to pipe in out of curiosity, “And who would that be?”

“Krissie Lam.” I said blankly. This is exactly why I can’t ever tell them anything. They get up all in my business about the people I talk to and who I hang out with. And just by listening to the name, they can dislike a person even if I like them.

“Lam...why does that name sound so familiar?” Suddenly, both of them snapped their fingers at the same time and looked at me, “Was she dating a white guy before?”

I thought a bit and then nodded. “Yeah. Why?”

“Does she have long brown hair with see through bangs?”

I blinked a few times, “What are see through bangs?”

They waved their hands, “Never mind. Just describe her.”

“She’s average height, like 5’4”-5’5” and kinda small. She wears name brands, lots of name brands whenever I see her. Long brown hair and brown eyes and she always has on a specific bracelet.”

“Silver with an engraved plate charm?” My mom asked.

I nod. “How’d you know?”

“We know the parents. Nice people but they didn’t treat her right after her boyfriend.”

“So you guys know everything now. So can I go?” I turned towards the door but they stood right in front of me.

“You aren’t going anywhere.”

“And why is that Mom? We said the 4 of us would go out today.”

“Oh no. You’re not going anywhere that is around that girl. She’s not good for you. Instead, ” Mom took Dad’s phone and pulled up a picture of another girl. “You should meet her instead. She’s much better.”

I rolled my eyes and ran to my room upstairs. Why is it that everyone I talked to and hung around with always had to be chosen by them? Why couldn’t I choose for myself? Why is it that my life is being made by someone else and not me? Why? Why can’t I choose anymore?

Hi! I'm here again >.< Sorry my updates are so random :P Just lazy and busy as usual >.< But anyways...HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I wish everyone luck and good health this year! 

So...let's recap. Krissie and Mark can't go out because one has an essay and the other is forbidden to see the other...sound like a twist on Romeo and Juliet? I know. But I didn't mean for it to come out that way >.< But anyways, HAPPY READING! 

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Don't kill me...I'm in the process of working on the next chapter...I just need some new reasons so please help! It'll be up soon :)


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princess2394 #1
Chapter 2: Krissie is getting me mad I don't wanna sound mean but she is sound really stupid like I understand where she is coming from but ugh she should just give it a try its not like her meeting Mark is gonna commit her to him it's just a hang out. Author-nim I like your story it's good but krissie needs to be more willing.
LadyRyumi #2
Chapter 22: I could totally relate with this chapter because I used to feel that way a lot when I was younger since I was really chubby even tho everyone around me said I looked fine. Not a lot of authors would write about this topic but I'm glad you did.
I'm sorry for not commenting earlier but I'm not used to really commenting on stories. I'll start commenting from now on :)
Litoxcutie #3
Chapter 22: I'm not sure what kind or genre of music you like, but I'm mostly into the male boy groups of Kpop. I'm going to assume though that you've listened to most if not all of Got7's songs, because you're writing this fanfic, but feel free to correct me. Have you listened to any of BigBang's songs? I really like their new ones, if you(the song is called if you), bae bae, loser, and we like to party. I've also been listening to this group called Hotshot, and they recently released a new song called I'm a hotshot, but they have other songs like watch out, midnight sun, and hotshot(I know weird that they have a song that's the same as their name). Or if you're feeling like a sorta rock song, I would recommend Tvxq's keep your head down. Oooo! And you should really listen to Promise by Exo K/M depending on your language preference, the lyrics in that song are beautiful. I also think this song by Amber called I just wanna, is very cute and it's loads full of English, Eric Nam features in it! Uh, I'm sorry if I'm pushing a lot on you and it's actually nice to share things by commenting, it's great and takes no time at all. I'm actually reading fanfics before I sleep so it really doesn't take time out of my day and I like doing it.
Litoxcutie #4
Chapter 21: Wow I never realized that only one person has been commenting on your story. I'm so sorry for not commenting earlier. I'll try to comment more often. I'm glad you liked my rant and that you and I can share a hatred together about Shannon! We'll be the best of friends. Lol.
Not much of a rant about this chapter, but I have this feeling that Angela isn't what she seems to be, like she's putting on this facade of being a nice girl. Then again she could be just that. Now when I imagined Mark when he was talking about Krissie, he had this slightly smug face because he was so proud of her. And in my mind, by the way Mark was talking about Krissie, he already seems to like her even if it's just a little. I'm so glad that Mark and Krissie can speak openly to each other without even needing a special occasion. Oh! I loved it when Krissie smiled because Mark texted her! That was cute!
MrsChopsticks101 #5
Chapter 21: I feel like Angela may want more than a friendship to Mark's dismay... but i see some sparks setting off btwn him and Krissie, PLUS it was sooo cute when Mark started bragging about Krissie as his "friend" :P ;)
Litoxcutie #6
Chapter 20: Ugh. Kinda sick of Mark's parents, what they're trying to force him into is awful, even if it is love. Love isn't something that can magically happen, especially if said person isn't ready to move on. Time will heal the pain and seal it in but it can't make it disappear. I understand what his parents are trying to do, but they aren't trying to actually understand Mark or even Krissie, based on what his mother said about Krissie causing her family heartbreak, though I'm sure it's a large misunderstanding because of the dirtbag named Kyle. It is truly messed up because of Kyle! Mark and Krissie deserve a love they actually want, not Kyle trying to force the two back together or his parents trying to "help". Don't even get me started on Shannon, first she goes and takes away Mark's freedom and now she's messing up the douche Kyle(not that I care for him) who is trying to get Krissie when he's with the abuser. Ugh just sick of all of it.
Sorry for the rant and I love your story.
MrsChopsticks101 #7
Chapter 20: wooooooo~~~ I'm on school holidays too! :D I hope Mark's parents approve of Krissie soon ^ _ ~
MrsChopsticks101 #8
Chapter 19: YAY IT UPDATED! WITH FOOD! XD Idea: being passive agressive tends to be the DEATH of some relationships, along with not saying how u really feel :P
MrsChopsticks101 #9
Chapter 18: character is so ACCURATE O _ O have we met before..??? :P cant wait till the ships starts sailing~
MrsChopsticks101 #10
Chapter 17: what?!?! Krissie is BOSS though! too bad they can't see each ither :/ or will they?? mwahahahahahahahhaha~ another awesome update author-nim~ :D